Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Amazon, Oh Amazon


If you are a regular follower, you know I am an Amazon/Walmart Shopper.
Imagine my shock when we pulled up a movie to watch on Prime Video, this past week and at the beginning that little add above in the red box popped up.
UPGRADE to watch Prime movies and TV shows WITHOUT ADS for $2.99 per month.
Since May of 2016, we have watched Prime movies without ads. With no warning email or message, there it is... Did any of you get a warning? I purchased Prime the day they offered it, not for movies but for free shipping and 2 days service of goods.
the option is watching the ads (bob refuses) or pay the $$$$, the other option is cancelling the whole thing and don't order from Amazon.
Even though the big A is not always the cheapest, (it used to be) but if I drive to stores all over the county and sit in traffic burning fuel, that will be more costly than paying their fee. 

Typing, "Cartoon. Quandary over driving to store of order online from Amazon", into the Create Box of Microsoft Designer, did not help with my quandary but it sure

Shocker was AI did understand the word quandary, 

Did you notice the machine gun in this one? Must be in Washington DC.

SOME of you, will be thinking, why is she doing all this? It took me one hour to do this post. I used Bitmoji for the ME pics, AI for some and PicMonkey for the first graphic. One Hour of PHUN.. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

It IS a lot of fun. Now, have you decided what to do. We will watch the shows with ads.

easyweimaraner said...

ha! ai knows me... I'm the one with the machine gun hahahahahaha

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I have noticed that YouTube is also making push to get folks to sign up for subscription viewing. Prime is already a big enough cost without tagging an extra fee. What I did do last month is change from monthly to yearly subscription, which knocked the monthly cost down a couple of quid...YAM xx

Ann said...

I haven't seen that come up but then I usually watch friendly tv. I don't mind watching ads though. I've been watching them all my life.
I like all the play time you got out of this though. Cute graphics.

eileeninmd said...

I have heard that Amazon was going to start adding commercials, or you had to pay a higher fee. I will watch the commercials on mute.
You did find some cute AI images. Have a great day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I don’t shop with Amazon so the question is moot for me, but the only solution it seems to me is for people to cancel their service in droves. If that were to happen, they would quickly reconsider their ill-conceived plan. It seems obscene that you have to pay extra to enjoy the shows without adverting, when that very advertising is already generating revenue for them. If you go along with it and pay the extra then you have only yourself to blame. But perhaps Jeff Bezos needs another mega yacht (if I am not mistaken his current one cost around six hundred million dollars) and you may wish to help him get it. I don’t understand this claim that you have to drive all over the county to different stores to buy what you would buy on Amazon. If I need an electronic device I go to one store, if I need new hiking boots I go to one store, a book - one store. And so on. And I don’t even go often. The choice is yours, not Amazon’s.

My Mind's Eye said...

I agree no gas or time wasted driving all over creation looking for an item. I recently decided it was time to replace my 20+ year old jacket with a hood (which is also waterproof). Lightweight I found one I liked on Amazon site.
I have have free shipping since I am an Amazon Prime customer. Ordered it. It arrived yesterday. I really liked it; however, the lining was thicker than I expected. Since I would have to drive in it, I put it on went out to both cars to test out comfort. It was too bulky. Went right to Amazon to return and order my 2nd choice. Amazon sent me a code, I packaged up the coat took it to UPS store about 5 minutes from here. Now that is care free shopping. New one will arrive today.
Probably used about 87 ounces of gas to take it to UPS store
Hugs Cecilia

Debby said...

Yeah we saw it. Not paying the extra $$
The ads are fast and not long like on regular television. I’m an Amazon shopper too. I go out to look for an item and no stock. It’s frustrating. So I come home, order it and it comes the next day!

Mevely317 said...

No, I've not seen that pop-up. But then, I don't watch many Prime movies.

Okay, Option #3 is out of the question. Maybe y'all can time your bathroom breaks to coincide with their advertisements? Your cartoons could well be me the last 36 hours when our internet refused to play nice. I've decided it's like a drug dealer -- they get you hooked, then begin to raise the $ bar.

Chatty Crone said...

I will watch with ads too.
My friend said she also got charged tax on the prime app purchase. Did you?

Tigger's Mum said...

They love getting you in a place where you think you can't do without them. With fuel going up they probably saw an opportunity to build in a bit more profit on the back of exactly what you have identified. Mind you I suppose their delivery costs have gone up too.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I was also disappointed when we saw this last Sunday when getting ready to watch a movie. Fortunately, they only showed 2 commercials at the beginning of the movie and the movie itself was commercial free(thank goodness because it was a Mission Impossible movie that was action packed from beginning to end)!

carol l mckenna said...

You can still shop on Amazon without dealing with their movies and extra charge now ~ There are too many fees everywhere to watch movies or apps you use etc ~ Tired of this planet ~ when is 'enough money enough? ~ sigh


Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

photowannabe said...

I do love that you can entertain yourself like that. The subtle ways that companies up the price on everything is so frustrating. They certainly get you coming or going.
Prime is so expensive anyway. But it is worth it if you order a lot.
Hope your day goes well. It loos like we are going to have rain again today...but it won't be a storm, just wet stuff that makes things inconvenient. I have no desire to brave the elements today anyway.
I am one happy person to have my power back. I am so spoiled to expect the lights to go on when I flip the switch. Can't believe how many times I went to turn on a light the last 2 days..haha...dumb brain that doesn't remember...

DawnTreader said...

I'm not a Prime member so no opinion on that. I think all I've ever bought from Amazon are two Kindle devices + lots of Kindle and Audio books. Enjoyed your AI illustrations - but they still seem not to have grasped the art of spelling, except for the word Amazon!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think the Amazon billionaire needs another yacht so the new fee will help. I did receive several notices about that option and I signed up, I hate commercials. You're right, Amazon isn't always the cheapest but they have several things we buy that you just can't find other places.

CheerfulMonk said...

How bad are the ads? I've read they're not as bad as commercial TV. I have Prime but haven't been streaming from Amazon because it's harder to find what I want for free. Netflix is a lot easier and has a lot more programs with Spanish subtitles. It's more expensive than it used to be, but they're making it easy for me so I'm not complaining.

Great post!

Rose said...

Yes I got two o r.c three warnings about the ads...not paying it right now. I got prime for the free shipping, the other was just a bonus.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The peeps here watch a lot of Amazon Prime, but there is no way they will pay to NOT watch the ads. Mom says they are pretty short and gives her time to read a blog post, maybe post a comment, or play a word on Words with Friends, or even better give us each a belly rub:). No big deal.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It is so unfair. They shouldn't be doing this to people. I don't plan on leaving Prime but we also don't pay for it. We definitely do not want to watch commercials. You wrote a great post.

DeniseinVA said...

Sneaky lot! Thanks for letting us know.