Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Happy Birthday David


Happy Birthday, to my brother, David. He is 76 today and survived Vietnam, and 9 years ago a rare cancer that the doctors knew nothing about, and he was give the news he would most likely not survive it. 9 years later he is still alive and well and has been in remission for those 9 years.

in these last 9 years, he has seen his grandson go off to college last year, his granddaughter in her Senior year of High School this past week.  

We were and are total opposites. Only two of us, and he was/is The Good Child, can you guess who The Bad Child was? 

I told a few good stories about him last year on a prior post HERE.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I will never believe that you were the bad one!!

easyweimaraner said...

well... I have no siblings so I've got this title too... lets wear it with proud like a crown LOL... happy birthday to your brother...

DeniseinVA said...

Happy birthday David! So glad he got through such an awful diagnosis. You made me smile. I don’t know who the bad one was and can’t imagine it was you, says I with a smile.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a great photo!

Ann said...

Happy Birthday to David.

Donna said...

Happy Birthday to your David!
Makes me wonder if he was diagnosed properly...but so glad he's still here!

eileeninmd said...

Happy Birthday to David! I am sure you were not that bad, just being a child. Take care, have a wonderful day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Happy birthday, David. Great name you have!

Sparky said...

Happy Birthday David! I've read where a lot of the Viet Nam Vets developed odd cancers and an unusual type of diabetes from exposure to the Agent Orange. My husband's BIL developed the Diabetes from handling the aircraft that were exposed to Agent Orange. I'm glad David has proven the "experts" wrong and survived. 💙

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I join the chorus of congratulations to David! YAM xx

Rose said...

I opevhe has a would like tonhearvthecdtories he would tell about you.

Chatty Crone said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID - you have one proud sister there. I am glad you got to witness all those wonderful events. Thanks for your service!

My Mind's Eye said...

Happpy Happy 76 th David...inquiring minds want to know if Sandra was a mad snapper or just a wild child
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday to David from all of us!

Mevely317 said...

Happy Birthday blessings to David! ... and congratulations for having beat that nasty C-word.
I'm chuckling about you pointing a finger at yourself ... hey, "bad" is relative. At this point in our lives, I say wear it like a badge of honor!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Birthday David! You are strong and an overcomer! Well done! Eat some cake and do a little dance! Hugs, Diane

Debby said...

Happy Birthday to David. May you be blessed with many more years.

CheerfulMonk said...

Bad or mischievous? Happy Birthday, David!

DawnTreader said...

Remember that the first child is always the parents' guinea pig... By the second one, they have learned a thing or two! ;-)

photowannabe said...

Happy Birthday C- survivor. 76 years is a proud badge of honor. You are so lucky to have a sister like Sandra. I'll bet you two made quite a pair. (:0)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy 76th Birthday to David! I am so thankful that he survived the war and the cancer. Those are definitely blessings with his grandchildren. I don't remember that post but I did post on it. It is funny about the reason you couldn't get better gas mileage.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy birthday to David - we hope his health continues for many years to come.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Tigger's Mum said...

Xronia polla (literally: many years) to David. Side comment, the Sandra in that photo is a doppleganger for my cousin Erica at that same age!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sending Happy 🎂Birthday wishes to your brother, David, who certainly has proven the experts wrong, so good for him.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

A very Happy Birrthday to your brother!

The Happy Whisk said...

Happy Birthday to your brother. lololol on you being the bad kid.