Tuesday, January 23, 2024

WalMart Personal Shoppers

One of the fastest growing jobs at Wal-Mart is the Personal Shopper Position. So says CNN in this article and also, I am told this by my friends that work in Wal-Mart.

At 6 AM on Saturday morning, my chosen shopping time, the aisles are full of Personal shoppers, madly rushing to keep up with their Pick Rates for all the Online Saturday Shoppers. The job pays well, but it comes with strenuous work, and they are timed, needing to scan the items, about 200 per hour is their pick rate per CNN. 

I stood staring at the top shelf of Non-Dairy Milk, the half gallons are 5 deep. I can tiptoe and reach three back. This time there were two, and I could not reach them. I usually ask a taller person, either employee or shopper to hand it to me and everyone is happy to do it. 

No one taller that I am, was in sight. I sighed loudly, and I heard behind me, a woman say, Can I help you with something?

Turning I saw a woman smaller than me with her personal shopper with her cart full of bags and boxes. I said, thank you, but I don't think you can reach the Vanilla Soy either. She smiled, turned to her cart, pulled out a hook, and said how many do you need. 

Thank you, Dear Shoppper for helping me and for volunteering to do it. I do hope you did not get behind in your pick rate. 

I thought you might like a giggle.  I typed this command in Bing

Walmart employee, using a hook to pull milk from the back side of racks of milk. woman with shopping basket waiting. illustration
The one with the hook is ok, the other one still has me giggling. 




Ginny Hartzler said...

The last AI is hilarious! The personal shoppers are many and everywhere! I did not know they are timed!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
heheheheheheheheh... as to that top/back of shelf conundrum, I have long appreciated the benefits of having need of a walking stick. That handle makes an excellent extender hand! YAM xx

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you had some help, but I worry about those strict conditions for the employees. I hope she didn't get penalized for being so kind.

easyweimaraner said...

g´heheh the last one!!! we have that too in super U... we were totally surprised that we have such a modern thing in our land before time... wow...

Ann said...

Oh that last one. How did she get inside the cart and why?...LOL I find those Walmart shoppers a bit annoying. They are always in the way and they don't move for you. I've had two blocking the aisle completely and have had to turn around and go the other way because they showed no sign of either moving out of the way.

eileeninmd said...


We see these clogging the isles with the big shopping carts. I did not know they were timed, the ones I see do not look like they are in a hurry.
I am glad the workers stopped to help you with the hook. Take care, have a wonderful day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I don’t go to Walmart, but the term personal shopper intrigues me. It seems to imply you, the shopper, not an employee of the store. I can see that you will shortly be investing in your own personal hook. Then woe betide anyone who gets in your way! MadSnapper may assume a whole new meaning.

Rose said...

Making me giggle, too. In the act I am having a hard time not laughing so hard I shake the bed!

Tigger's Mum said...

Second picture a good chuckle. Funny old world - my Grandad was an old-fashioned grocer; the kind you handed the shopping list to and they ran about the shop, gathering stuff up, cutting bits of big lumps of cheese and butter, weighing stuff, putting tomatoes into paper bags, scrambling up a ladder to pull cans off top shelves etc. Supermarkets put the personal grocer out of business and here we are again, but now you don't get to sit by the counter and chat to them (or the other customers) while the grocers makes up your order.

Tigger's Mum said...

PS have you tried your radishes with butter on them? Weird no? We had a French student living with us when I was at school and he always put butter on his radishes. (Strangely the variety was called French Breakfast and he did indeed eat them for breakfast.) I suppose it is no more weird than putting olive oil on salad veg, and actually butter takes the woo hoo out of the hottest ones.

My Mind's Eye said...

WOW they would fire me in a nano second. I could never work that fast. I have experienced very hard to reach items in the dairy unit too. I go early too and often very hard to find someone with long arms. I love your graphics
Hugs Cecilia
HEADS up there was a beautiful display of glassware at the NCAM. I will have that next Monday

Mevely317 said...

I'm laughing so hard at David's comment!
Like others have said, I didn't realize they were timed. Like the UPS drivers! Maybe that explains the grumpy personal shopper who seemed irritated by having to share space with me last month when I was looking for eggnog.
That lady with the hook deserves a raise; at least a shout-out to her manager.

Chatty Crone said...

I am picking up groceries today at 1. I also joined delivery - but they can never find my house - which I have tried multiple times.
That was wonderful that she took the time to help you.
I wonder if the last photo is the opposite of what your girl did - just taking care of herself and not someone who needs help.

photowannabe said...

Oh my...I laughed right out loud at that "personal Shopper" Too funny.
Sometimes I don't like those personal shopper people. they leave their carts all over and block the aisles and I have been practically run over by them..so much tunnel vision about the humans trying to shop too. I figured they had a quota to fill.
Really nice of that tiny lady coming to your rescue.
Hope your weather is warming up a bit.
No rain for us today, just gray and gloomy.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's pretty interesting about those personal shoppers. Glad she was there to help you. I hate when I can't reach something. Yes, that second picture is really funny.

DeniseinVA said...

That photo is hilarious! AI isn't quite there yet. I have had squirrel pictures that are really bad on paws. They don't seem to do well on hands at times. Thanks for the chuckle. I have occasionally had personal shoppers, more when hubby was out of town and I was having a hard time getting around after a fall. My experience was great, they were so kind and warming. Had lovely chats when they were texting me with queries. Hard-working people and very nice to read about your experience with them. I am seriously thinking of buying one of those hooks.

Brian's Home Blog said...

HA! I once ran into a hooker at WalMart too!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have those shoppers here too, but Mom doesn't like them. She used it a lot for groceries during the peak of Covid, but they do way too much incorrect substituting:(. And Mom really likes to pick out her own meat and fresh fruit and veggies.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I did not know that was the term that was applied to Walmart employees who select ordered items. Years ago, I heard the term "personal shopper" applied to female employees in higher-end clothing stores like Neiman Marcus who would assist women shoppers in clothing selections. The local supermarkets have employees who select grocery items ordered online and next time I'm in the store I will ask if they have a title or if they are timed. It was nice that you received help as some items are too high up.