Friday, May 17, 2024

Squirrels Skyway


This is our Golden Rain Tree. One side is dead. We love the tree as it is, even the dead part. There is a reason we will not cut it off

We have a family of these, there are 5 of them.

This is their sky way and above and below is the view of the sky-way from our window on the world. They leap from the oak to the dead limb, run down to the ground run up the palm and on to the roof and across and into the avocado at the back corner, down to the ground and we watch them eat in the back yard, then run up the sky-way and back the way they came to the oak tree they live in. Free entertainment.

The sky-way will remain. the laughter we get when they race to the point in the middle spread their 4 legs and leap into the oak, clinging on while it rides them up and down like a roller coaster... they have not fallen. Yet
 I throw fruit and veggies out under the sky-way and stand and watch them at the buffet. Almost forgot, the birds love the dead part of the tree. We have seen doves loving and jays fighting and grackles chasing all of them, including the squirrels who chatter at the grackles while running away


Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so glad you did not cut it off! I was just snapping a squirrel today. They are such fun to watch, especially how they make their tails go in circles.

DeniseinVA said...

Bless your kind heart!

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, bless you for leaving the dead part!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Awesome! YAM xx

Ann said...

The tree in my front yard has a lot of dead limbs on it. I've debated on whether or not it needs to come down. It sits very close to the house. Yet another expense though that I'm not ready for.

Rose said...

Oh, squirrels are so much fun to watch.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I stand in great admiration of your decision. I wish that more people would leave dead branches alone.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh yes squirrels are all about great highway access. No need to walk on the ground when you jump
Yesterday a huge hawk saw something he wanted for lunch.
It was either a squirrel or chipmunk running thru the ivy.
He landed smack in the middle. He missed his target but he gave us a great view of himself

photowannabe said...

Love the view from your window and all of the free entertainment.
Just to let you know that I went into my Spam folder and the only Blogger in there was one from you. It was all about Hootin'Annie's passing. So sad for her but glad I finally found out what happened. Off for my early stint at Lynne's It will be nice to be home earlier.

Chatty Crone said...

Awe you are a sweetheart taking care of those squirrels. I love them too. We have one here we are watching as long as they don't come into the attic!

DawnTreader said...

Now that's a reason for keeping dead branches I might not have thought of (unless I had seen the squirrels using them, like you do)! I mostly see squirrels in the cemetery with all its big old trees. Ours are the red kind and I think they run up and down the tree trunks more than they jump between trees.

Sparky said...

We watch the birds and squirrels too. They're so entertaining. 💙

Mevely317 said...

You know how I love squirrels!
You're right, the entertainment they provide is something.

Just yesterday I was thinking that I want to find a small chair and set in the living room corner. The picture window's our girls' favorite place to sit and watch the birds and squirrels ... why should they have all the fun? (jk) Unfortunately, Tom's keyboards and speakers take up so much room I need to put my thinking cap on.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I love that you leave the tree the way it is for the wildlife! We also have a lot of brush in our backyard, and the birds love to nest in it and the bunnies like to hide under it!

Have a great weekend!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I would do the same thing. It sounds like so much fun watching them and I'm sure they enjoy the food you give them. Mark would not let me do this. I think squirrels are cute.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yep, I sure wouldn't mess with the highway either!

eileeninmd said...

I am glad you left the dead part of the tree too, the birds and critters love those parts. As you say it is the skyway for the squirrels. Take care, have a great day!