Friday, March 1, 2024

Bird Angels?


Bing Image creator, by AI and I the MadSnapper

On our ride out to the Natl Park last week, I said to Bob, look to your right, the tall Norfolk Pine, look at the top. It has 2 angels on the top, like a Christmas tree.

Sitting on the very tallest limb was an Ibis and almost leaning on it was a Seagull. I have never seen anything like that before. I stopped and we stared at them. I did not have a zoom lens, so no photo. .

Not a true pine, Norfolk Island pine ( Araucaria heterophylla) is a beautiful evergreen tree named for its native home of Norfolk Island off the coast of Australia.  You are far more likely to see these trees in your living room, or in offices everywhere as potted trees. If you plant, it in sub tropics you get a really tall tree.

We cannot drive or walk a street in our city without seeing these beautiful tall trees.  the one below is in our sunrise view each morning when I walk Beau.

See this cute baby Norfolk pine? If you live in Florida be careful where you plant it outside. 

Joining Nature Friday with Rosy and Sunny at The LLB Life


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your photo of the sunrise is gorgeous! Especially with the tall, swaying pine!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
Ah, the lovely Norfolk pines... ubiquitous in Oz, of course... YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

oooh hpow beautiful... we love the photo!!! we had a ginormous pine tree too once.. the mama planted it together with her husky Frosty... and it was always "his" tree and a memory later... till the pine processionaries infested the tree and we had to cut it ... it was a super tall tree and we needed pro's to cut it, boy that was a bill... therefore your advice to look where you plant trees is absolutely essential...

Ann said...

You're right, I've only seen these as house plants. I had no idea they could grow that big. The one in the picture with the beautiful sky behind it is amazing.

eileeninmd said...

The Norfolk Pine tree is pretty. The birds do love to perch on the tops of trees. I love your sunrise image, gorgeous sky! Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

DeniseinVA said...

Love your photos and I also love the watermark you have added. I have noticed the outline before but keep forgetting to mention it. That Norfolk Pine is gorgeous! How interesting about the seagull and ibis. The AI picture is really nice. You are right about planting pine trees. We have one in our yard that is huge and will need to be taken care of one day. When we moved into our house it was small and stayed that way for years. Then its roots must have reached the water table and it took off. I worry about the roots reaching towards our house and damaging the foundation. They are getting too close and are above ground in parts. Even though the tree was planted well away from the house, it’s going to need to come down eventually and I am really unhappy at the thought. I am not sure what kind of pine it is, they are everywhere here. It’s a pine tree, that’s all I know, smiling here.

Rose said...

I love that sunrise view!

Chatty Crone said...

I just love the sunrise - I am afraid I usually don't get up that early!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

A great sunrise, a real inspiration for a walk. This is a quick note to say that I returned mere hours ago from another very successful trip to Cuba, and hope to be back to normal by the weekend. No doubt you missed me, your eyes were moist, your sorrow profound - but here I am back again! Fear not!

My Mind's Eye said...

MS I love how you always have your eyes open to share the beautiful things around you and thanks to Beau being a good walker. Well done on recreating the tree in AI. That sunrise is amazing
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are cool trees and I love the Angel tree toppers!

Mevely317 said...

Oh, what a sight to glimpse that Ibis and seagull!
I knew nothing about the Norfolk pine -- except that was our first Christmas tree we found at Lowe's our first year in Alabama.
Sadly, I was never that fond of it and it succumbed a year later to neglect. On the other hand, my DIL still has the NP they bought shortly after they married 34 years ago. I don't recall having seen it at their new home, but each Christmas she'd hang giant colored balls from the larger limbs.

Tigger's Mum said...

Strange ancient trees aren't they? We saw one behind the parliament building here in Grenada. It's a long way from home. Their layers are like a childs drawing of a tree or something. Do you get Monkey Puzzle trees where you are? They are closely related to Norfolk Pine.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What adorable trees...and you sunrise picture of the one in your neighborhood is as beautiful as the AI picture!

photowannabe said...

The sunrise is so pretty but that tree looks like an accident about to happen...
They are lovely though.
Off to my weekly stint with Lynne. Rain and gloomy..Gotta put on my "Happy Face"

Sparky said...

Yes it is good to be careful about where these are planted. I tend to plant trees or bushes too close to the house, then 15 years later they have to be cut down. My bad. Love the pics. 🌻

CheerfulMonk said...

I love trees and sunrises, so thanks a million!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my! That photo, even if "created", is certainly amazing, especially since you actually saw such a sight to inspire this photo! Wow! And I didn't know that Norfolk Pines could grow that tall here in Florida! I must tell my DIL, because she recently planted a couple of them that she saved from Christmas last year or the year before. They are growing, but I had no idea they could get that big! Wow! Love your pictures! Good job!!!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful tree photos with the special angels ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That looks like our Norfolk Pine in our front yard. That small artificial one looks really cute.