Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sharing my findings

 Check out the size of the box from Amazon that contained the extension pole for the pool. Wow!

Delivery time on Amazon said Monday between 4:45 and 9:45.
I am thankful Amazon delivers this 40 pound box right to our porch. I shop alone an no way to put it in a basket or the car
 Bob goes to sleep at 7:30 and I read until I am sleepy.
 At 8:30 light bulb over my head popped up and said, you did not check the porch for the pole. As I opened the door to peer on the porch, I almost knocked the shocked delivery driver over with the door and nearly fell down from how hard I startled. He also startled. 
He slid the awkward BOX to the door and while I am reaching out to bring it in, he said wait, I need to take a photo. 
Ha ha I hope he did not get me in my nightgown in that shot. Don't Fret, I am more covered than women who shop in Wal-Mart and certainly show less than the movie stars on the red carpet.

I am thankful I finally found a moisturizer that has absolutely no scent, non-greasy, and nothing in it to make my allergies kick. 
I can wear it under my makeup, put it on twice a day and I can tell you my wrinkles after a week are slowly disappearing and the scaly skin on eyebrows and the edges of my ears are Gone.

 Joining Brians Home Forever for Thankful Thursday


easyweimaraner said...

what a timing... and what a moment ... maybe the drivers have a kind of social media group where they share their delivery adventures? then I'm in too... scared one to death with a black face pack ;o)))))

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Thanks for the Cetaphil tip...YAM xx

Ann said...

Yesterday when I got home from work, I was on the front porch getting ready to unlock the door when the mailman delivered my amazon package. No startling involved. They don't take pictures either.
I'll have to look for that cream. I have wrinkles where there didn't used to be any.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Getting rid of scaly skin is always a good thing! I was in a store a few years ago with a friend who, upon seeing how little some of the women wore, commented that “in this store it’s 50% off all the time!” Not that we were complaining, mind you!

eileeninmd said...

I am thankful for our Amazon delivery and our USPS workers.
I will check out that moisturizer cream, no scent is what I need too.
Take care, have a great day!

Donna said...

Thanks for the tip about the cream!
No scary stories here...

Rose said...

At least you did not totally forget it was coming...

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh to bad you don't have a ring doorbell camera we could have all laughed along with you.
Too Funny
Not familiar with the Cetiphil cream. Nice to know since I too cannot use anything smelly

Mevely317 said...

Oh my goodness, that 'encounter' sounds like something from America's Funniest Home Videos. Thankfully, our girls alert us to every man, woman or child who happens by 'their' front yard.

Your testimony's good enough for me; I'm going to add that Cetaphil to my Wal-Mart right now. Sometimes I even refrain from putting on hand lotion b/c I can't stand the sticky feel afterwards.

Ginny Hartzler said...

My doctors recommend Cetaphil, and even give out tiny samples of it. But I did not know about this kind. I will pick it up today!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I see on the jar it says Doctor Recommended, and so it is!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sometimes I am amazed at the boxes that Amazon uses for some items. Wow, that was a heavy one. Oh my, that was a surprise for the driver. Glad you found that moisturizer. I'm also glad you have seen a difference in your skin.

photowannabe said...

Looks like I am going to be looking for the Cetaphil too. Maybe it will be the answer to my skin dryness on my legs etc. and wrinkles Be Gone!!!
I laughed out loud at your encounter with the delivery guy. Too funny.

Harriet John said...

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Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, that is quite the big box for that!

Sparky said...

What a huge box! I giggled at the porch episode. Bet he laughed about it too.
We call those that don't dress with decorum Walmartians. So many look that way now.
The Cetaphil cream sounds like good stuff. I use baking soda laced with salt to scrub my face. I clears up my acne and scrapes the barnacles off. *lol* I also use the baking soda concoction to brush my teeth. There's no plague on my teeth anymore. They're also white and clean. I haven't been to a dentist in over 6 years. 💙

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I am a big fan of Cetaphil, Cerave is also a great choice...I get whichever one is on sale.

Chatty Crone said...

I use the Cetaphil soap for my face too - so gentle. I have trouble with my eyes.
I think you both had a shock - lol. Glad you got your package to your door!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, what a funny story! I bet that delivery guy was chuckling all the way back to his truck and beyond! Oh, I wonder what he did with your picture that he took? Maybe you are his new "pin up girl". LOL. Just kidding. I doubt he included you in the photo, but it's still a funny thought. I'll have to check out the Cetaphil. I currently use Aveno unscented lotion for my face/body. It seems to be the right balance for my skin, but in the winter I could use the extra moisture for my arms/elbows/legs/heels. And I always use unscented lotions.
I enjoyed this post. You are always so much fun!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom finally has the FedEx driver well trained to leave the big heavy box of our kibble right by the garage doors instead of on the porch. She can then open the box right there and put the bag in the garage spot just a few feet away instead of having to carry it from the porch.

Mom LOVES Cetaphil moisturizing cream, not the lotion - it even feels good when you are putting it on, she adds.

Woos - Misty and Timber

CheerfulMonk said...


Breathtaking said...

Sandra, I'm glad you found some cream that is hydrating your skin. Just recently I discovered another cream for all the body. It's called DERMISOL and it is used in hospitals. My daughter bought a huge dispenser of 1000g, and I have been using it every day after a shower. My skin has improved 100 percent, and I even think some of my lines seem less noticeable.

DeniseinVA said...

That's a ringing endorsement for Cetaphil. I'm going to have to look into that. Funny how you bumped into the Amazon guy, always enjoy your daily happenings.