Saturday, December 16, 2023

Coming to you from my bed


My veins in my leg have me finding ways to blog without legs hanging down. the plaid is the tips of my toes, they are propped higher than my heart to let the veins drain back up, the valve at the bottom has stopped working, I used a pillow, a neck pillow and my chromebook, with 3 pillows to let me recline..
This is the reason for all the  photos and fewer words.

I had planned and almost done a post for today to show you all the decorating I did when I said I would not. 
Then I got a message from Spectrum Cable, that said YOU STILL have not replaced your router and modem and dvr. please call and order it. I did, even though 4 different people said I did not need one.. 
I met the nicest young man on phone, it was only a FIVE MINUTE call and the next day a huge box of three things that said Spectrum Equipment Replacment to be SELF Installed. 
Friday, clean bathrooms, shop WM to avoid Tropical Storm coming for Sat/Sunday vist, walked my beautiful Boy Beau and all before 9.

We Self Installed Equipment in the mind blowing 2 and 1/2 hours. that included an hour of ACTIVATING what we did by using the computer.. also included, Prime, Netflix, Chromebook, Desktop, Printer, 2 phones and a Kindle reader to the NEW and better internet by typing FOURTEEN digits password, given to us to use in all devices. The printer nearly killed me, HE (I know its male, because it woud do nothing I told it to do) would not connect, I ended up uninstalling the printer and reinstalling and finally done at 11:30 JUST in time to make lunch and type this stuff for Saturday. It is sad that a year ago I could have done this all in half the time because my memory worked and I did not have to stop and THINK before I did each and every thing....
Proof I did put out 5 Santas and I did put out another tree.. 


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yeah, that lag of time that comes upon us is frustrating. But the job is done and legs up is well deserved (apart from necessary!) YAM xx

DeniseinVA said...

You are amazing to do all that. I would probably have had to get help. Glad you are taking care of yourself with those legs. Hope they feel better soon.

eileeninmd said...

Job well done! I am sure you are happy with the outcome and faster modem.
Love the cute Santas! I hope the weather is not too crazy. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

Linda P said...

Love the decorations. It's good that you've got your feet up. Have a rest and some relaxation. I've downloaded your Christmas greetings photo with Beau. Your smiling face, Santa hat and special tights make me smile. Have a good weekend Sandra.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Congratulations on your technical prowess. That kind of stuff intimidates me and I call a friend, who always comes by and patiently installs everything for me. I have told him he is now allowed to die first,

Rose said...

I am glad that is done...I wish you coukd get real relief for the veins.

Ann said...

My mind is boggled just from reading all of this. I think I would end up with extreme frustration if I had to go through all that with the self install.

Inger said...

There's nothing to feel sad about here. I couldn't have done any of it at any time, any age, anywhere. You are just a very tech smart woman.

The Happy Whisk said...

The connecting stuff to install feels like it gets more and more steps with each upgrade. I'm sorry about the legs. Very cool though that you found a work around. Have you tried any of those memory games?

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good for you getting all of that stuff installed. Been there, done that and it's not an easy task.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra have you tried compression hose? I know you wear sandals but they come in shades that you can hardly see.
Boy I'm glad the spectrum stuff is finished.
That same storm is due here tomorrow dumping 'inches' of rain up to 4 or 5 in some places. We expect close to 3"
Hugs Cecilia

Jo said...

Oh wow, Sandra, you're amazing to do all those intricate computer chores! Love the Santas. Love the lighting. Take care of your legs. xx

Jo said...

OMW Sandra, I was so sure I had posted a comment. Talk about memory Mmm. Skabby horned in on my notebook and commented on Beau's blog next door. So Im not sure if I had sent MY comment to MY friend. Please let me know...

Mevely317 said...

First, I ADORE your hunters plaid blanket. I have a pair of pajama pants like those that I'd wear 365 days a year if I could.
UGH(!!!!!) on that self set-up. Memory aside, that's so above our pay grade. Do they not offer to provide a tech for the ignorant/elderly like us? For a fee, of course ... but in the interest of my own sanity, if would be worth it.

We're keeping a close eye on the storm since Tommy and Annette are each scheduled to fly out of Atlanta tomorrow afternoon. (Yay!)

Linda said...

We have Spectrum, too! But someone installed it for us. I admire you for doing so well in techy things! AND creative! I can clean and decorate and write but I struggle with technologies!
LOVED your digital Christmas card!
Amber and I spent the day together on Friday and she put a new blog background on for me. She found a site that I had not seen before. I can do what I already know and I hope this site stays up so I can change things myself. Amber has a full plate! Between all four of my techy kids - I stay connected!
Prayers for your health, Sandra. I always pray for you and Bob but didn't realize you were having such a problem with your veins. Does Bob not realize how serious it is to NOT go to the doctor? God has blessed us with medical care but we have to GO! Love you both!

LC said...

prayers for resolving vein issues and kudos for your amazing techie skills. I am trying to restart blogging. Until I can get a grandchild or neighboring 5-year-old to help me catch up on technology I willcontinue to comment anonymously. LC

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm impressed by your technical skills too! And figuring out how you can blog even when your legs have to be up. I'm concerned about your veins, what does the doctor say? ❤️

Tigger's Mum said...

It is saddening to read that you are struggling with some things and not able to enjoy all your hours in ways that you would prefer. You are still however an unbelievable role model - I'm so hopeless with tech that i was enormously relieved to discover the new phone i decided to get (old one camera seemed to be dying) could be set up be a transfer of everything from the old one. This is my 4th mobile phone ever and 3rd smartphone and first time the new phone looks and works like the previous one, saving me days or weeks of wasted life trying to get it set up for the ways i use it. Now i just have to find something to replace wifi direct sharing which I used all the time to get photos from phone to computer and storage. I hate it when something that works well is deleted by some clever clogs 'developer' and no obviously better alternative is put in its place. I hope all your extra decorating has sparked the Christmas feeling at your place and that you have a great festive season - not just xmas day but all of it and new year too. Xxx F (aka Tigger's Mum)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was a big project you did. Way to go! Hopefully everything is working well now. Hope your veins are feeling better. Love Mr. & Mrs. Santa. Way to go on doing more decorating. I'm working on my tree and it went well yesterday and today I have no interest at all. I'm only putting about half of them up this year. Mainly concentrating on the ones James will love. They are at the very front.