Saturday, May 18, 2024

There is an Honest Mechanic on the planet


Bob's truck needed U-joints and drive shaft. He wanted to take it to the place we went to 10 years ago. We both new where it was but no name. We found it, made an appt and arrived there Thursday morning at 9 am. When we go there it was the wrong place. We went in and the lady said, it would have to stay overnight. Bob said he was not leaving it overnight and was fussing about it as we walked out for her to snap a photo of the license plate. The Lady said we will call you and went back inside. Bob raised a ruckus, or as I call it a HISSY FIT.. he refuses to leave his baby anywhere overnight.

I went back inside and asked for the keys and she was really nice, and gave them back and said no problem. When we left Bob said the place I wanted is right behind this one. I followed him and he pulled in at Bills Automotive next to Bailey's Automotive. Bill popped out and ask if we needed help. He was super nice and when we explained what we needed he said Oh you want the other Bill, that is Bill Bailey next door, but he has retired because of health issues.

He said what do you need? I just had an appt cancel and am free. He said Oh, I can do the u-joints and drive shaft but you have to pick it up by 3 because I am closing early today.

We left the car, and by the time we got home, 10 minutes, the phone rang and he said what kind of problem are you having, there is nothing wrong with your u-joints or drive shaft. He said he would drive it and listen for the noise. (we had an estimate of 900.00 to replace that had nearly caused Bob to expire because he said it should be 300. Forgot to say, Bill said 200 for the job. 

Bill called back and said he and his friend down at the other end could find nothing wrong with the truck. I said that is great, what is the charge for inspection. NOTHING was the answer, if I don't do work I don't charge. When we picked up the truck he refused adamantly the 20 dollar tip I offered him.

We MET THE ONLY HONEST MECHANIC On his planet! Plus he told me where to get my door on my Suv fixed and said his best friend runs the shop 2 door down and if he can't do the work, his friend can.... 

WE GET to KEEP our $900.00 and now know if we need help we can trust him to tell us the truth which is worth Millions! Thank you Bill

We also know that Tires Plus sold us 4 tires, did the 10 dollar inspection I required and LIED about what it needed. Which was nothing...Shame on Tires Plus. Bob said you lied and you did


Rose said...

It is really nice to meet someone honest...and I have did that a tiime or two. Once with a vacuum cleaner that stopped running. We hit the reset button and everything we could think of and it would not run. Then took it to a repair shop...they called later...I can't remember if it was the same day or a day or two later...said it had run perfect ever since we brought it in. So we went and got it, no charge. And it ran for several more years.

Rose said...

Forgot to say that I also took sewing machine in and she looked and looked for a little screw that was missing and never found one...even contacted someone who worked on my specific brand of sewing machines. She would not take any money for all her time and trouble.

photowannabe said...

I love when we find those "one of a kind" people. The trust and work they do is worth every penny spent (or not spent!)
So happy you got the very best results for Bob's car.. Boo to Tires Plus...they sound a bit like Speedy Oil Change that bumps every thing up. Won't ever go there again.

Sparky said...

It is comforting to find a good mechanic! Well done. 😉

My Mind's Eye said...

AMAZING story Sandra...we have a mechanic we like for that type of thing (that is not covered under the life time warranties we have on CR-V and Highlander). Same place as years ago just now the teenager who worked there now owns it.
hugs Cecilia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well I'm glad you found an honest guy. So they said nothing was wrong. Why had Bob thought that it needed work?

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes, that's great and that kind of honesty seems to be slipping away. I'm glad you found it!

Mevely317 said...

What a great happenstance!
We actually met your Bill's 'brother' last year when we took my Camry, fully expecting a transmission replacement. He, too, said there was nothing wrong and refused a tip for his time.
These Southern men were 'raised right', weren't they? Gives one renewed faith in the goodness of people.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, that is quite the story!!! A good mechanic is hard to find these days and an honest one is nearly impossible to find.

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so happy for you. Bless that fellow! ❤️

DeniseinVA said...

Isn’t that just wonderful? What a great guy! I am happy for you too. Good people are out there.

Ann said...

That guy is a keeper. Most of them these days would replace things whether they need them or not. Or even worse, say they replaced something, charge the money and no work was actually done.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It surely begs the question, at Bob’s age and his mainly sedentary lifestyle, why does he even need the truck?

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I love it when you find an honest mechanic or repairman for anything. They are hard to come by, and when we do find them, we tell everyone. Likewise, when we find dishonest ones, we tell everyone as well! God was watching out for you all, and I am happy your story has a happy ending!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad got read that there are honest business folks who will not take advantage or overcharge. I know little to nothing about car servicing except to bring in my 2007 Jeep for inspections, oil changes and overall checks. Thankfully, I have not have any overcharges and just bring it to a local Jeep dealership.

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra you guys were so lucky - to find a great place - with an honest man - and to save $900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!