Monday, January 29, 2024

DoDo Bird TALE


source HERE
Many times, in my life I have said "dumb as a DoDo bird, or said he/she is a Real DoDo... They are supposedly extinct. But there is one still alive and working at Amazon.

For some reason, the poor, dearly departed Dodo birds were thought to be Stupid and the word has become the symbol for dumb or stupid. 

Quickly I booted up the desktop and, Just because I could, I asked Microsoft Designer, new name for s Bing Image Creator, for a Dodo bird in a Florida kitchen... Remember, this was just because I could. Not bad, except half the kitchen wall is missing. 

My Amazon packages were delivered this week, placed on the front porch and I raced outside to bring them in. I had ordered three things, and one was 4 lbs of Tapioca Flour, which is hard to find in the stores. I opened the last box expecting a bag of flour and saying out loud, how can flour rattle in the box. I pulled it out and waved it around and Bob said, what is that? I said I have no idea; it doesn't look anything like a bag of flour. I was waving it around and clacking it while saying, wow, some dodo bird at Amazon put the wrong thing in the box. TOO BE CONINUED 


Ginny Hartzler said...

A mystery item! Anything they send you that you did not order, you can keep! Some kind of noisemaker? What is wrong with people that they keep killing off animals!!

easyweimaraner said...

ha maybe the sis or bro of our dodo delivery guy? sure they all have to work somewhere... and I'm afraid the dodo's have more kids than the waltons... good night john-do-do

Ann said...

Looks like they had to tear the roof off so that dodo could fit in the
It's a mystery on the Amazon package. Can't wait to find out what it was and where the flour went.

Pam said...

Did not realize they were not still alive. I understand, there are days that it is just best for me to be in the house, away from people cause it seems like I run into a lot of those dodo birdes! My old boss used to say you could not understand how they found their way to work everyday.

My Mind's Eye said...

OH DEAR ME. I think a Dodo bird could have done a much better job. I do love the AI image. Your photos are gorgeous. I might have to play around with AI
Hugs Cecilia

Rose said...

Oh, my, I hope there is a photo of the object!

Brian's Home Blog said...

HA! I'm certain that there are plenty of the Dodo birds working at Amazon and they've even eaten some of our packages before they arrive!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for the info on dodo birds and sure there are some in human form, perhaps even packaged the wrong product delivered from Amazon. Hope the correct one is re-delivered to you, Sandra. And, please DO share what you received by mistake.

photowannabe said...

I'm with everyone else on Amazon and some Dodo birds.
I ordered a book on presale to be delivered Jan. 30...
Then I get a message that my book will be delivered early on the 18th, then there is a message that it will be delayed. Then a message it can't be I want to cancel the order..NO I don't want to cancel it. Then I get a phone call from Amazon Distribution that my book will be delivered on the 23rd...You know where I'm going with this...NO book, No tracking, No nothing
I have had my cc charged twice for non existent book..
I am waiting until the original date of delivery of Jan. 30 rolls around.
No book and then I call and get my 2 charges off my ck. acc.
I hate this kind of stuff...

Mevely317 said...

That first image looks like a shower curtain.
I agree, the bots (eg Dodo's) at Amazon need to slow down and pay attention.
Like the others, I can't wait to find out what was in the last box. Wouldn't you love to see the look on some stranger's face when they opened your 4 pounds of tapioca flour.

PS - Thanks for the head's up on Image Creator's new name!

Chatty Crone said...

I wonder what it is? Sometimes I feel like a dodo bird myself.

DeniseinVA said...

I left a comment that was supposed to be on here so I deleted the other one. I am looking forward to seeing what you got by mistake. Poor old Dodo bird! They were smart birds, just too trusting of humans.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry they sent the wrong item. Looking forward to hearing what happened next.