Saturday, January 6, 2024

Happiness is Hot Chocolate



I love Hot Chocolate/Cocoa! Until IBS appeared a couple of years ago, I had a cup of hot cocoa every night at  when we sat down to watch a movie. In my search for a replacement of the Swiss Miss Mix, I used, I found I can use cocoa powder and Yam suggested Carob, but since I can't drink milk, not even lactaid free, I tried Soy, Oat and the one above Almond milk.

I use both Soy and Almond milke in my blended fruit drinks and they are great. 
I am hear to tell you, do not heat Soy milk or Almond milk. 
Nasty! Really Nasty!

I have survived without it for almost two years! I can live without it! In research I found a site that tells 

Out of 13 listed, I found these 2 really interesting..


The Mayans and Aztecs, who picked up the habit from the Olmecs, drank a bitter brew they called “xocoatl,” typically made with chilies, water and toasted corn, and served lukewarm and frothy. The Spanish, who were introduced to cacao drinks after conquistadors brought them home, sweetened things up by adding cinnamon, sugar and other spices to the mix.


The pure cacao drink that early Mesoamericans crafted was high in calories and antioxidants, and delivered a jolt of caffeine. So naturally, they believed it had restorative properties. Aztec warriors would often drink cacao before going into battle, while Montezuma II was rumored to guzzle as many as 50 cups each day. The drink also gained a reputation as an aphrodisiac. After the recipe came to Spain in the 16th century, monks locked it away for a time to prevent widespread philandering.

NOW YOU KNOW HOW TO STOP PHILANDERING.  the answer is stop drinking cocoa.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Maybe some of us will start to drink cocoa. 🤪

Ann said...

That last part just made me laugh. Who would have though that hot cocoa would cause philandering.

Rose said...

Your last line cracked me up.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...wonder if that is what led to the nonsense about chocolates being associated with romance... anyway, cool facts! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

I love hot chocolate, a tasty drink. I thought the Swiss Miss Mix called for water? I use Almond milk in my cereal, I am not a milk drinker.
Take care, have a great day!

My Mind's Eye said...

Covering my nose at the thought of any kind of milk or milk substitute heated. I love milk but even 1% has a bit of an aroma but I can heat it in the microwave for 2 and 1/2 minutes. I use Ovaltine chocolate for my hot chocolate.
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm right there with you, I am allergic to the dairy protein, which mean no types of dairy at all. I do miss a really good hot chocolate.

Mevely317 said...

50 cups a day?!?!? That's too funny about (the belief) it being an aphrodisiac. Just think what fun some whiz-bang marketing firm could create for their upcoming Valentine's Day campaign.

I had a cup of Cafe Vienna last night and actually wished I had a quart of Almond Milk to make it taste richer. Now I'm curious why it's awful when heated.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are some interesting facts. I've never been much of a hot cocoa drinker.

DawnTreader said...

I remember having cocoa for breakfast back in my childhood, before I became a trea-drinker... Nowadays only occasionally (in the evening) and with oat milk.

photowannabe said...

I do like hot chocolate but rarely have it..don't know why.
Philandering..haha...that is too funny.
There has got to be something you can do to drink that brew...

DeniseinVA said...

I love hot chocolate but I haven't had any in a while. Those are interesting facts about it. Thanks for the share.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I haven't tried to make any with the ingredients I need to eat. I can't have any sugar and not all 'fake' sugars can be heated. But I do love a good cup of coffee there's that!

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you for the education! I'm sorry almond and soy milks don't work for hot chocolate.