Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Window World Continued


This is the veiw through my Window on the World looking to the East, the next two are from the window looking west to the house that took down three trees, see prior post 


See the gap over the house to far left, there were three trees there until they were removed for just in case hurricane scenario.. The tree in the center is our golden rain tree, and yes we love the dead half and it is there for the birds and squirrels and provides us with much entertainment. Yesterday we watched 2 young teen squirrels use the dead limbs like a jungle gym. they chased each other over and under and through the dead limbs and one of them fell from the third limb up but caught himself on the bottom one. cue loud laughter. that is what we did. We were watching Country Music Festival and the squirrels won out over the entertainment. The house with the white SUV is the House of Seven Cars that is now the house of Eight cars. The yellow house is the crazy lady who walks her dog in mid day on hot pavement and leave poop in peoples yards and the aqua is the house the idiots burn stuff in their back yard and tie the dog out and let him bark. I came close to going over there to see why the dog was crying. The aqua house is also the one that will be blasting the neighborhood with Fireworks for the next two days


Ginny Hartzler said...

This really IS a window on your world. I love being able to see the houses that you talk about in your posts. Through your eyes.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you so much! You have an interesting neighborhood. That's sad about the way the dogs are treated. It's hard not to try to help them. ❤️

easyweimaraner said...

that is like in gone with the wind... they had seven oaks, your can see 7 cars.. or 8 now... ;o)))

Ann said...

You have a very nice looking neighborhood. I don't know that I could give much description of my neighbors because most of them I very rarely see.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I can see that some of your neighbours didn’t got to charm school!

DeniseinVA said...

It is very interesting to learn about your neighborhood and your and the trees. Loved the antics of your squirrels as you might guess. I love ours and find them so entertaining.

Rose said...

I need to see all this on my computer..

Sparky said...

This one had me giggling. Awww ... neighbors. Nope. Don't miss living like that. Giving the neighbors "names" is what I did when we were jammed into a suburbia setting. We had The White Family (white house, white cars, white everything). The Loud Family (yes, they were). The Golfer (perfect, manicured lawn). And so forth.
Hope y'all have a happy 4th. 💙

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
You took us on a wander round your 'hood! Neighbours can be a challenge, can't they? YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

Interesting neighbors, I hope the dog is not mistreated.
The critters are so scared of the fireworks.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

This was delightful! Your view is lovely out your window. Sounds like your street is great entertainment, even the dead tree limbs provide hilarity! We have dead tree limbs on the pine trees in the back yard near the birdhouse, and they provide perching spots for the Bluebirds as they come and go, and the doves like to hang out there occasionally, and the squirrels know better than to get too close to the birdhouse, so they go up higher and over and then down and around. I prefer watching our neighbors behind us on Still Waters Pond to watching the neighbors out in front flying by on their souped up trucks and loud vehicles. We will be getting a new neighbor soon in Magnolia Cottage across the street, and there is new activity next door on the recently cleared lot, but I will save that for another post on MY blog! LOL. I hope your 4th of July is pleasant and that the neighbors will be considerate of each other. Praying for the dogs.

Chatty Crone said...

Wow some nice pics - your area looks so pretty. You do know your neighbors - that is so funny. Love it. Still sorry about the trees! Happy Fourth tomorrow!

Rose said...

They will miss those for the lady who lets her dog poop in people's yards, I would gather it up and throw it back in hers or meet her with a bag and make her pick it up. As you know this is a very sore spot with me.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure have some unusual neighbors but your neighborhood sure looks nice!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a diverse group of neighbors....I really love the skies out of your Window World

Tigger's Mum said...

You have such 'interesting' neighbours! (Ours just harbour rats.)

My Mind's Eye said...

Well done on the snaps I especially like the first one.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I LOVE your view to the East! ... and how you captured the sunbeam.
That's so funny how y'all have named your neighbors. (Tom never remembers names, so maybe I should try that.) At least everyone's lawns look nice and well-tended.

It would really bother me to hear the poor dog left out. There are a couple like that on the next street, but thankfully their cries don't go on so very long. Weather extremes and my heart and prayers go more so for the poor animals than my fellow man.

photowannabe said...

I totally love your Window on the World. The homes look nice from a distance but 8 cars!!! Good grief...too many.
Love the "jungle Jym" branches. There are several squirrels that love our almond and plum trees. They chase each other a lot and are on our roof, blasting off the edge over to the big tree in our front yard. As long as they don't make a home in the rafters I'm ok with them.
Another hot one today..110F. Sure not enjoying that.
Hope your Hurricane dance works and Beryl passes you by.
More financial stuff on the docket for today..its never ending.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That sounds like fun watching the squirrels and birds. That's not very nice of that woman from the yellow house with her dog.

DawnTreader said...

You most likely see more of your neighbours than I do of mine! (living in an apartment building, I tend to just briefly meet people going out or in...)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is quite the interesting neighborhood. Seems like you have a bit of everything:)

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Happy Whisk said...

Wow, they blast fireworks for days! Ack!