Saturday, August 10, 2024

I love my light bulbs


I do a lot of staring at the nook. I am IN LOVE with my new lightbulb strings of Fairy Lights.
The two above I tooke with my Samsung Cell phone and the ones below I pulled up Insta-Toon App and kept changing the filters taking photos.

I have a question. Can anyone tell me how to put these portrait photos side by side on the post, 
NOTE I am taking Sat/Sunday off from blog land. I have appts 1/2 day on Monday and am not feeling 100 %, my vertigo is about 95 % OK, I am able to walk the dog and do some housework but spent most of the day in bed on Friday.
We have doc appts for bob with orthopedic doctor, on Thursday because he just can't walk, and another on Friday for echocardiogram and LIFE is stressing me out.

Will be back on Tuesday to tell you how my visit goes.
I have a 9 to 12, neuropsychological assessment with a Phycologist on Monday. 
I AM STRESSED about that about bob and life in general

Haha, the more stress I feel the more photos I take.... LOOK OUT


Ginny Hartzler said...

The bulbs are really spectacular. My favorites are the actual real ones with no editing, and the Insta-Toon. Let me know after every appointment!!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I love your bulbs too - in every style!
Will keep you on the POTP list for this week of medicals. Age ain't kind, eh?
If you click on the pics when posted, a pop up box offers options - right, left, centre/add caption/resize etc. To side by side, click one to the left. Click on it again to highlight it, then use the right arrow on the direction selction (bottom right of keyboard) and you will see a thin blue flashing line and the 'linked' symbol on the upper tool bar will turn orange. Now upload the second image. It will appear below and centre as usual, but click it to the right, then use the drag pointer to bring it up level with the first image. If you then want to resize them, keep checking 'preview' as it varies from blog to blog how well they will fit. YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I see that Dr. YAM has provided advice on how to arrange your pictures the way you want them. I would not have had a clue! Good luck with all this medical turmoil - you have a lot on your mind right now.

Ann said...

Those bulbs are cool and I like all the pictures of them. Try to keep your mind off of things. Get lost in editing or whatever it takes to keep you from worrying. Best of luck with all the tests and appointments..

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Aging does have its issues for all of us, Sandra, and hope you get some answers on yours and Bob’s. Too much worry isn’t good and won’t help other issues like blood pressure. But, we’re only human and that’s easier said than done. Take time off to rest your anxieties.

eileeninmd said...

The light bulbs are pretty. Good luck with appointments.
I hope your feel better. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

Sparky said...

So sorry you and Bob are not well! Hopefully the vertigo is only stress related and will disappear after all the doin's is over. Prayers for you both.
This approaching week is supposed to be busy also. All of a sudden we're very 'popular'. I'm grateful but I do miss having no appointments to keep.
Thanks YAM for sharing how to put these photos side by side. I thought blogger had eliminated that wonderful feature. These programmers have made everything more difficult than necessary.
The lights are wonderful, so bright and cheerful. I like lights too. Can't stand sitting around in the dark. My now deceased Mother-in-law used to like dark rooms. I couldn't stand that.
Love ya kuz. Get well soon. 💙

My Mind's Eye said...

I do too and OMDs in that shiny glass nook with crystals they are spectacular
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I love your bulbs, too! My favorites are the first and the one directly under the yellow.
I'm so sorry you're experiencing these mind/body hurdles. Praying for peace of mind AND physical relief. (Sooner, rather than later!)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those really are pretty light bulbs, all of them! All the best for the doctors visits, we'll be waiting for a report.

Debby said...

I never knew light bulbs could be so pretty!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love your new bulbs too. Enjoyed all the photos. I'm not sure what works but you have a choice when you put a photo up to make it center, left or right.

DeniseinVA said...

I am very sorry for all the stress you are having. Good luck with the doctor appointments. I'm not sure about the side-by side photo. I usually put mine together in Paint Shop Pro. I know that doesn't help. I'll check that out as I have never tried to do it in blogger. Great effects on Insta Toon and I love your lights! I'll be thinking of you!

Chatty Crone said...

I was wondering when your appointment was at the doctor - I have been thinking of you. I know you will let us know.
So, Bob has a couple of appointments too. I hope he can figure some things out too. I'll be praying.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I was not aware of your vertigo and other issues going on, and I want you to know I am saying a prayer for you as you go to the Dr. and also as you take care of Bob's appointments, etc. May God give you the strength and calm assurance you need to get through it all. You are not alone. Now, regarding the bulbs, photos, etc., I had no clue about how to do the side by side thingy either. I am happy to hear this info from your friend. I may have to try it. I love your bulbs. They are all beautiful and yes, they are mesmerizing. I can't blame you for being fixated on them! We all loved them too! Thank you for sharing. (((Hugs)))

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The light bulbs are so pretty, we can see why you love them so much. All the best to you and Bob with all the upcoming appointments.

Woos - Misty and Timber

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so sorry about all the health issues. It’s terrifying. I hope the doctors can help some. I love your lights. Much love and hugs.

Donna said...

I know you'll do well with the testing!
Beautiful lights! And I see others have told you how to fix your photo problem...enjoy!

diane b said...

Old age is not for sissies. It is darn hard work trying to stay normal. Everyday there is somethingnew going wrong with the old body. So sorry to hear that you are stressed with Bob and life. I feel the same sometimes but then I look around the village to see others in a worse state than us. Hope your doctors can make things better for you and Bob. The light bulbs are pretty and so are the photos. When I post two portrate photos next to each other i keep them at small size import them on after the other and then drag one up to be next to the other. Doesn't always work first time. Then I make them large. Good luck and good health.

Betty Manousos said...

I’m so very sorry to hear that both of you are not feeling well. good luck with the doctor appointments. sending energy and positive thoughts your way. praying and thinking of you. please find a way to distract your mind from stress. (((Hugs)))
PS. the light bulbs are pretty. love them all.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra I'm so sorry that you are both feeling poorly. I know stress is a big contributor to overall feeling
Hugs Cecilia