Thursday, March 14, 2024

New Stuff (POO)


Three new rugs in the kitchen, back door rug from Dollar General and two red rugs from Wal-Mart.
The big Beautiful Painting of Beau, I found in Dollar General for TEN DOLLARS.. It has Beaus eyes and grin
Beau Beaumont, my Soul Dog
While walking Beau this week, a neighbor had put this cart at the curb for trash pickup. I dragged it home behind me, while hold Beaus Leash. The chair on the left I had Bob drag it home from a neighbors driveway back in 2005. I spied it while driving to work, and called Bob and said walk down 6 houses to the left of our driveway and grab that office chair. 

The table, I saw in a driveway on the way to work, way back in 1985, the year we married. It had a card board sign that said $15.00 and went to work with me and moved here with us in 1989.

I am in process or organizing bedroom/office and the trundle bed holding some of the junk while I work was bought in  a thrift store in 2001, for $179.99 and I paid for it in Quarters. Rolled Quarters. I walked in and plunked down the bag of coins and said will this buy that trundle bed? She said Money Is Money.
Do you buy used things? Do you pick up things off curbs?  


Ginny Hartzler said...

So this black cart with drawers is your latest pickup? It is awesome, I have one like it, except white. I go thrifting whenever I get a chance, and love Goodwill.

easyweimaraner said...

yooo we s0ometimes do that... but since I pestered Mark to bring home a garage door what diddn't fit and landed on the car, he is no longer in my pick up team LOL

Ann said...

I have bought plenty of used things but usually don't see anything good curbside. If I do I don't have time to stop. That cart is pretty nice.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have rarely picked up off the kerb, but we shop at thrift stores all the time. Most of my clothing is bought there. And we have a toaster oven we bought there twenty years ago that’s still working perfectly. I forget what we paid, but I would imagine back then probably $5.00 or something like that. A friend of mine is having problems with her knee and she says she’s going to look for a new one at Goodwill!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I am a scrounger and thrifter... In fact, in today's post at DoWY you will see a table I bought at a used furniture shop to use in The Grey! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

I like the new rugs. It is good to be thrifty. Love the Beau photo!
The cart is a nice addition to your office.
Take care, enjoy your day!

DawnTreader said...

We don't have the curbside/pickup system here but back in my youth I rented a partly furnished flat, and then added several things that friends and family wanted to get rid of. When at 30 I moved from that flat, I also got to keep what I wanted from there, as the person moving in after me had her own furniture. Some things have been exchanged over the years but I still have a mix of old and new - and that I either got for free, bought cheap, or invested a bit more in for quality.

Chatty Crone said...

I love a good deal - but I have to admit I would be scared to take something from the garbage. And my hubs would not help at all. You are brave!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You found/bought some great deals, Sandra, and if they are useful all the better😀

No, we do not do curbside pickup because living in the apt vs a neighborhood there’s no opportunity. But, we have “rescued” a few things that other residents have left in the recycle room or in un-designated areas. Most recently, a glass bowl which we’re using to mix dough and a multi-outlet power strip. Yes, to thrift store buys which is my go to place for buying candles and most recently 2 shower curtains and a like new French press for coffee/tea. Even if we don’t buy anything, we always like to look in thrift stores…because you never know when you will find something you never knew you needed. And, later, if it wasn’t what you really needed, you can donate it back.

Rose said...

I love that cart! I have never found anything on the curb...but I would be proud to get if I seen something. I buy at thrift stores, yard sales, etc.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I have done all of the above. One man’s trash is another woman’s treasure! Love your interesting discoveries and new treasures. The rugs are wonderful and so is the art work. I am still computer less so commenting and writing are very limited. Hope to be back soon

Mevely317 said...

I love to thrift but have never seen anything curbside. Tom tells me I can dispose of a couple pieces by the road (no curbs), but that means I'd have to pay someone to come move it out there -- and what if they mark the walls ... or no-one takes it ... or, or....
What the heck, I'll probably just live with it until die. LOL.

Those kitchen rugs are really pretty. I've a wall-hanging above the kitchen sink with that saying. I

DeniseinVA said...

I like your new purchases, and a nice find on the curbside finds from then and now, and the lookalike picture of Beau with the beautiful eyes. I’ve been to garage sales but don’t remember seeing anything that people leave at the curb. We have two official garage sales twice a year and I guess people wait for those.

LC said...

My father never met a bargain he didn't like. I suspect it is in my genes. Yard sales, people's discards left for the trucks, all were subject to his stopping for a look, much to my mother's dismay.

photowannabe said...

You got some amazing treasures there Sandra.
We have often bought things at garage sales but not for a long time. The only thing we "dragged" home from a house around the had a sign FREE on it, was a white bookcase with some little cubbies besides full shelves. It is perfect for some of our valuable Disney collectables and helped with the clutter a bunch.
Great rugs for your kitchen too and I do adore that watercolor of your "Beau"

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love that dog painting you found! Wow! It really is perfect. Love the cute cart too.

Sparky said...

Those are excellent finds. I really like the black thing with shelves. I could totally use that even in my tiny home. It's economical with space. When we still lived in Jax back in the 80s-90s we were light of wallet. I went curb surfing a lot! I used to be a dandy fixer upper. Saved us major bucks. I enjoy thrifting.
Blessings. 💙

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Great find!

We have the coolest Goodwill "Boutique" close to us. Between that, and estate sales, I hope to decorate our recently "color changed" walls!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good for you. We have tons of used things here so we don't need any more LOL!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like the things you bought and that cart is pretty awesome. No I do not buy used things but we have put things out at the curb for people to take.

CheerfulMonk said...

We have used furniture in our apartment, but we got it years ago. I think it was from an ad in our laundry room.