Sunday, January 14, 2024

Wal-Mart Vent Day


While washing my hands in the rest room at Wal-Mart, my face that tells all with my expressions, was screaming my aggravation out loud in the mirror.   28 years of shopping every Saturday, 15 of those years telling people who read this blog, that I am a huge fan of Walmart.

My love has dropped from 5 stars to 3 and will be a 2 this week if once again, my aggravation shows on my face again. The remodel has ruined the store, I despise the new baskets, the floor plan, the fact that nothing is where it should be, the stocking of shelves is crazy, they have dropped 9 of the things I have bought for years, and the prices are soaring. there is more, this is the tip of the iceberg.

Walking to my car with the weekly food stuff, I snapped the photos of the brewing storm. My face felt like the sky looked. I came home and filled out the survey on their website and it was not pretty. 
I took the photos because on the ground at 7:08 am, the parking lot was lit with odd lights and above was dark and threatening. 

I was sitting still at the red light, not driving

The store opens at 6 AM, I am at the door when they unlock it, and the reason is the store is empty of humans except a few of old people and the people stocking the shelves. 
Saturday, they put everything out over night to get ready for the week end. Sunday the shelves are stripped by Saturday shoppers
The other reason is, the traffic signal above with no traffic, changes and after 8 am looks like the below all day and into the evening. 

While chatting with a check out employee, I told her how unhappy I am with the store. Not a rant/rave, just chatting. She said there are 4 other stores, have you tried them? She was not being snarky; she was trying to help. I had told here 3rd week of 8 to 10 items that are not in stock, and each store is different.
See that traffic? the other 4 stores are several miles of worse traffic than this, and this one is 2 miles from my home, not 7 and 8 miles.
Excerpt from email received to acknowledge my complaint.
We will take your comments into consideration as we continue to improve our services and deliver the experience you deserve. We hope you shop with us again soon!
Christian Wynne
 Coach? really? Coach? . this is not a football game.
He stated he entered my name in a 1000-dollar gift card lottery for a chance to win. 
This will change nothing, but the vent did help me.  


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have noticed that they do not carry quite a few things that they used to. We have the same carts, but I guess the new and different ones will be coming our way soon. I spent quite awhile going back and forth hunting for the pizza sauce; it was not where it usually is. I finally had to go to another store to get it. The W.M. 15 minutes away sells a lot more different things than the one here in town, so each one does sell a different amount.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry about that! Do you ever try ordering things online? We haven't been in a store for years, but I do order things from their website. Even there you can't always count on them having them when you want them. And some things can only be bought in the stores.

Ann said...

Walmart has become famous for being out of stock on the things I buy or discontinuing them. I find it very frustrating. Then like you mentioned, prices just keep going up. That email you got from them doesn't much sound like they really listened to what you said. Seems more like a standard form letter that they send to everyone.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Not a store I ever shop at so I am unable to comment on the specifics but the message you received seems like a computer-generated platitude, devoid of empathy or any commitment or desire to change anything unless it benefits the store. But at least you now have a coach!

Breathtaking said...

Good morning Sandra :=)
It is so annoying when you cant find the things you need because they are in another part of the store. Only yesterday my daughter Eva had a rant about the lack of the usual stock in our Supermarket, and also the prices have risen and cost twice as much. This may be a world wide problem and I do not believe anything will change.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I fear this is a common trait in all such stores... and as things deteriorate in shipping and other such nonsense, it may get worse before better... here in the UK, I have noted that lots of fruit and veg are becoming 'unavailable' or very expensive, mainly due to the extensive flooding that has affected stocks - and delivery. YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

We do some of our food shop at Walmart. It is annoying when you go in and the shelves are empty. Many times they have carts of products just sitting in the isle, there no one to stock the shelves. Maybe they are having a trouble hiring people who want to work there. The prices in all the stores seem to be on the way up again, I guess their profits are not enough. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

Rose said...

If enough people vented they might actually listen.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I can understand your frustration, Sandra, the closest Walmart to us is a short drive, but we have not been there in many months so if it were remodeled I would not know. But, the Dollar Tree within walking distance has recently been remodeled and just like your situation, items are hard to find or not available. Hopefully,🤞 things will improve or we will just get used to the changes.

Mevely317 said...

The moving stuff around was a BIG contributor to my dislike (going inside) WM.
I don't know about you, but receiving that kind of response -- 'Coach' or not -- would set my teeth on edge. Zero empathy or attention to detail. How do I know? The last 2-3 years at my workplace it fell on me to author responses to guests' complaints. And because I had to sign it with my GM's name/title, I wasn't allowed to personalize anything. 99% of what we were given by corporate to use were templates.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh I hear you 100% Sandra. I don't buy groceries at mine. I buy or try to buy all my cleaning supplies, vitamins etc.
On top (pun intended) the shelves are now at least 7 to 8' tall. Where I think they keep extras of what is on lower shelves; however, often those shelves only have about 5 of each product. Often what I need is 8' above my head and finding someone with either long arms or a ladder is a challenge. I too go to walmart at opening. That is when staff is at it lowest.
Coach Christian Wynne needs to get his team in a huddle and work on a plan that works best for all.
Hugs Cecilia

Tigger's Mum said...

Standard supermarket procedure - supermarket managers the eorld over have the same instruction book. It starts with Rule number one: regularly move stuff around so that shoppers can't develop a route that suits their shopping list. If they have to walk all over the store they are more likely to buy stuff they never intended to get. Xxx TM
PS have you seen the news that some French supermarket chains are refusing to stock products from a well known brand because their prices aren't going up but they are sneakily making their pack sizes smaller. They deemed the brands products 'non-essentials' and said they could easily do without stocking those products.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

It is so annoying when supermarkets change the place where items usually are so they make you walk round the shop for longer.

We don't have Walmart here.

God bless.

photowannabe said...

I'm right there with the comments of everyone.. WM prices are going through the roof.
Went in there 2 days ago to get eggs...nary an egg in sight except for organic eggs at 7.89 a dozen..nope I think not!!
They haven't remodeled our Super Walmart yet but everything is shifting around..couldn't find half of what I wanted without traversing the entire grocery section. Not too happy by the time I left.
"Coach" what a crazy title..makes me give a snarky laugh...
Ok, Venting is good on this cold cloudy and murky day

Inger said...

I just find our Walmart Super Center too big for me. And often there is only one cashier, so they expect you to do your own check out, which means I have to remember how to do it, then keep bending down, which is not a good thing for me. I could use pick up service and I may every now and then.

Our Save Mart & Albertsons stores are getting way too expensive, so I've decided to buy the goodies I need for my soul at Save Mart and then try Dollar General for the regular stuff. I like our Dollar General because it's almost empty of people. If I think through this, I could perhaps go to one store one week and the other the next week.

Inger said...

And I'm so sorry you got so aggravated, change can be good, but more often than not it isn't.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so sorry you are unhappy with your store. Things are not the same since the pandemic. Employees don't work as hard. Sorry they don't have the items you want. I don't like when that happens. The sky sure did look like a storm was coming.

DeniseinVA said...

That really is too bad, I'm sorry it's changed so much. This type of thing leaves me shaking my head. Did you get a lot of rain?

Brian's Home Blog said...

I quit going to WalMart years ago when the added self checkout. None of the stores here have cashiers.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sadly it isn't just Walmart. We too are finding many items that were sold for years have disappeared from the shelves. Prices keep going up and for what reason? It certainly can be very frustrating.

diane b said...

That is so annoying when stores change. The same with computer, phone and watch upgrades and stuff changes.Good for you for putting it in writing.Keep it up.