Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Comments on Comments

 On prior post, I got this comment 

The above comment is much longer, if you care to read the details, click on the prior post. I did this to give MYSELF more time to TALK.

Blogger Rose said...
Its okay... I will change seats with David...and you and I will chat!

David, I am 

My comment is 
David, you are safe. 
A. I don't fly, I flew twice in my life and the last one we got to land out of our turn because I was so sick, when the towers in Sarasota said, holding pattern for our plane, the pilot said, UMM tower, we can't wait that long. Extremely ill woman aboard, requesting land now. 
They tower put us next and they had to carry me to the sofa in the lounge, it was 30 minutes before i could walk. That was in 1984, in a four seater small plane, I heard the whole conversation.
B. Even though I swore never to fly again, you would still be safe because I only talk to people who talk back. As long as  you don't answer me, I will read my kindle while you look at Bird photos.


CheerfulMonk said...

Wow! That was really sick. ❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

Really funny comments. I would SO talk to you!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your flight story is unbelievable. Of course, I have NEVER flown and never plan to.

easyweimaraner said...

hahaha thanks for bringing some fun into this gray wet-nesday...

Tigger's Mum said...


Ann said...

LOL on the comment. Not so funny on the flying story. That must have been horrible. I would sit next to you on a plane. You me and Rose can have a grand old time.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, that flying story is not funny. I love to fly, I saw a website that shares plane etiquette 25 unwritten rules. One rule was if headphones are on do not disturb. Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

If I got sick like that on a plane I would not want to fly either.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Heheheheh, that told 'im.... Seriously though, this reminded me of the flight from Chicago to Toronto I made back in 2016 when the fellow next to me was clearly an aerophobe. He was gripping the seat till his fingers turned blue from restricted circulation, his face was a dreadful shade of grey, and he could have filled a ten-gallon hat with the sweat he shed... and we had one of the worst landings I have ever experienced in all my years of air travel! Yes, ground crew had to come in and see him off before the rest of us could move... YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Well, Sandra, I am flattered that you devoted a whole post to one of my comments. I shall be smug for the rest of the day!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I would sure talk to you but not on a plane either. I don't mind the flight stuff but all the crap you have to go through to get on a plane these days is awful and I'm not doing it again.

My Mind's Eye said...

Nothing worse than be sick in the air EXCEPT to have others close by witnessing. I have never been motion sick but I have heard is is miserable.

Great post MS
Hugs Cecilia

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Can I sit by Bob? Ask him!!!

photowannabe said...

I really like to fly but its has been 5 or 6 years since I was on one. Don't mind chatting with the person next to me if they want to. One year I was captive between 2 large men on a flight from Atlanta to San Francisco..oh my..there were burps and"farts" and I had neither arm rest..didn't think I was going to survive that one. Those business flights really gave me no choice.

Mevely317 said...

Great comeback! Yes, I saw David's comment yesterday and wondered what you thought.

I'm not going to say 'I'll NEVER, ever fly again', but odds are I'd come closer to bungee jumping. I agree, I think the universal Do Not Disturb signal are ear phones. Maybe an eye mask for good measure. Judging from what's shown on TV, there's lots of nut cases in the air.

Breathtaking said...

What a bad experience Sandra. I don't mind flying, although it's been five years since my last plane flight.It was a small plane, just two seats in the back. I enjoyed the view, but my friend sitting next to me was sick all the way. On a commercial flight I really prefer not to talk,but if someone engaged me in conversation I would be happy to respond.

DeniseinVA said...

Well, Sandra, if I was in a 4-seater plane, they'd have to carry me to the lounge too!!! Thankfully I haven't been on a flight for several years now, I always get sick on them and it ruins my vacation time for a week. Not sure I want to get on another one but shhhh...don't tell my dear other half.

p.s. you've got hutzpah dear lady, and a great sense of humor, and I admire both.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I have only been in a small plane once in my life and that was quite enough. Thankfully, I did not have the same experience as you did, Sandra. I also smiled at David's comment.

Inger said...

I have flown thousands of miles, but that doesn't help me to know what this post is all about. I know I'm supposed to go to another post, but I'm too tired now, so sorry. Yes, I know I should read blogs in the morning, not while I'm waiting for my oven to heat up so I can cook my dinner.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's too funny. I love the story you shared about your flight in 1984. Like Rose, I would love to sit next to you.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Of course I forgot to say that I'm sorry you had such a terrible experience on your flight.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

OMG, where did my first comment go? That's too funny about what David said.