Monday, February 26, 2024

Tummy Tamer Tea


I has been six weeks since I ordered Heather's Tummy Care, Fennel Tea bag.

I used all 45 of the bags that came in the Tin. One a day, and on a rare occasion a 2nd cup in the PM. I drop the bag in the cup, heat 1 cup water to rolling boil and gently drizzle over tea bag, wait 10 minutes each morning at wakes\ up. Any cramps or bloating I have is gone within 5 minutes of the first 3 sips. In PM if I eat something that causes gas/bloating, like legumes, I make a cup and sip and it is gone in a few minutes.
I tried teabags from Amazon that look exactly like these, and they do not work well at all, plus I had to use 2 per cup to get it strong enough.
I ordered the 145 bags from Heathers Site. There are many other benefits from Fennel Tea and the seeds. I am starting to research those, THIS was my first search
Health benefits of fennel tea include improving immunity, balancing hormone levels, eye health, aiding in digestion, reducing inflammation, and lowering blood pressure
Does it taste delish? not really but It Works like Magic.

I love it so much I asked Bing AI to create 
"Tummy Tamer Fennel Tea a cup of tea with a fennel plants sitting in a mystical garden"

I love all of these.

This is my pic of favorite because it says the name and I love the cup, but my favorite is below. Which is your favorite?


Ginny Hartzler said...

It's a miracle!!! My favorite is the first one. Totally amazing.

easyweimaraner said...

that is so beautiful... and we like fennel tea it sometimes is like the literally magic potion

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I have been making fennel tea for half a century - used to grow it and make fresh... it is fabulous! And I actually like the taste - but then I like aniseed and liquorice, both in the same flavour spectrum... and BTW liquorice tea is another that could be added to the anti-inflamm and calming list. YAM xx

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :=)

How wonderful that you found this wonder Fennel herb to make tea from Heather's site which is just the right strength and amount to work for you. It seems to work like magic.

I also like the last one, but they are all lovely.

eileeninmd said...

The tea sounds like a great treatment for you. I have never heard of fennel tea. The AI images are all pretty. Take care, enjoy your day!

DeniseinVA said...

I’m glad the tea is helping. Those AI photos are magical!

Ann said...

I've never heard of fennel tea. Sounds like it's pretty amazing (other than taste) Love the images. They all looks so soothing and calm. My favorite is the third.

My Mind's Eye said...

Wooohooo a fine fennel tea party that also has a very good health benefit. Love the AI pictures
Hugs Cecilia

Latane Barton said...

I haven't had fennel tea but it sounds amazing. Gotta get rid of all that gas and bloating!! I love those pictures.

Chatty Crone said...

I haven't heard of this tea before. I like the last photo - so pretty.
I have tried to get Annie's rice at Walmart - but they have been out of it for awhile.

carol l mckenna said...

Glad that herbal tea works for you ~ Creative AI ~ thanks,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Sparky said...

Tea can be wonderfully soothing. I'll have to try to Fennel type sometime. Thanks for the idea. My daily ice tea is Orange Citrus (I'm a huge fan of orange - yummmm) from Celestrial Seasonings. Makes me happy to drink it. We also have a Tension Tamer tea from them that helps me sleep.
Blessings. xx

Rose said...

I think I need to try that tea. For reducing inflammation. The last is my favorite, too.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I also like the last picture...I did make a note of the Tummy Tamer Fennel tea...although I really dislike fennel, it sounds like a magic tummy cure!

Ida said...

I've never heard of fennel tea before so this was quite interesting. - I like licorice and drink licorice tea from time to time so the Fennel might not be bad either. I liked the last picture that you liked best. All were pretty neat though.

photowannabe said...

Fascinating..I never heard of this tea either. I don't know if I can get around the licorice flavor though. So happy it is working for you. What a find !
Love all the photos and Bing outdid its self on this one. Each one has super qualities. I like the steam rising in the second one and the name on the outside and inside of the elegant cup.
The last one is a good description of what the tea is. To make it perfect I would have liked to see steam coming from the cup too. Like the reflection of light on the saucer and side of cup.
Great post today.

Mevely317 said...

I've had a similar-sounding tea containing fennel, but for the life of me can't recall the name. Love licorice!
My favorite is the third one down with the emerald-color elixir and olde-fashioned spoon handle.

Tigger's Mum said...

Not sure about any picture with an onion or garlic in it - that certainly won't be a tummy tamer. They are very moody, dark faeryland sort of pictures aren't they!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I never heard of that but is sounds like a terrific idea!

diane b said...

That is good to know. I wonder if I can get it in Australia. Love the AI art. You are so up with the latest technology. I like the second one.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I thought I heard about fennel tea when I had my UTI. So you didn't buy this at Amazon, so where did you get it? I would like to use it just to keep a UTI away.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It's good to know that the fennel tea is being helpful for you, but not something I care to try myself. However, I have used fennel seeds in recipes and it was in sausage we had for dinner recently.