Thursday, March 7, 2024

Word Seeks


Will these be the answer to these problems?
Left sweet potato half cooked in microwave, for 4 hours, found when tried to heat left over rice for lunch

Found rice heat pack heated and now cold, when I tried to sit my coffee cup in the microwave and almost spilled it on said rice pack.

I Did not complete the first page of the book on the left because after finding 3 words, my head was hurting

PLUS! got so frustrated trying to find  books m in the new and better Wal-Mart, I nearly had a melt down.
My WM app said aisle K-24, asked two employees, they did not know where K was, I said to the 2nd one, it will be with the books, do you know where they moved them? Yes, they are in the arts/crafts directly across from the cash register of Electronics. Know they were NOT there since I had just come from there, I went back to electronics and the books were smack dab in the middle of the Electronics dept right next to the laptops.
Will I remember where the books are next time? This is the Question!
Brain is


Brian's Home Blog said...

HA! That's one of the many reasons I never go to WalMart!

Mevely317 said...

Not pointing fingers at Wal-Mart (much), I think if stores could stop moving things around people would be happier. I mean, look at this stupid move-your-clocks-forward nonsense.

Maybe you're just seeing what you want to see. My friend Brenda always says, "Where the eyes go, the feet follow."

eileeninmd said...

A few of the food stores here move things around a lot, I think they are trying to get people to walk around the store more. Maybe making the customers walk around they will buy things they did not come into to buy!

Rose said...

I get so frustrated when stores change everything...and it is to make people walk around more and buy more.

My Mind's Eye said...

I found most of my word search books at the Dollar Store.
We currently have a headache because Bryan is having to change ins. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

I do here your brain freeze Sandra.
We were in WalMart yesterday. They are changing things around and a lot of the shelves were empty. After going around and around looking for Kikomon Sweet and Sour sauce and couldn't find it in the logical place I finally asked a sweet young thing. She spoke broken English but we finally got our request out and she looked it up on her device. Bless her heart she walked us over to it. Wasn't where it was expected but we did get it.
After shopping we went to the self check-out and there was a huge line waiting.
Half of the stands were closed. When asked why, the clerk said that only 4 people are allowed in to check there groceries when there is only one clerk!!!! It seems they are going to close all the self check outs stations and go back to cashier check out. Too much theft apparently and California won't prosecute so its "free" for the taking..Ok I'm going to start ranting about our Governor etc. so I will stop.
What a pain.
So sorry you are having Empty Brain symptoms.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You're HERE! I'm so glad to see you! And now I know where the books and magazines are! Assuming our floor plan is the same. Maybe try the puzzles just one at a time, and gradually increase them.

DeniseinVA said...

These places are doing their best to give our brains mental gymnastics!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Perhaps it’s time to try a new store. If WalMart can keep causing you frustration, yet you keep going back, they have no reason to become more customer friendly since you have already proven to them that you will continue to shop there whatever they do.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh you are sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny. I totally agree with you.

Why do they redo the aisles? You finally find where something is and they change it.

I do love Walmart!

Ann said...

I hate when they move everything around. That's pretty bad when an employee doesn't even know where stuff is. I also hate that from one Walmart to the next things are in different spots. There are 4 possible Walmarts I can go to. All 4 have the pet section in a different spot. I'm sure there's other departments that are different too but pet supplies was the first that came to mind. I do a word search on my phone. I have an app that is a word search game.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Where did you buy those? You did answer my question. Sorry about leaving things in the microwave. Yes, you will remember next time where they are.

CheerfulMonk said...

Walmart needs to be careful. Amazon is always ready to send us anything nonperishable. I’m sorry about your frustration, but your talking about microwaves reminds me why I only cook with the microwave or the InstantPot. They have timers that shut the device off instead of burning down the house. You are not alone!

Tigger's Mum said...

With Debbie on the use of microwave. We have a stove/cooker with a turnoff timmer on the heating elements as well (if I remember to set it).

Sparky said...

My brain checked out LONG ago.
It is frustrating when stores move merchandise around without asking my permission. I mean REALLY ... right?!
Blessings. 😊