Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Three Shoots in the Belly


Blood Kin, Three Shoots in My Belly 

Moonshine whispers flow, Kentucky hills hide secrets, Barrels clash like storms.

Three shoots in the belly, A tale of courage or despair? The echoes of gunpowder linger, As life hangs by a fragile thread.

In shadows, secrets whispered, The pain etched deep within, Choices made, paths diverged, Fate’s cruel hand, a twisted spin.

Was it love or vengeance burning? A dance with destiny, so wild, Three shots, a symphony of endings, In the quiet, where shadows compile.

Note: This poem is a fictional creation and does not reflect any real-life events.

 (created by Bing CoPilot AI at my command of “write a poem about moonshiners in Kentucky feuding and a man with 6 shoots in the belly”)

Shots? or Shoots! they both might kill you. Super Creative Talents from Bing.
It was the shots that caused the shooting.
Poem created from my story on prior post Blood Kin


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! I love the winding stream, the bats, and the two moons in the first one, a new moon and a full moon. Is there anything A.I. can't do? It really sets an emotional mood, yet is logical tech.

easyweimaraner said...

with music this would fit perfectly to mike oldfields moonlightshadow... the death of harry houdini....

DawnTreader said...

I'm thinking that Bing AI is more and more showing a character of its own when it comes to illustrations... It's something about about the colour scheme, and also a certain dreamy atmosphere to a lot of its creations!

Ann said...

Cool poem and the pictures are fantastic. I can't decide if the first or the last is my favorite. I love the big full moon in the first but the last one is very striking as well.

eileeninmd said...

The images are pretty, love the moon.
Blood Kin sound like a murder mystery title.
Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

The images are amazing...the poem even more so.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :=)
Well Done! Both your poem and the images are first class.

My Mind's Eye said...

Clapping MS what a wonderful story and photos.
The only shot I've ever had is flu, Covid and RSV...but I used to collect pretty shot glasses
Hugs Cecilia

DeniseinVA said...

These AI shots have a surreal look to them, magical almost. I like them and always interesting to see AI poetry.

Mevely317 said...

I'm besotted by the cabin in the first image ... but wouldn't want to be so near the stream. (Can you guess why? Ha-ha!)
"Courage or despair?" ... I like ruminating that about my brain.

Mevely317 said...

Okay, I'm thinking of taking 3 shoots to Blogger ... who just "ate" my comment.
Basically, I was saying how much I love the cabin in the first picture ... not so much the nearby stream. (You can guess why? Haha.)

AI's 3 little words, "Courage or Despair" really resonate. The possibilities!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was quite the poem and amazing art too!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow...AI sure can be amazing with the right coaching, and you are a great AI coach!!

LC said...

Intriguingly Halloweenish!LC

photowannabe said...

Creepy, wonderful and sinister all at the same time.
Bing AI is fantastic creating the poem and pictures.
Where do you come up with these ideas?
Sandra you get A++ and 3 gold stars.

Chatty Crone said...

I think this was GREAT because you use it for fun and it is fascinating. You do an awesome job.

But being the worrier I am - I worry about the negative side of AI. Who knows and lots of jobs being taken too.

Susan Kane said...

the words are crazy and you used them so well. Great job.

CheerfulMonk said...

Those are spooky pictures!