Sunday, August 4, 2024

It's Sunday Selfie Time

 Hi, its selfie Sunday and I have not taken any current pictures of myself, well, because I do have a mirror.

I took these today, August 3, 2024 and its only 33 days from my 80th birthday. I know you are thinking I have no wrinkles and such beautiful skin. NOT true. Samsung has a smoothing filter that automatically does this when in selfie mode. I snapped ME, I showed you a little of the jungle growth, then looked down and saw the rose moss and ferns.

then I sat on sofa with Ipad and blurred the background behind my perfect smooth face, then removed the background, and played for an hour trying to do a tutorial of DIGITAL ART  . I forgot to start with DIGITAL ART is Trending. Go ahead, google digital art is trending. WOW~

Then I got frustrated and well,,, here you go.

I did not finish the tutorial.
but I did scribble on it. Just for you.
By the way, we ate out at Golden Corral Friday, and the cute BABY BOY waiter said what drinks can i get you? I said Oh I forgot to tell her when I paid, he said its changed, all Seniors get free drinks with meals, for 11.99 and I bring you your choice. He winked and said its because Seniors are Special. I said Well I might be really special because I will be really old in a few days, as in 80. He said, REALLY? you look like your 60...  (note: the comment was before the tip)
When we left, he said to Bob, I told her she looks 60, but you I am saying 55.
Bob laughed we all laughed and when we got outside, Bob said, what did he say? I did not understand a word he least he laughed like he knew 
Talk about really OLD
PS if i get brave, I will take a selfie with the iPhone. it shows wrinkles.


DeniseinVA said...

Hello beautiful lady, and I agree with the young waiter, and I don’t expect a tip!!! Sounds like you had a real nice time and I enjoyed your creativity.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You do look so good. What a cute waiter! I love the you in aqua streaks!!

Ann said...

You look awesome. I think your photo with the scribbles is rather clever and artistic. Sounds like you had a good waiter at Golden Corral. We don't have one of those around here any more. It closed a long time ago.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Embrace the age! Your selfie is indeed flattering - nothing wrong with that. I look nearly as old as you - that would fool that boy!!! YAM xx

DawnTreader said...

Great selfie image, smoothing filter or not :) I did not know there are fridges that don't open if the power is off?? (Just now I can't recall if my power was ever off so long that I had reason to check if I could open my fridge during the break, though...)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

That waiter has a whole career in politics waiting for him! I am sure that Donald Trump would appoint a Secretary of Flattery and he would be a perfect candidate for the job!

Rose said...

Oh, I love your waiter...he sounds fun. I like your selfies...I will never have the nerve to post one.

Donna said...

Cute waiter!
Love your photos! Fun and you do look 60!

Mevely317 said...

Smoothing filter or not ... I think you look wonderful; certainly not about to turn 80!
That boy waiter sounds really sweet. And I'm sensing it's genuine, not just blowing smoke up your skirt. His momma raised him right.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Lovely selfies! Don't let Tropical Storm Debby in the house!

My Mind's Eye said...

MS this was funny, "Hi, its selfie Sunday and I have not taken any current pictures of myself, well, because I do have a mirror."
I need to learn how to take selfies that don't make my neck look like a turkey.
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

You look pretty wrinkles or no wrinkles.
Happy birthday - 80 - in 33 days. I hope I am doing this good at 80.
Funny Bob just joked and had fun not hearing what he said.
That is a good deal with free drinks. We seniors need all the help we can get. sandie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Embrace your age - you look beautiful!!! Nice restaurant and smart waiter - he knew just the right things to say.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Such cute selfies!! And you do look great for such a great age!! That waiter was right! And he deserved a good tip too! We lost our Golden Corral in the Pandemic. They shut it down and never came back up. Now it has been bulldozed and they put a Longhorn's there instead. Frankly I don't like either one. One is too expensive, and the other had too much to choose from so I'd overeat. Your pictures are all good, even the squiggley one. I love your "moss roses and ferns" too. Such fun! I am enjoying my Portulaca that I brought home. I also have been adding little pink wild ones from the yard to the pot. I took a picture of it today, but the yellow flowers weren't blooming as it was too cloudy. I will have to email you a picture when I get a better one. Take care and God keep you safe in this storm.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love it! And I love you! I’m smiling from ear to ear now. ❤️

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra, :)
You do look younger than you are, and you have such a sweet smile. Maybe that's why the young waiter paid you a nice compliment How nice that senior citizens get free drinks.To show yourself just as you are will be brave of you, but realistic, so as others have said embrace your age Sandra.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love your pictures. The moss roses and fern. Glad you went out to eat and that is awesome about the meal and free drinks. That was so sweet of him to say that.