Monday, January 1, 2024

New Years Day 2024

I was born in September, I assume my parents started their new year successfully! 

Sorry for all the annoying behavior I did throughout the year. May you give me another chance to do the same in the next New Year! 



DeniseinVA said...

Can’t wait for more of you and your fun posts. Happy New Year/Survival 😉

Tigger's Mum said...

Like Denise - looking forward to more. Keeping surviving well. Xxx TM (xronia polla)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
...and thank you for the first giggle of the year!!! Start as you mean to go on, right? Of course obstacles will appear - but that is now reason to be without cheer... All the very best to you and Bob and Beau. YAM xx

DawnTreader said...

"Survive a New Year" to you, too! ;-)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Yup, we certainly know how your parents celebrated the New Year! Hope they celebrated every day after too!

Ann said...

LOL, Love the survive a new year. I think I can manage that.
I can stand moving into a new year and I'm glad to know that it's with the same old you and not a new one.
Happy New Year to you and Bob.

eileeninmd said...

I am looking forward to your fun post and images.
Happy New Year to you, Bob and Beau!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey and Happy New Year Sandra!!
Loved this!!
hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Of course! Like I just wrote on my blog, a 'ka-jillion' chances.

Your first graphic is both humorous and TRUE! Yesterday morning while leaving church I stopped myself from wishing Bev (my friend who just lost her husband) a Happy New Year and substituted the word 'blessed' instead.
I love your second meme sooo much. Clipping and saving in my little 'Joy' journal as a reminder!

Inger said...

Happy New Year, and don't you dare to change. I am looking forward to another year of friendship.

Betty Manousos said...

Happy New Year/Survival! looking forward to your wonderful posts and pictures. big hugs!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are a breath of fresh air whipping through the Blogosphere. Here's to a happy and healthy 2024. Happy New Year!

photowannabe said...

Sandra, you are one in a million. I'm so glad we are blog friends. May this coming year be filled with special days, fairy lights, walks with your precious Beau, things that tickle your funny bone so they trickle out your fingers and onto the blog pages.
Of course all is not happy in the coming year but I pray that you can find a glimmer in each week to come.
Love ya!

Linda P said...

I love our blog friendship. Your blog is always full of interest. May the new year be a good one for you, Bob and Doggie Beau. Happy New year!

Olde Dame Holly said...

Happy, uh, Survive A New Year! Your posts always make me laugh. Thanks for that!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love this post!! So, whatever kind of year it may be for both of us, I do hope it's full of the best of health, fun, adventures and memories too!! ❤❤

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Enjoyed this post. Wishing you all the best this year. I pray that we can have peace of mind and happiness in our hearts. God Bless.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I wouldn't take you any other way!!
Happy New Year!

CheerfulMonk said...

Good! We don't want you to change. 😊❤️

The Happy Whisk said...

You're not annoying at all. You're a hoot and a half!
Bring on 2024 - here's also lots of photos for us both.

Linda said...

Absolutely!!! 2024 will be a brighter and happier place with YOU in it! Love you, Sandra!!!
Keep on KEEPING on! We NEED you....

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Best wishes to you & Bob for a good 2024 Nd thanks, Sandra, for non-centered text in this post.

Rose said...

WE are lost without you!