Monday, May 13, 2024

iPad Notes has been conquered!


I have now conquered adding photos and writing in notes and taking screen shots and practiced writing and you can see below, a list I wrote and after practice wrote it again. Much Better

the thing is if we don't use something, we lose it. I stopped writing my post by hand, because it was easier to type them in note pad and copy paste. Now I will go back to writing on pad to keep my skills up. I also found lack of writing by pen, made me lose my spelling skills. typing doesn't matter, just right click on squiggle. 


diane b said...

Learning new stuff is good for your brain. well done for conquering Notes.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are such an amazing learner!! And persevere too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Plus I like seeing your grocery list.

CheerfulMonk said...

You know a lot more about Notes than I do. Good for you!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Try again... You know a lot more about Notes than I do. Good for you!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Not only are you keeping your little greys active, but your hands as well! I agree, once known for my penmanship, I might be vaguely embarrassed by my handwriting these days, so much of a typist have I become. YAM xx (Who is at least able to visit and comment, so feeling a tad better...)

Ann said...

Good for you. I knew you could do it. You always seem determined to conquer anything you set out to do.

eileeninmd said...

Learning new things is good for the brain.
We always have a grocery list.
Love the Beau images!
Take care, enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I still write quite a bit and can’t think that I would ever stop. There is a certain amount of pleasure to it actually.

Rose said...

I always write my Walmart list, too....

WTG on learning the new skills on the Ipad.

Sparky said...

Well done you. I've put Google's Keep Notes (yellow icon) on my phone. It works fine for what I use it for: grocery list, shopping, etc. 💙

DeniseinVA said...

This is impressive and your writing is very neat! Great job on the pic, so cool!

Chatty Crone said...

You are absolutely right - if you don't use it - and that is anything - I do think you lose it. Hope you had a nice Mother's Day!

photowannabe said...

I'm in agreement..if you don't use it you loose it.
My cursive skills are dimming for sure. I wrote a 2 page letter to my friend and by the time I was done the writing looked awful, and my hand was worn out.
I almost always have a grocery list with me...hand scribbled...
The brain just seems to NEED that scrap of paper to spend my money.

My Mind's Eye said...

MS I have rec'd many thank you notes from young folks for bday gifts or grad gifts. It amazes me that NONE OF THEM know how to cursive and their printing is not very good either.
Hugs Cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow! Great job...maybe I need to use my iPad more...hmmmmm

Mevely317 said...

You're so right about losing skills I took for granted. The tremor aside, my handwriting's gone to pot. Probably spelling, too ... I know arithmetic.

I still make a weekly list every Sunday night, but make sure it's on a lined index card and that I print.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very interesting. Are you using a pointer thing on the iPad? There has been a nice improvement. I hate when they have me sign things with my fingers. I still write out notes by hand and cards of course.

Susan Kane said...

I had surgery Sep5 2023 on my right wrist. My left hand is putting in overtime. Your writing looks great.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

I too am a listmaker, and my writing skills have lost a lot too. More aging than lack of use. As for lists, if you want it done, it has to be on my list. Otherwise I will forget:)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes, I totally agree, hooray for an active brain!

DeniseinVA said...

So very true! I am making more and more lists these days. Love seeing Beau.