Thursday, November 2, 2023

new blankets


See the new throws? one for Bob and one for Me! so how did I take this photo?  We have throws but not soft ones, Bob gets cold legs, I do not. These are 50 x 70 soft, and do not hurt neuropoty legs, which both of us suffer from.

The Plan is if he gets cold, he can THROW that on his legs. If we ever get any cold weather, I can THROW it on and go outside with the dog in the middle of the night. Or THROW it on my body while watching TV.

This is how I did the photo.

Bed Pic

Me in mirror pic, remove me from mirror and pop it in the bed pic. Easy Peasy


BEFORE YOU GO!  Note I did not say the WM word, but that is where I bought the throws. The reason I did not say the WM word is because of yesterdays comment....

David M. Gascoigne, commented on "Wal-Mart New Look!"

You mention Walmart so often in your posts that they should put you on the payroll! You must have shares in the company, surely!

DAVID! I wish I did have shares and maybe I could get a discount... Just so ALL of you know, the ones who laughed at Davids comment, you know who you are.... You should be CRYING for me, because the reason I talk about it is that is the only store I shop in and only put 20 miles a week on my car, that is doctors, RX, WM. IN OTHER WORDS, I never go anywhere but shopping and have nothing else to talk about..... are you crying yet????


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
No, not crying... if you really want to, I am sure there are other shops. I know that, like me, you opt for lots online. I love that. I don't love shopping in stores. I do think your throw blankets look plush and lush!!! They look like they may be microfibre - that is magic stuff. YAM xx

Ann said...

I'm like you but I think my travel circle is about 20 miles.
Those are nice looking throws..

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am glad that I was the cause of a little mirth among your dedicated followers. Your throws are both practical and cuddly it looks like. Miriam is a quilter and we each have our own quilts which we wrap around our knees on a cold winter’s night. How about this for a follow up?

Sandra, it’s said, shops with precision,
Never once has to make a decision.
She gets in the car and off to Walmart,
Where every last item is state of the art,
And now has to suffer derision!

Rose said...

My one trip a week to Walmart is a bit farther than yours, but not sure how dine know my weekly routine...but weekends I do go with daughter to different places sometimes.

eileeninmd said...

We do our food shop at Walmart once a week. The Walmart here is about a fifteen minute drive. There are not many stores in my area. Those throws looks soft and must be a lovely wrap to keep warm. It would be nice to have some Walmart shares. Take care, have a great day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I try not to pay attention to what people say in the comments! lol We order from that store because we can get free delivery. I don't actually go there much any more. But it is the closest store for us too. Love your new throws. I need some too!

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, all three of you have your own comfy cozy, that's a wonderful thing and soft throws are the best!

My Mind's Eye said...

MS is Queen of WM I love David's comment. You go to WM as often as I go the Seaboard. Nice blankies
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Cute! That throw looks positively delicious ... and not so skimpy like lots are.
Our house got down to 32* overnight so we and the pups bundled up with what we had. Brrrrr!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am not crying only because I already knew all of this. I did not read his comment, but I don't think he meant it in a mean way. Plus, most men hate shopping. Not to say the HE does! The throws are gorgeous, and look like a deep rust autumn color. I am throw CRAZY, and have a huge stack in the closet. I now have two of them in the living on the couch and one on the love seat. I get them to match the seasons and occasions. Plus we actually use them. One of the things I love about blogging is your blog, and next is your Wal-Mart posts! Please do not stop posting about Wal-Mart or I will go into a deep depression!!! You go more often than me, even though I go a lot. And you see and find things that I do not. I very often run out and buy the same thing you post about! I am now looking for a Christmas top for us, but have seen nothing yet. It's time for another trip.

photowannabe said...

Love your Throws, they look so lush and soft. Perfect for those hurting legs.
I used my throw the last two nights while watching tv. As soon as the sun went down the house got chilly. The only problem with getting all snuggy is I fall asleep in front of the tv..when I woke up Dave said welcome back to the living..haha..he had fallen asleep much for watching the program.
Actually heading to WM in a while. We are out of so many things. Had to wait until we got our addition to the ck account.
eBay is so slow..hope it picks up soon.
Tomorrow is early half day with Lynne. I kind of like it. Gives me lots of time after at home.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :=)
David's jokey remark I'm sure was not meant to offend. I did smile "not laugh" but it was done affectionately. You do make many posts about W M and we love whatever you post, and you post about lots of other things as well.
All the best

Breathtaking said...

Sandra, I forgot to mention your cosy red throws. I love them. I also use one, as my feet are always cold.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Those blankets look very cozy!!
Sunny & Rosy

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the throws and I love it when you talk about WalMart. My driving is mostly to one store 0.5 miles away, the other another 0.4 miles for a distance of 0.9 miles. The rest of my shopping is online.

DeniseinVA said...

Those are pretty and practical. I like the red bed ware too. I need to get more color in ours. Time for a change. No, please don’t stop posting about Walmart.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hooray for new throws. I've been using an extra cover on the bed lately at night. The air isn't running now but it's not time to turn the heat on either. We still might get some warm days.

Anonymous said...

Love the throws and color. We have wallyworld and target sams and costco within 5 miles where else would I shop???!!! Your friend in TN