Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Decoder, part 2


He He He, the plunger just might suck that word out.

Yesterday, I told you I need a decoder, to help me find words, I have words, I can describe what it is, but can't find the right word. I wanted you to see what AI did with the word decoder. HUM! 
Ya think AI needs a decoder.

The question I asked in prior post,
 If I can't remember the word I want to use, what is the person called that answers me with the word, OR says I DON"T KNOW?    Do you know?

In the comments I had these answers,
Blogger Yamini MacLean said...
Hari Om
...an interpreter? 

Sparky said...
That's why we have Closed Caption 

Latane Barton said...
ask Alexa! (grin)'

Ann's answer is the one I would have used because I use it a LOT but did not think of it. 

Ann said...
Well, I asked Copilot "If I don't know the word for something, what do you call the person who supplies that word for me?" Copilots answer was "an informant."

I did ask Google Girl and she had a lot of gobble gook and gave me the word for what it is when we can't find the word but did not answer the question.  Word-Finding Difficulty: Aphasia or Normal?

   Full Story HERE   skip it if you don't care. I don't care anymore and just want to know how to FIX my Brain.
today is Selfie Sunday, 


easyweimaraner said...

love the answer alexa LOL andI love the selfie...

Ginny Hartzler said...

My mind has been getting less and less able to comprehend things and come up with words! I need a senior assistant.

CheerfulMonk said...

It's so frustrating when that happens! Apparently AI isn't much help for it yet. 🙁

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Do what I do - make one up! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

If you find the answer for fixing your brain let me know, I could use help too. I know the word is on the tip of my tongue, I just can't say it out loud.
Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

Prior to the post you are talking about, I would have said 'ask Sandra'...remember I could not think of the word 'instrumental' and you supplied it for me, and there have been other times. LOL

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The top left selfie looks like you’re all puckered up waiting for kisses. Hope lots come your way.,

Tigger's Mum said...

So we can rest assured then that you don't have aphasia. Was just commenting on jabblog that if we could create new euphemisms for aging what would they be... like 'passed all the edits and ready for publication' (in other words as complete, polished, and perfect as we are ever likely to get)

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL BOL too funny I am a fast talking Southern so I totally
understand my brain cannot keep up with my tongue
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

You are soooo funny! I'm loving the photo collage, b/c the top right and bottom left are exactly how I felt a little bit ago when Facebook experienced a stroke/outage. For sure, I thought I'd been hacked.

Now I wonder what new words Big Technology has in store for us down the line. On one hand I'm curious ... the other, terrified.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That happens to me too but I just move on to an alternate word LOL!

photowannabe said...

Love your Selfies, especially that cute grin on the last one.
I can't believe how many words disappear between my brain and my tongue!
I am not going gently into this "Old Age" Fighting it tooth and nail.
Thank goodness for words like..thingy, do-hicky and whatcha ma call it...
Glad you can't hear some of Dave's and my conversations..exhausting to say the least.. (:0)

Sparky said...

*still giggling at the selfies* 😂😂😂

DeniseinVA said...

So cute and love the selfies! I enjoy learning new words and sometimes am at a loss for finding the particular one I need.