Sunday, June 2, 2024

Just a cup of water part 2

 Matthew 25:40  King James Version

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

We last had a true rain last year with a hurricane side swipe. so far this year we have had 2 five minute light showers. The last one was a month ago. The tree these flowers are on, had almost died, the shower brought leaves and a week later one flower. One week of just a coffee can, a few cups, full of water 3 times brought 7 beautiful  blooms.

I took these photos a week ago and popped them in two posts because I loved them all. Just because I was excited that my walking back and forth with dishwater had brought the flowers out. I had  no idea what I would write here until Wed morning I went out to hit the Dollar General, the vets office for RX for Beau and Publix for 4 items.
Walking into Publix, I passed the bench that I pass every time I go, and there is almost always 1 to 3 homeless people on the bench. I always speak as I walk by. The man of misery was sitting with his face in his dirty hands, long hair hanging forward and did not move when I walked past him and 20 minutes later he was still with his elbows on knees and face hidden in his hands. It was so hot walking outside, I felt like my shoes would melt and like I was breathing water not air..

Again the man did not look up, and as I stepped around his feet I heard in my heart, this man needs help. Give him the 20 you have in your pocket. I had 4 heavy bags and I passed by him and walked to my car, placing the bags in the car.. Arguing with the voice telling me to give him the 20.  

I took the twenty out walked back to where he sat, and said to his head still bent in utter misery, God told me you need this money. He raised his head and said, yes I need it, are you sure? 

His eyes were neon blue, in a dirty face, a beautiful handsome dirty face. Maybe 40 years old. His short beard and mustache and face was like a sad child that is hot and dirty.  My heart hurt when I saw the red smudge around his mouth from eating breakfast from the small can of Beefaroni, sitting on the sidewalk between his feet, unheated, sitting on the ground empty. his cold breakfast, bought at Dollar tree, 2 small cans for 1.25. 

He spoke with a beautiful and educated voice, and thanked me for the money. He told me his name is on the list for next week, and he is supposed to get a room inside next week. He was not an addict or a drug user, he was a young man down but not done. His eyes were clear and beautiful.

I had to leave because my heart was breaking for him and I knew I was about to cry. I cried on the way to the car, cried while telling Bob about it, as I am sitting now with tears running down my face as I tell this story.

I have no idea why he needed the money or if he will be ok and may never know. I do know he needed help and that I am blessed with more food than we could eat in a month in a cool house, with showers and soap. None of which he has. 

I consider that God said he needs a cold cup of water and you are the one to do it and I did.... I don't even know why I am telling you this.  How can we as humans, that would go inside and buy bottled water to pour in a bowl for a dog or cat we saw on the side of the street but will walk by someone in need with out a thought. I do that every day, I see our homeless every where we go.

 I just know this one needed that money and I had it to give. I am asking God why this one and not the others. I have no clue. He doesn't want me to have a clue. 

I hope that all who read this, will become aware of others and give a cup of water to those in need. 

The results of a Can of water


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, Phil gives a twenty to the men he sees standing with signs in the median. We cannot to all of them, but do what we can. You did good! LOVE the last photo the best. And it is strange how people will rescue animals in a heartbeat, but not help needy humans. Your Dad would be so proud of you.

CheerfulMonk said...

Bless you! ❤️

Ann said...

That is a very touching story. With that $20 you gave him so much more than money. You gave him hope.
Around here, we don't have homeless people. We have quite a few that look homeless and I suppose there are some who actually are but we don't see them like big cities do.

eileeninmd said...

I do not see the homeless in the area I live or around the shopping areas.
I know it is a big problem in many of the cities. You are so kind.
I love your hibiscus blooms. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
And could barely read for tears by the end. This was capital 'ell' Love in action. Thank you for answering it's call... YAM xx

DawnTreader said...

You have a big heart, and I love how you connect the simple act of watering a dry plant with left-over water, with giving a bit of money to a homeless stranger. So often there is so little we can do about the BIG problem (whether draught or poverty) - and yet just a little can make a difference for a single individual (and we may never know just how much).

Rose said...

Remind me to tell you a story..about waiting for Roger...

I often think more is spent on digs and cats than some families have to live on.

Sparky said...

Perfect analogy. Spot on. Bless you for sharing Christ. I worry too about so many feeling total despair. It can lead to even more wrong thoughts, like suicide or sinful living. ((Hugs)) for your kindness. 💙

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra...oh my word bless your heart and soul....I hope and pray the $20.00 gave him some hope for the week until he can get a room. It is so easy to be kind may today be the day that changes his life.
Many hugs

Chatty Crone said...

I loved your story of faith and I am so glad that you followed God's word he uttered in your heart.

photowannabe said...

Now I'm crying too. When God prompts and we listen and obey there are blessings all around. You will probably never know the results of your act of kindness but He does...
Thank you for being obedient.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love what you did and the fact that God spoke to you. Thank you for sharing this.

Latane Barton said...

What an eye-opening post. How often do I pass by those in need? I will become more aware because of your kind deed. Thank you.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Touching story. Thanks for sharing it with us.

DeniseinVA said...

God willing this young man will be up on his feet soon, inspired by your kindness. I wish him well and I thank you for your kind heart.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good for you. We've done similar things too and the heart tells us when it is the right thing to do.

Inger said...

I believe you wrote this to remind us to be kind to those in need, whether we hear the voice of God or not.

Mevely317 said...
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Mevely317 said...

Tears flowing! This is so beautifully expressed from the heart, I've no doubt you've touched countless others as well. Not for the first time I'm reminded, There but by the Grace of God go I.

Susan Kane said...

what a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this. I will remember it.

Linda said...

I love you, Sandra! And I love your heart!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, thank you for sharing your act of kindness and I believe you have inspired many others to be more forgiving and perhaps less judging of those in need. Your heart spoke to you and you followed it and the person you helped will not forget the helping hand.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

And, I was so moved by this post that my post today is about your kindness. I hope you will not object to the shout-out because you deserve it, my blogger friend.

Kay G. said...

Always listen to that inner voice. God bless you.

Marcia said...

Came over after reading Beatrice P. Boyd's. blog about your kindness. What you did took courage and now you've set an example for us all. Thank you.

baili said...

hey friend here from Dorothy's place

i loved your walk images ,blooms are so pretty !

found story really heartbreaking
reminded me times when i used to shed tears bitterly for many years of my life till thirty plus until i got opportunity to support few needy people on monthly base which makes me on peace little bit honestly

thanks for sharing your generosity ,it makes me feel good as i am not proving myself less smart by giving money away as may some think but giving what i can give as my share for the betterment of someone's life .
many more blessings to you and family