Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Let Us Set Your Mind At Ease


Dear E-Friends, when I VENT/Rant/Rave about Wal-Mart or any of the myriad of things I find in daily life to vent about, set your mind at ease. I consider venting my release valve. Things Talked About are easier to live with.  Pretend my head has the little jiggler thingy that sits on top of a pressure cooker and the more it jiggles, the less chance of an explosion. which means I will not be yelling at bob or Beau because I have vented to all of you.

Also, set your mind at ease. I have a step stool with a handle. I rarely use it due to the likely chance i might fall off of it. I am much safer on tiptoes than a stool.

the top shelves are used for storage of lightweight boxed food, that are easily lifted down to refill the jar the crackers live in.

Do not be concerned that I stand on tiptoes. I actually do balance exercise every other day, as soon as I step out of bed, tiptoe exercises, along with squats, and kicks, knees up high and this one too. On alternate days I have another set I do.

. You should be able to stand like this and count to 10 or higher.
The higher you can put your foot to the side the better, I can put mine on the side of my knee.
PLEASE, if you are in need of balance and a senior DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS UP.
My senior exercise is done in front of the kitchen sink, or the counter by the nook or at bobs chest of drawers. I lightly touch one of these with two fingers, and when I started, I held full hand on tight.
I do not stand on a block...  for some reason I can count as high as I want to, with my right leg down, the left some days I make it to 5 and a few days to 10. If anyone is interested in my step out of bed 5 minutes exercise that keeps me moving and helps my neuropathy, keeps me balanced, I might try to show you. IF I looked like her, I would do a video for you 

The reason I tell you all this STUFF is because I have absolutely nothing else to talk about and if I don't talk to you, you don't talk to me, and I LOVE TALKING. The things I write about is what we would discuss if having coffee together.
Today I talked for 40 minutes while walking Beau, to the neighbor 4 doors down, and what to my wondering eyes did appear, but Bob driving his truck to see if we were attacked my dogs or coyotes.
It's his own fault he had to come check, because he refuses to use a phone. He was a little upset because he was worried because I did not appear at the time I always do.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The last part is hilarious to me. This interests me for sure. Because every single time I have tried any exercise (including with P.T. pros) I end up injuring something. I needed P.T. for last month to get back on my feet after my hospital stay. He gave me only small exercises, and it did get me back to walking. But not without injuring a nerve in my leg and one in my hip. Another P.T. series ended up with a torn meniscus. Inserts in my shoes specially made for my foot by a podiatrist resulted in nerve damage where I could not walk...he refunded me my money. So now I am afraid to do any kind of exercise at all, and that is not good! I may continue with the tiptoe ones, they don't seem to hurt me.

DeniseinVA said...

Blogging is a great place to vent our anxieties. Like Ginny’s comment about your last paragraph, you did make me smile. These exercises are important to us. Thanks for sharing this one. There are two ladies on YouTube who do exercises together. A mother and daughter. The mother is our age and she does hers mostly by sitting on a chair. They have several videos. You can check this one out at the link below.


easyweimaraner said...

LOL... the bro of mark... he came running and said uuh I thought you got lost... although we have phones... I think Mr. Bell shakes his head about this guys

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Yup, the blog is a great place for venting! After all, you're amongst friends here...YAM xx

Ann said...

Bobs little drive could have easily been avoided if he had only just called you.
I don't mind when people vent, I do sometimes. You have to let it out.

eileeninmd said...


I do not mind the vent, it is good to let it all out.
The balance exercises are great, something I should be doing more of.
My exercise today may be shoveling 5-6 inches of snow.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Venting is a release for sure, Sandra, and we all need to do it whether in person, over a phone chat, or in a post. The key is to how it is done and your posts are never in a mean spirited way or nasty which is why fellow bloggers reply in a positive way. It’s nice that Bob came to check on you, but a phone call would have been easierπŸ˜•if he would only use one.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am glad that you are venting here and not kicking harmless cats and dogs! Here is a confession about my secret nightmare - that I will get seated next to you on a plane one day! All I wish to do on a flight is to read my book. I do not wish to chit chat with a stranger, I have no interest in hearing about their pets or their kids, their dietary preferences and especially their political bent. I just wish to be left alone in peace and quiet with my book. Remember that!

Rose said...

Its okay... I will change seats with David...and you and I will chat!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Venting is fundamental, we all do it but we enjoy yours more than most!

My Mind's Eye said...

MS your nothing to talk about was very entertaining....well done!!
As for the pressure valve I was reminded oh my Mom's first attempt at using a pressure cooker....all I'll say is good thing we had a low ceiling and my Dad was young and had great balance since he was up there for a while
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Great analogy to the pressure cooker!
Most of the time Macie and Grace are the recipients of my rants because (a) Tom can't hear/doesn't care or (b) I'm too chicken to put it out on social media. At least your rants are couched in a humorous tone.

Stand like that and count to 10? Hahahaha.Because I began my morning on the heating pad, I've GOT to start limbering up again.

photowannabe said...

Aww good for Bob being concerned about you. There's a softie under that brusk exterior..(:0)
Love your exercises and especially the balance ones. I'm finally back into stretching and working those leg muscles again. It is helping my knee so that is good.
Also love your pressure cooker AI thing.
We all need a safe place to let off steam.
Dave and I have an exciting 4 or 5 days coming up...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good for you on those exercises. I have to try them out. Glad you are being safe in the kitchen. That was sweet of Bob to come looking for you. If you find the video I would like to see it.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love our chats! Hurray for blogging!

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :=)
I think it was lovely that Bob was concerned when you didn't return at your usual time. He was obviously worried about you. Perhaps his loss of hearing is the reason he doesn't like to use the phone, I say this because my late husband was hard of hearing and never answered the phone.

I had 4 hospital appointments this week and I have one on Friday, it's been difficult to visit, but 'll try to catch up.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a good hubby!!! Our Dad will call MOm on the phone if she is out walking longer than he expects, just to be safe:).

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber