Friday, January 12, 2024

The Weapon, the wound and the Drama Queen


1.  The weapon: a box of Saltines, box lifted from the TOP shelf, the box put back on the shelf while Mad  Woman stood on tippy toes.

2. The wound, is on left arm of Drama Queen AKA, MadSnapper, 1/4 inch slit, a large bruise, blood dripping

3. The Cause: Madwoman is shrinking due to age, top shelf requires tippy toes to put Saltine back on shelf and while on tippy toes with arm extended as high as she could reach, box rocketed off shelf and attacked the left forearm, landing on THE POINT, slicing a Really Large (1/4 inch) slit, like a tiny knife, but still a knife. OWWWWWWWWWW

4. The CURE to gushing blood, place the tiny bandage that is a bleed controlling, life saver, stopped the bloody water fall, like a dam.

The good news is, now you Know Blood Stopping Bandage Exist and I am thinking all of you can guess where they came from..... Clue: starts with the letter A. 

Does anyone know exercises to do to STOP ME FROM SHRINKING? 


CheerfulMonk said...

How horrible of that box to attack you! I'm glad you had those bandages, but I have no clue what the A stands for. I've manage to cut myself twice lately and even stabbed myself with scissors once. Nothing serious, but stupid enough to be funny.

Take care!!

Terra said...

Shame on those Saltines for attacking you so savagely. I had not heard of bandaids that stop bleeding, now I want to keep some on hand.

DeniseinVA said...

Hey tippy toes! Ouch! No more tippy toes please. I keep telling myself this all the time mind you. And speedy healing to you!

Ann said...

Who knew that saltines could be so vicious. I've never heard of those bandaids before. Good to know.

eileeninmd said...

I am shrinking too! Do exercises help with the shrinking? The worst are those items on the high shelves in the food store. Those bandaids are new to me.
Take care, have a great day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I thought they had banned those savage, attack dog crackers, but apparently not. Beware of putting them on the top shelf is the best advice I suppose. In the meantime having the neighbour’s dog lick your arm will probably stop the bleeding and give the furry pet a tasty snack too. After all a snack was the object of this whole violent episode. I have checked the two types of crackers I have in my house and they both look benign (one even has rounded edges): but you never can tell. I will be in guard.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I avoid such risks by a) not having boxed crackers and b) not using the top shelves in my kitchen! YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

That is one heck of a wound - older skin gets so thin and the bruising around wounds looks so vicious. Stop using top shelves (or get a set of fold out steps). Or get faster at dodging attacking food boxes.😁

Rose said...

You will have to post a sign on your door and fence to beware of vicious crackers....

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm going to look for those bandages. My hubby has a problem with every bump he gets bleeds. Stretching and walking helps but I guess we'll just have to be happy to live a long life even with it's challenges!

jackie said...

Move the saltines down to a lower shelf
get a sturdy little step stool so you don't do tippie toes!
Stay safe!

Inger said...

That's a mean box of crackers! Glad you're OK and had that blood stopping bandage on hand.

I've shrunk too and now I'm 5'10, giggles...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry that happened to you. I have not seen those bandages. I do buy the ones from A that don't tear my skin off. I will definitely have to get these. I actually bought some small bottles of styptic powder which has helped. Are you just using a step stool or a step ladder?

Mevely317 said...

Yikes! We know all about these random acts of violence by inanimate objects. (Think unassuming door frame.) I first became aware when my mother's skin would break and bleed; she constantly used paper tape, b/c it wouldn't pull and tear her thin skin.

I'm going to invest in those Curad bandages. The ones we get from our OTC Medicare aren't worth a hoot.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Not Wal-Mart? Amazon? Because if they work that well, I am getting them. When I cut off part of my finger last year, the emergency clinic put some kind of foam on it, I think called surgical foam. It hardens and stops the bleeding. Works really well. I try to put things I use the most on bottom shelves. But of course there is never enough room for all of them to be low. Going to Amazon now! So did it ever start bleeding again? What about getting it wet?

Ginny Hartzler said...

There are a whole lot of different kinds on Amazon. and different brands. I know I should get the kind that you show, but there is one called blood-Stop. I am tempted to buy several different kinds.

DawnTreader said...

Who knew saltines could be that dangerous! I'd suggest arranging your cupboards to keep the things you use the most where they're easy to reach (and no heavy stuff on the top shelf - but of course the Saltines aren't heavy, so an attack like that is not easy to foresee...!)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Ouch! I'm glad you got the bleeding stopped and I didn't know those bandages existed.

Ida said...

Ouch! Who would have thought Crackers (or rather the box) could cause such an injury. - So glad you found those band-aids. - As for stopping clue. It's happened to me too. (The shrinking, not the cracker box) although once I sprained my wrist lifting a bottle of Windex from the cabinet.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Ouchy! I'm blessed and am tall enough that, even when I shrink I think I'll be able to reach all the shelves. Just say no to tippy you have a step stool in the kitchen??

Linda said...

I've got to get some of those bandages for Louis Dean!!! Our skin is so thin!!!

LC said...

Since I have balance issues and a mostly inoperative left arm post stroke Hubby bought me grabber thingy.
It really helps. I keep it in the mesh "pocket on the front of my rollator. Now trying to renew my acquaintance with my blog and friends. Will have to post photo of my grabby helper.LC

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are glad you had those bandages. Mo didn't know about them, but she sure could have used one Christmas Eve. She was cutting open pouches of chicken tenderloins to make chicken marsala for the whole gang but mistook her thumb knuckle for the pouch:). she gouged a big hole in the skin and could not get it to stop bleeding. She probably needed a stitch or two. The whole gang was at the movies so she just had to make do with some gauze, tape, and a lot of pressure. It took a long time for the bleeding to stop, and evn now more than three weeks later, there is stil a small scab. For sure she is going to find those bnadages.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra, :=) I'm so sorry you were injured, in the most unusual of ways. I have never heard of those bandages. We, the family use Agua Oxignada, "Peroxide" on cotton wool to stop bleeding. It really works, and I always have both peroxide and pure alcohol in the bathroom cabinet. Both are used on cuts and scrapes.I have shrunk also, and had to shorten my trousers but it also means I can't get out of reach items.I daren't use a ladder even the ones with only three steps, because I'm so afraid of falling. Sandra it would be easier to put things you use often on lower shelves, and to prevent further injuries empty your crackers into a plastic box. I do this with all my biscuits and they last longer.