Friday, March 29, 2024

Window on the World AGAIN


Our Window on the world

I spend a lot of time standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes, at the stove cooking/preparing. I also spend many minutes in the swivel chair and on the sofa in the living room, both positioned in front of the window. Our view of the world window is 114 inches in width.

The house directly across from us has been our 34 years of free entertainment. For 29 years the house was occupied by good friends, but when he died, she went in a retirement home it became a rental property.

The past 3 years it has been designated House of 7 cars. It is a huge part of our conversation and a never-ending story of mysteries and OMG moments.

They are known as The Big Guy and his wife, and are the parents of 2 adults, son and daughter and the spouse of each. 6 adults and one not yet walking baby girl. The son is Big Guy Son, and big Guy wife. The daughter is The Big Guys daughter. We do not know their names.

Their eating habits are a source of amusement. 

2 and 3 times a DAY, take out is delivered. We have decided, each of the three couples, decide what they want and when to eat it, and call for it. There is never enough delivered for more than 2 people. (we get tons of giggles each time a new takeout comes because they can never find the right door) yes, you are right we need to GET A LIFE.

 Their trash at the curb is always good for conversation on Mondays and Thursdays pick up days. (Among the most memorial of things at the curb, were a like new stroller, a beautiful hand carved rocking cradle, a new electric lawn mower, because they just could not figure out how, who and when to cut the grass and gave up and hired it done.  A like new pressure washer for the cars, they only had it for 6 months. The list is long, but don't fret, a neighbor down the street pulls up and loads the good stuff in his car and then adds it to his yard sales on weekends.  Thank the Lord we have no need for a cradle. 😁 and Bob refuses to use electric because the cords are a pain to drag back and forth. We did snag a gate from their pile once.

This week while making lunch, I watched as The Big Guy and his wife removed, a stroller, a car seat, and a lot of STUFF out of the car and its trunk, many trips later they had filled it with a set of red drums and a set blue drums. (we watched them move the two sets inside 3 years ago) and listened to them for 3 years.

 I got all excited and said to Bob, they are moving the drums OUT OF THE HOUSE...

Fast forward 4 hours later AND I said BOB come look what they are taking out of the trunk...

It was a bigger, better, gold sparkles Drum Set... I quickly pulled up a blue set, a red set and a gold set and figured out what they had done. The red/blue sets sell for 900 to 1000, the GOLD starts at $2000.00 we think it was the 2800. Without binoculars' (think Rear Window) I could not tell the brand, and I am 99% sure they traded UP. I hope they are not LOUDER! Bob doesn't care, he can't hear them.
Did I mention the Heavy Metal Rock band of 4 men in their mid 20's that live next door to the big guy? They have drums and guitars and screaming singers there... 

YEP! we need to GET A LIFE. 

joining Yam on Final Friday Feature


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes! I would be very entertained as well!! But not so much with the drums. I imagine you can go over to the curb and shop every trash morning. What fun that would be.

Ann said...

Oh my word. I would go crazy with a neighbor playing drums. I think the young guy across the street might be in a band because I've seen people stop over carrying instruments and I'm assuming they are practicing. They must do it in the basement though because I never hear anything.

eileeninmd said...

Oh my, I would go bananas listening to the drums.
I can't stand when one of my neighbors does his target practice in his back yard. They seem to waste money outing good things in the trash. At least the other neighbor picks up some things for his yard sale. Take care, have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
This is a most wonderful offering for FFF - thank you for telling us this tale of life through your window ❤️ I will have to return to listen to the video because there's not enough ether to load it where I am parked today... YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

In our house I do the dishes, but the sink does not face a window, so I don’t spend a lot of time staring at the wall. Having read this account I think I am quite happy not to have a window!

Rose said...

Who could help but watch that life! I would join you in watching if I were there.

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL BOL LOL OH MS this was such fun. OMDs you know I am a people watcher too. We have a single guy across the street with two 20 somthing children that are in college. His son and at least 10 cars of his friends come over every other Thursday night. They spend the night...there is take out
they park all up and down the street and the cul de sac. My mind's eye doesn't want to even try to figure this out.

Hugs Cecilia

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I can't imagine...oh my! I don't think I would have the patience but we do what we have to do, don't we! Take care! Be watchful! lol

Mevely317 said...

Yes, I'm sounding like a broken record ... but I can't help wonder what these people do for a living to afford all this nonsense. Maybe the kitchen hasn't any appliances? I'd love to be able to order take-out every day. Entertaining for sure!

PS - I hope the little (Big?) drummer boy at least stops drumming after 10pm. I guess it could be worse and they're into rap.

photowannabe said...

Wow, what a view you have and what entertainment too!!
They sure seem wasteful and I wonder what they do for work too.
Drums are not my favorite..glad we don't have any around here.
Off to Lynne's for a morning shift today. Its gray and rain is its an inside day..sigh..

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Neighbors like that would cause me anxiety. For me, while I’d be curious (nosy) I’d have to fight the urge to obsess on them. That’s why I prefer mature landscaping so I don’t see them.

Linda said...

You are so right - free entertainment!!!
Once we had musicians live next door - as in LOUD drums! Amber and Ben were little and you could feel the beat through the walls! I called the police and even they could not make themselves heard. Fortunately they did not live there long.....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, you certainly get a lot of entertainment from watching them. Sorry about the music you hear. I can't imagine what that house looks like inside and that is crazy about the food that is ordered. Was there a video to watch. It didn't load for me.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your report on your neighbor - I love to know how other people live - people watching.

I wish I could see people out of a window here - lol. Not set up that way.

Man they must be really rich - well I guess they have three incomes.

Do you hear the drums?

Keep reporting.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, my, and we thought our Sand Hill Cranes were loud and entertaining, and the Geese when they start honking! LOL. We do have a busy 4 lane highway just on the other side of our peaceful Still Waters Pond, and we get to hear all manner of loud trucks, motorcycles, and of course the sirens all hours of the day...but at least we can't see them, except at night when the lights are flashing as they speed down the road and it wakes us up. But your neighborhood sounds very entertaining indeed! Maybe you should bake some cookies and take them over and introduce yourself? Well, maybe not...they may ask you to baby sit the baby while they play their drums. Dear me. This was quite entertaining. I do wish you a peaceful and wonderful Easter weekend.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

How could you not keep am eye on these neighbors...LOL

DawnTreader said...

Watching neighbours might provide some entertainment (...unless it only provides worry...); I go nuts when I have to listen to them, though!

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, such interesting neighbors, they make ours sound pretty dull!

CheerfulMonk said...

I was so happy for you when they were taking the drums out, and then so disappointed when the new ones came. Thanks for sharing the entertainment. 😊 👍

DeniseinVA said...

You just entertained hubs and me. He laughed, I laughed, thank you!!! I would not want to listen to those drums!!! (yes that's worth three exclamation points, and another one!