Saturday, July 13, 2024

Tommy Turtle and the Five Brushes


Abstract brushes are my favorite, there are many besides this one

These are all practice of using procreate brushes. Each set is one brush and can be changed in size and shape by dragging the side bar back and forth. I show you this so you will know what I use to do my copy cat doodles  of  Ann's Doodles by markers.

I drew an oval, I drew a 2nd one on another layer, then five ovals, because I needed to follow a tutorial on how to shade and give depth and a few other things I will not name. The artist doing the tutorial, used a crab, I deleted my crab and did not finish it... then did the oval thing.. 
at least I now know my lifelong desire to be an artist will never happen. I  used 5 brushes and 5 layers. If you know Photoshop, you will get the layer part.

Tommy Turtle is smiling because he has Five Legs

Ann from SnapEditScrap posted this fish 
 My inspiration failed, the fish is to Big and I forgot to use layers and could not fix it... Learning Layers again, I used them in Photoshop but that was years ago.

I consider the 2nd one better... Learning One Day at a Time
I keep missing details. can you find the one I missed?


Linda said...

You are always learning something new! I am reading a devotional book by Charles Swindoll and today he wrote about 'vanilla.' And how few people over 30 years old continue to learn new things. Think outside the box. Do the unexpected.
I admire your computer skills.....and YOU!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The only detail I can see you missed is the starfish. The turtle is cute, and the fish are not bad. I think you could draw better fish just on paper with markers or crayons.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love Tommy the Turtle! And the brush work. Please keep sharing!

Rose said...

I like Tommy Turtle...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
No, Tommy has four legs and a tail—and he's very handsome! Keep at it, my friend—you DO have skill, and it is developing. YAM xx

Ann said...

I think your turtle is adorable even if he does have an extra leg. I haven't drawn one of those yet but I've thought about it. Your fish look perfectly fine to me. I think you did an excellent job. You are too hard on yourself. It's the process that matters any way. All you have to do is enjoy the process of learning and creating.

Sparky said...

Don't give up. Layers are hard. Adding depth to a painting is difficult for me to grasp. I do OK with stencils, but when it comes to actually painting a picture freehand that looks like what it's supposed to look like or shadowing it to give it depth, well, I'm lost! I figure as long as what I'm doing makes me happy that'll have to do. *lol* Go with it. Keep trying. It's all just fun. 💙

Pamela M. Steiner said...

You are very creative and the new learning is always good exercise for the brain! I don't seem to have the knack for trying these new things, but it's fun to see what you can do! You are an inspiration to the rest of us! Thank you for sharing your fun with us! Have a lovely day, oh, and I really love your Turtle with the 5 legs! LOL. He's very unique!

eileeninmd said...

What a colorful post and fun too.
I love the turtle and the fish images.
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That wasfun, your fish are so darn cute!

My Mind's Eye said...

I love Tommy Turtle
I actually have a picture of a turtle next week too.
It is gardne art I saw on an EMS
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Well, I think you're TOO hard on yourself. (Aren't we all?) I love Tommy and the 5 Brushes title ... like a children's fairy tale.
I love technology, but this is way above my pay grade. I'll just sit on the sidelines and applaud wildly, how's that?

Chatty Crone said...

To be frank Sandra - I have to say I love all of them - they are cute and there is no way I could even do one of them.

DawnTreader said...

You're making great progress. I love the one with the green leaves, and the yellow one below as well.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Tommy turtle is so cute. It is always fun seeing what you come up with.

photowannabe said...

I'm with the rest of the comments..Too much technology for me..Keep at it.
They look great to me.
Just to let you know I didn't fry on the way home yesterday..Maybe a slow simmer ...
We did not go out side and Lynne slept a whole lot of the time.
It sure is wearing though.

Betty Manousos said...

All of these are impressive! You're definitely a techie person and I admire you so much. Photoshop is to difficult to hard to learn. Have a nice remainder of your day!. ❤️
Such a delightful post!

BettyManousos said...

Can't find that detail on that. fish

DeniseinVA said...

Love them! Creativity nurtures our brain, and each of us has our own different style, like our own signature.