Sunday, November 5, 2023

THURSDAY Morning Work Out! make that OUCH!

 I pulled everything out of 5 cabinets and two drawers and cleaned and tossed and organized. On the counter above is what was in the cabinet below.
I forgot the before shot. this is the after.
See the 3 coffee cans? each had a 2 lb bag of corn meal, flour, almond flour. I took those 3 bags in the big flour container below top shelf. In Florida we have bug problems if you leave a bag sitting out on a shelf. 

I found I had enough mustard for the next 2 years, and Zero Catsup ( major if married to Bob). Four Applesauce. most of this the result of 2020 habits formed of buy now it might not be on the shelf the next time, and hurricane supplies. I pondered just how long two people could live on MUSTARD?
Did I mention 5 large boxes of Saltines? 3 jars of mayo, 1 REAL mayo 2 Vegan Mayo which is a year's supply unless of course we put mayo and mustard on the crackers for the hurricane.
Please do not be concerned. there were also 5 jars of Peanut Butter. 3 of Jif for Bob, 2 of all natural for me. Beau shares the Jif.

3 bags of flour 1 container I thought this was clever enough to warrant its own photo to show how clever I am. It doesn't count that it is so heavy that I can't pick it up and will be there next year to toss out.

Below is the cabinet on the opposite side that some idiot designed as the largest cabinet in the kitchen with a tiny door and 1/2 of it not accessible except for a gymnast. The stool was needed because the same idiot designer, made the cabinets too high for a normal person to reach without fear for her life using them.
 I must keep the things I use rarely at the back where they can't be seen resulting in buying another because I can't see it, and the edges are full of the glass bottles that break if dropped because it's the only one that holds tall bottles. 
I wish I could be in the room with the person who built and installed these cabinets. Like the tiny one over the fridge, that I can't reach even standing on the sturdy stool and I don't dare stand on the tiny 3 step LADDER because then I would not need to reach there from my bed with a leg in traction.

I now have 4 extra dog bowls left over from angels gone over the rainbow bridge, and a 6 drink can thermal thingy (never used except hurricanes), bottles of cleaning vinegar and 5-gallon jugs of hurricane water. Object/items removed from that cabinet require a chair from the kitchen table because I can't.
 A. see it B. reach it
and if I sat on the stool, it would require EMS to come and get me up off it. Note: it has a handle to hold on but only on one side. 
Are you picking up what I am putting down?
PS for David G... I ordered that stool from AMAZON, Not Walmart! my other STORE I mention way too much.


Ginny Hartzler said...

So how did you get into these cabinets that you can't reach? In Order to see what you have. I just bought too much mustard as well. And not enough ketchup. I have lots of jars of different kinds of peanut butter, including white chocolate, cinnamon, and honey. We have a cabinet over the fridge that Phil has to stand on a chair. Also one over the stove. A lot of things I could never reach myself. I am not able to get up on a step stool, and need a tiny little portable step to even use our one step to the outside. I can't do steps at all.

eileeninmd said...

It is good to go through all your pantry items, throw out all the dated items.
I keep my catsup in the fridge. Does the plastic container help keep out the bugs? Take care, have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I love a good cupboard rumble! I have step Ladders to reach the high ones...which are mostly empty ..because they require 🪜😂...YAM xx

Ann said...

I'm constantly buying things I think I need because I didn't see one in the cupboard until AFTER I get back from the store.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Miriam and I pretty much have our respective chores lined up, and one of mine is that a couple of times a year I take everything out of all the kitchen cupboards and drawers and wash them all down thoroughly and place everything back in an orderly fashion. For that very reason, I suppose, we don’t have loads of outdated stuff, or things that we need to throw out. We are also fairly disciplined shoppers and stick to our list when we go to the store. Anything bought on impulse is likely to be a treat for that night’s dinner so it is bought and eaten the same day. Our weakness at one point was to buy every kind of specialty mustard you could imagine, but we got over that madness and now stick to Dijon.

Rose said...

I could write a book on the things I wish I in inventers had to use and do!

My Mind's Eye said...

Should I send you my address...I will provide room and board for your services.
That was a lot of work but very satisfying
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

That's a project I must do some day very soon. I just keep putting it off. The ones that need the most attention are those with tupperware and pots and lids. Most cabinets I can't see to the back and do most by "feel". Getting down to plow through isn't too bad but the getting back up is EMS worthy too.
Had the most awful Birthday dinner at Outback Steakhouse. Too expensive and really poor quality. The Blooming Onion was barely eaten burned and tasted icky. Waitress took it off our bill PTL. It was just Dave and I eating there after spending most of the day trying to sell our stuff at our yard sale. Sold about $70.00 and met some new neighbors..
Looks like rain today and now its time to head out for church.

Inger said...

I started laughing at the mustard and couldn't stop. You should be sooo glad you got this done. It's on my to-do list now. I guess I can make a post of it too, when I do it.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sorting through cupboards and the pantry is something I have started doing more often, Sandra. You commented on having several containers of mustard which made me smile as we also have several but they are different varieties -- maple, ginger, stone ground, Dijon and there's only one bottle of ketchup in the fridge. I also use a step stool to reach items in the cabinets above the stove.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We never clean out our cabinets often enough. In the event of a natural disaster we could probably eat for 8 months.

Mevely317 said...

That last picture could well be my own cabinet. AND the one hanging above it. Same designer. Great for putting things all the way to the back, but a real pain to get them out again. The mustard collection made me giggle, b/c we've the same thing going with Toms' Catalina salad dressing.

I'm super intrigued about the flour container with the handle. Silly me's one of these folks who gets sucked into container stores.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good for you! 👍❤️

DeniseinVA said...

Fun to see your cupboard contents, that really does look like quite a workout. With us it was too many jars of mayo.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go! My kitchen needs that desperately. I could sure use your help!!!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

In 2021 I fell off a chair trying to put items rarely used in cabinets over fridge and while getting down somehow I flew onto the ceramic floor badly fracturing my left arm. I was trying to move. Covid and my health issues have held us back. Our move has yet to happen. Aiming to get to our house by next summer. We currently use it as a cottage arrangement going when we can.