Thursday, August 15, 2024

Part two of Memory Test


Part 2 of my Memory Test. The office was Odd, it was like a small puzzle, that none of the walls or doors were where they should be. the room I am in, was 2 sofas facing each other and a chair. Each of them had a Flood Light, that aimed at each place to sit. That is why you can see my wrinkles. It was very uncomfortable sitting there. In fact the entire office was not comforting. The front door I stepped in was blocked by a huge door that was open accross in front of me, I had to push it closed to get in. It was a huge wheel chair rest room. There was a short Shute like hall and no sign of any humans, no welcomes, nothing. I spied the Small opening in the wall, with a glass that opened, The woman was sitting so far down I had to lean in the window to see/hear her.
then I got the flood light treatment. The offices I went to were not cheerful or comforting.
below are the test I took, I recreated them on the iPad.

This is a testand she asked me to look at the bottom and and write the 2 numbers from above that would be the one like the one at the bottom.
It was better than this and had a entire page of shapes to put numbers. The first one would be 5 and 6, the 2nd would be 11 and 12.

then she gave me an entire sheet that went had 6 rows of what you see below and said read the colors to me as fast as you can. this is a timed test. she circled the one I stopped on when the timer went off.

THEN she gave me this one.
And said read the color you see on each word as fast as you can. NOTICE the first one says green but is red. Read the color of the letters not the words. 
Oy Vey
this last one was an entire sheet full of boxes with symbols in them.
the top two lines show 4 symbols and the number that goes with them. Note: there were an entire sheet full. i just got tired of drawing boxes.
After the first two rows were rows and rows of boxes, each with a symbol. Times again.
Write the # that matches the symbol in the blank box and you can not skip, follow the boxes and fill them as fast as you can.
NOTE up date: some of you are saying the boxes are empty. I will try to clarify.
you have to put the number that corresponds to the shape, look up and see what number is under the sample above the line, each symbol you see at the bottom that has a blank box under it, put the number from above that corresponds with the symbol above it
we shall get results in on Aug 26 at my follow up visit


Ginny Hartzler said...

I would have failed miserably. And I bet a lot of people with normal brains would, too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I bet there is a phycological reason for the weird office!

Debby said...

The office sounds like an episode of the Twilight zone.

easyweimaraner said...

I had solved the color thing the same way like you ;o)))... I'm curious what mark has to do when he goes back to hospital in spetember for all tests.. ...

Ann said...

I would have done good on the first one but the third saying the color and not the word would have messed me up. That last one I don't get at all.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I managed not quite half of the pen-not-word colour before stumbling... errrrrmmmm.... YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

Oh my, I would be tongue tied. Take care, enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It seems almost dystopian.

Rose said...

I have seen the reading the color and the name before..that slows a person down! The last test would be a slow one for me.

Donna said...

I got the first two but that last one makes no sense...there IS no symbol in the "blank" box...?! lolol

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for sharing these, Sandra, quite sure that you will have passed.

My Mind's Eye said...

I am very impressed that you remembered all the tests and could draw them, proof positive your memory is excellent
Yes I have a tower with my Dell. It is nice and compact
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I'm sorry, but that office experience sounds like H-E-L-L. What, no signage at the entry?
I, too, am really impressed that you were able to recreate the tests here. These sound suspiciously like what some companies are now using to screen potential employees. Ugh!

Chatty Crone said...

They probably make it uncomfortable for a reason. Sandra, you remembered the test - which is excellent. It is the last one I don't understand. This is interesting, but I just know you are okay. HUGS.

DeniseinVA said...

Ugh! The whole experience sounds terrible! In such an environment, I think my brain would freeze up.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Goodness....I think I would leave the testing with a big headache...Sounds like they don't want you comfortable at all!

photowannabe said...

I am exhausted just reading about your test. Good grief, too much pressure. I think I would have missed so many just from the stress of the whole thing. Yikes

The Happy Whisk said...

My goodness. I'm tired from all that and I didn't even go. Interesting that they setup the place to be oddball like that. How was the temp of the room? Was it too hot in there?

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :)
Oh my goodness what a nightmare of a situation. I suppose the test is to see how you react under pressure.Just sitting down and waiting would have raised my blood pressure, and those tricky tests, well I tried to do them ,and after the first two,slowed down almost to a standstill. I'm sure you did better than that.

Sparky said...

Good gracious! Thanks for sharing. Just reading all this I would have failed. I'll make it my life's ambition to never submit to one of these tests. 💙

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure hope I never have to take that kind of test. I'd just have to say kiss my grits.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Whatever happened to spell the word "world" backwards, and draw the clock face exactly as they tell you to do it. And who's the current president of the US? OH< THAT would STUMP EVERYONE!! LOL. This test was interesting. I'm sure you did fine, but it definitely took some thinking, and if you were timed, well, that makes it more challenging. Just getting into the place sounds like something from a horror movie or my worst nightmare! LOL. I'm sure YOU did fine. I'm glad it wasn't me. LOL.

Linda said...

I've been thinking about going in for I'm not so sure. Sounds CRAZY!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This makes me feel weird just looking at it all. I would have been a nervous wreck...if I could even get myself inside! I'm so proud of you!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are interesting tests that they gave you. I hope you passed the tests. We had wellness visits this year and they did a few things regarding our mental health.