Thursday, December 7, 2023

Answers to What's Up Doc?


My post yesterday, asked, What's Up Doc! with these 2 photos.
Due to Play Time at Desktop for too much time and talking for 70 minutes to my neighbors standing in their driveway, I have a varicose vein bulging and pulsing.
treatment plan? EXCERCISE, which I do faithfully each day and have since 2015, elevate feet when sitting, 30 minutes twice a day elevate feet over my heart.

My answer is up moving more, and Ottoman propping with Bed Therapy and use of aspercream or Arnica Bruise Cream several times a day.
Add this to the fact I have not been feeling well, not since Oct 26, Covid Booster. It might be that or might be something else. Doctor visit revealed my lab work could not be better if special ordered for perfect. Fatigue, lack of energy, lack of desire to do any and all things, my joints hurt, my leg hurts, headaches come and go. Doctor says mild depression, to me it is not so mild.
Trying to describe how I feel the word never heard, only read in books came to mind.

Photos from archives. I did not put out my Santas or painting, I have not decorated the nook for the first time EVER in 34 years.
to cut back on Time Spent Playing Online, I am going to dive into the first December of this blog.
the good news is you will have mostly photos and a LOT LESS Words.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
First - ugh, hope that vein behaves to treatment! Second, that does sound like reaction to the jab, as several folk have complained of similar following the latest booster, nothing to do but wait it out. So Thirdly, well done on prioritising self-care and making use of archives! YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

Ugh general malaise - know it only too well. And we create so much pressure for ourselves as Christmas approaches don't we? I hope that vein goes down again. Medical science hasn't offered to strip it for you then?? My bro had his done and can't speak enough praise for the change it made in his life. (He spends all his working hours standing and walking on concrete floors.)

Stay well, Keep up the pills and ointments as a friend of mine used to say....

easyweimaraner said...

we hope the malaise os over soon... and we are qwith you... less is more when it comres to decorations... I always ponder about the day I have to remove all the stuff... ugh...

Linda P said...

I'm sorry to hear that are feeling lethargic and I hope there's an improvement and you get back to your happy self. Chatting helps, I think. Take care. Thinking of you all over in your place.

Ann said...

Sorry to hear about all this. It's good to know that all the lab work came back great. I'm pretty sure that some of my issues are mild depression as well. If that is mild I sure would hate to have a severe case of depression.
I love all your Christmas past photos.
Take care of yourself and feel better soon

eileeninmd said...

I am familiar with malaise, the start of cold weather and winter bring it on for me. I hope you feel better soon. Your nook loos so pretty! Take care, have a great day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Get well soon, the world needs you.

DUTA said...

Varicouse veins is mostly a genetic condition; excercise and creams won't solve the problem.
As for Covid booster, I've heard many complaints regarding the first booster.

Rose said...

I wish I co ui look d snap .u fingers as nd youfeel better. And me told for that matter.

Mevely317 said...

I remember my mother having to practice self-care when her varicose veins began to act out. She swore by her support hose -- even to the point of darning them when necessary -- but I don't know anyone who still wears them.

Your description and reference to malaise fits Tom to a 't'! Pastor Janet stopped by for coffee yesterday and was saying Andy (her husband) is experiencing a lot of the same symptoms.
Whooooooooo boy, I'm going to eat something I shouldn't (therapy!) .... and worry about it later.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Sandra I am so sorry about the vein. I know they can be very painful. Sending hugs that the aches and pains are soon gone. Surely you are well past a month of receiving the booster.
You know I am a fan of your archives
Hugs Cecilia

Inger said...

I felt the same way after I had the latest covid vaccine. It took forever to get over it. If that's what it is, you will feel better. I'm now going to google side effects of latest vaccine.

photowannabe said...

I think you have hit the right word as malaise..
Hope your exercising more and not sitting in one place so long will work.
Glad the work-up from the doctor came out perfectly. that's a relief.
Yesterday I did absolutely nothing..I was lazy and sat at my computer most of the day..Not good but it seems that was all I had energy for.
Now its moving on to getting things for son and daughter in laws Norwegian Christmas dinner and party on Saturday.
Then its on to a few Christmas cards and a few gifts for family. I'm trying not to feel the pressure of needing to shop and the pressure of not having the funds to do what I want to do.. This getting old and being broke isn't fun!!
But I am not going to go down that rabbit hole..enough..

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Hang in there Sandra...Archive diving will be good for posting, and maybe cheering you up too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Cutting back on online playtime sure is difficult and I hope all is 100% better super soon.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You know I feel pretty much like you do although I have not had the Covid shot. I'm working hard on getting enough exercise. I'm using that bruise cream too. When I was at my lung doctor on Monday I was showing her my reports from the ER in Sept. She commented on how excellent my bloodwork was. Where do we go from here?? I pray that we both find peace and our bodies heal so we feel wonderful.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry you're suffering! I hope that goes away soon.

Posting old photos is a great idea, they're gorgeous. I hope you start feeling better soon. ❤️

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra:=)
Throbbing veins are painful but you are doing all the right things to get better, at least of the vain. I'm so sorry you are suffering from malaise,it does sometimes happen after a vaccine
I hope you get well soon.

DeniseinVA said...

I am sorry you're having to deal with all of this. Feel better soon!