Thursday, February 1, 2024

Covid Cooties?


This black leather TOTE is Saks Fifth Ave and is perfect at 19 inches wide and 12 deep. The colorful bag, is Kirna Zabete. I purchased them in April 2018 and paid 4 for the leather 2 for the colorful one. I used them to carry my TOPS stuff, when I became Leader of the TOPS group.

I am in the process of changing from store plastic bags when shopping, to taking my own reusable totes/bag to Wal-Mart. While searching for bags in the closets, I am ashamed to say in public, I found the black tote sitting in the exact place I sat it on March 15th, 2020 when we shut down TOPS because of Covid-19.

Above pile of STUFF  was inside the black tote, inside of 4 zip bags, with several File folders, full of TOPS Materials and zippered bag #3 along with the clear plastic zip bag,

Zippered bag #3 (see below), contained bells, pencils, pens, and zippered bag # 2 contained 4 glue sticks and a lot of pens and pencils, my name tag and the #1 bag.
BAG !, the small one was my Jack Pot Winnings.
Two five dollar bills, and 98 cents in change.
I had totally forgotten, I used it to collect my winnings for weight loss, and paid my dues out of my winnings. Dues were 4 dollars per month. I never had to pay dues, my winnings covered all of it.

the tissues, box of raisins, that expired in 2018, the mirror, glasses lens wipes, name tag on silver chain, cough drops and more were in plastic bag, which is what our pillow cases came in. 
 (AHA, that is where my silver chain went to) 

I gathered the tote, 4 zippered bags and 8 of these blue bags just from browsing my closet.
It all fits nicely in the leather Tote. 
I am ready to Shop Wal-Mart.. I will not spend the cash, it will be in my wrist wallet as emergency cash. $10.98 should cover a couple loves of bread. Or maybe a tip.
Just Maybe I will wear that nametag to WM so my WM friends will know my name.
the name tag has the TOPS Pledge.. to be continued

Do Covid Cooties Survive 4 years on a shelf?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, the things we can find digging out our closets! You kind of hit the jackpot. Covid germs cannot last for years. But you should not put raw meat or produce in the bags without bagging them in plastic first. It gets the bag dirty, and also contaminates it.

easyweimaraner said...

after I was a handbag worshipper I'm now the one with the ginormous felt bag what has lots of foldable shopping bags inside... I love it and I give the 87 or more handbags not even a look ;o)))

Ann said...

You sure found a lot of stuff in that one tote bag. Finding money was the best part of it all. It's amazing what you can find when you do some cleaning. The block I posted today with the pink lights inside because I said I didn't have any is a perfect example. After I wrote that post, I cleaned a little bit in the old craft room and found 3 sets of fairy lights. This of course is after I had gone online and ordered some.
As for bags, I keep my reusable bags in the car and I always forget to take them in to the store.

eileeninmd said...

I hope Covid cooties do not last that long. Finding money is the bag, is a win-win. We bought the re-usable bags from our Wegman's store and leave them in the car. The hardest part is to remember to take them inside the store.
Take care, have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Treasure trove!!! YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Makes you wonder what else is lurking in a closet or drawer somewhere.

Chatty Crone said...

Fun that you found treasure - lost treasure.
So there is no more TOPS anymore?
I don't think Covid is there - lol.
Pretty bag too.

My Mind's Eye said...

I have 4 good size re-useable grocery bags. I do get a few plastic each week for meat. I save all the plastic I get for my daughter. They use the plastic bags when scooping out litter boxes. With 3 cats they go thru lots of plastic bags

Hugs Cecilia

DawnTreader said...

They introduced a tax on plastic bags here a couple of years ago which was quite efficient in getting people to bring their own when going shopping. I always carry at least one thin fabric bag in my purse, "just in case", even when I don't intend to go shopping.

Rose said...

Are you sure you weren't in my closet? LOL I did not find expired food in my closet, but I did in my cabinets...and I don't know how cause I did them usually once or twice a year.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are Covid Cootie Safe and the goodies can go in the bag!

photowannabe said...

I agree with are Covid Cootie Safe!
It's amazing what can be found in the depth of a closet. Money is always a win/win.
I do bring my own cloth and vinyl bags into the store most of the time. Sometimes I'm too lazy or have parked too far to go back out and get them.
I found my Mom's TOPS award pins not too long ago. Wonder if they are worth anything on eBay? Of course they were put back into a tub and who knows where they are now. Maybe in the depths of my closet..Wanna come and search with me? HaHa..

carol l mckenna said...

Lots of goodies found ~ think you are safe from Covid in your bags ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Mevely317 said...

WOW ... buried treasure!
I'm imagining the big smile on your face when you uncovered this 'loot.' (Who knew raisins had an expiration date?!) True, back in 2020 we all had more to concern ourselves with. Scary times.

Ya, I think you should wear the name tag when you shop WM and see how long it takes for your buddies to start calling you by name.

Susan Kane said...

Cooties?! Haven't heard that word for decades.
I changed purses recently. Old contents contained all sorts of strange things, but no raisins.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a fun adventure! ❤️

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hey Old Friend, How are you? I don't blog much these days --but at age 81, both George and I are still moving and ticking!!!! ha....

I laughed at this post about finding an old tote bag. I also found one recently buried under a pile of more junk. I keep saying that I'm going to get rid of stuff so my kids won't have to do it after I die. BUT--since I'm moving more slowly these days, that process is VERY SLOW... (I cannot believe how much stuff I've collected...Gads!)

Hope you are well ---and enjoying getting back to TOPS. I did WW for several years but never did TOPS.


DeniseinVA said...

It's amazing what we find in our bags. My intention is to clear all our closets out starting anytime from now :) It will be a slow process but I figured baby steps and I'll get it done.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, what a find! I would hope the covid cooties are gone. Glad you are all set up for shopping now. It's amazing what we can find. I just came across some Christmas Legos that had to be Adams. I will pull them out next year for James.