Saturday, July 20, 2024

Caturday Art by iPad

  Procreate has this nifty thing called Assisted Drawing Symmetry.  Turn on Assisted and whatever I draw on one side will appear on the page exactly what I draw. I can choose vertical, horizontal, quad and radial. I draw and it mimics what I draw.

I chose vertical in the crazy thing above and it worked, but the doodle is from my head, Oh No!

Nonsense to me and a few others, but the thing is, it is therapeutic trying to make it work. When I drag the neon colors across the screen, I feel good and who can fret over LIFE while doing this? Following tutorials doesn't allow for fretting of the brain waves. It shuts my fretter down.

It removes all crazy thoughts from my mind, and I am happy while doing it

FAIL ugh

I changed my background to black and  chose Radial. Each stroke was copy in a radial design.



Radial is my favorite to play with. I did fail on this, because the scribbles should not be there
because i don't like them and had accidently closed the thing and could not back it out. Simply forgot to use another layer. If I had, it would have been an easy fix. I used Light Brushes on this one 

No clue what I used, or where the drawing came from. this is what happens if I doodle and don't copy others.

vertical symmetry

After this appeared  out of my head, I decided to give up drawing. What is this? swiping brush strokes??????? out of my MIND?????
The positive and uplifting comments on Tommy Turtle and the Five brushes have changed my decision to give up drawing and now you will all pay the price of MORE Mad Drawings Mad One 
All of you caused me to remember, play time doesn't have to be puzzles or games, but drawing crazy things is therapeutic and brain exercise
love you, from


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are so right about how doing things like this that we love shuts out our worry! First, I love your purple sign-off. The first one looks like a crab person! And my favorite is the big green circle with the purple inside.

CheerfulMonk said...

I can't think of a better use of your time. Hurray for you and for Procreate!

Ann said...

Oh my gosh, these are so cool. I love all of them even the one you labeled as a fail is awesome and cool. I am really glad that you didn't decide to give up drawing. You are correct it is therapeutic.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
They are all fab... Even the Snappersaurus... Keep playing!!! YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I can’t help but wonder how you would have occupied your time if you had attained your present age about thirty years ago!

Sparky said...

Aww, please keep going! The purple sign off is super cool. I like the blue decoration too but I'm a fan almost all things blue. I had a blue motorcycle (V-Strom) which was my favorite. *sigh* I miss that bike. That's my therapy / drug: riding. I admire how you're so good at this. I get frustrated and quit. This is fun! Oh, and thanks again for sharing the McCall info. I finished your side of the family down to your Grandparents (I think) in my Family Tree Maker. It will be preserved in that file from now. I was 'dumping' this at the LDS site to keep but their site no longer works. I gotta find another place to keep it safe. Love ya kuz! Sending prayers for y'all. 💙

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love your pink dinosaur! And the one you said shouldn't have the scribbles around it...well, I think they belong there! Actually, these are all so good and looks like you do have fun with that. I'm not sure I would know how to do that, but I guess you do this on an IPad? I don't have one, so I guess I couldn't do it anyway. But I will enjoy your offerings. Yes, I think your doodling and our scribbling through blogs, snapping pictures of anything that strikes our fancy...all of that is therapeutic and good for the brain and soul! So snap on, "MadSnapper"! It's good clean fun for all of us to enjoy!!

eileeninmd said...

Keeping busy does help to keep us healthy, both physically and mentally.
You are creative and that is a good thing. Love the images!
Take care, have a great weekend.

Donna said...

These are all so Cool!! I love the one with the unwanted squiggles! Looks like they belong there!

Chatty Crone said...

I don't know if it would be therapeutic for me or make me need therapy because I'd be so frustrated I couldn't do it.
You are the Queen of amazing.
I like the green too with the purple inside - why heck I even love your dragon!

Rose said...

That is how quilting does me...I am focused on it and forget everything else. And yours is fun and mine is fun...but at least yours does not have two rooms devoted to it. And you don't have threads hanging to your clothes all the time.

Mevely317 said...

Well, poop. I was just writing a long comment when the thunder and lightning began ... it all went bye-bye.
Basically, I'm delighted that you're discovering so much enjoyment ... not MAKING something happen, but allowing things to flow.
These images are better than trying to decipher cloud formations! I'm seeing a fuzzy organism through a microscope, an adorable purple raccoon ... even someone's intestines. Ha!

Please keep on playing and sharing with us!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love how happy this makes you and that it turns off the thoughts in your mind. I need something to do that for me!!!

DeniseinVA said...

It's good to know you are not giving up on your drawing. I always enjoy them and you tell us about various apps which is another plus. It does keep us happy in the making and the seeing of. Please keep it up as long as you enjoy it.

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL I thought the first rendering was a crab...
Well matter how you bad you think they are I SAY KUDOS TO YOU FOR TRYING AND BEAUTY IS IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER
HUGS Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

I enjoy all of your art and I really like Dino having lunch!

photowannabe said...

What ever works as therapy is definitely a God-send for you. Keep on doing it. I can appreciate your "Fretter" being turned off and you being happy in your doodles.
I may have to start doodling too as therapy for my days with Lynne. Sometimes I am so mentally exhausted that I sit and play computer Solitare for much to long.
Gotta redo some photos for eBay today. They just aren't doing what we want them to do.. Seems there is always something pushing me.. (:0)

DawnTreader said...

I love the pink dinosaur. Surely it's eating a palm tree...?? ;) I agree with everyone else, any kind of creativity that makes you relax and be happy can only be good.