Saturday, September 21, 2024

Copy Cat Copy Cat #11


Ann's crow, AnnsSnapEditScrap, drawing was my inspiration today.

I chose the crow because I think crows are really interesting and oh so cool. I found these crows at Walmart.   I stood for maybe 4 minutes watching and listening to them then remembered I had perishable food in the car. 

my guess was there were close to 200 of these crows all over the parking lot. the roof line was lined with them, trees, cars and the parking lot.
A True Murder of Crows

this guy is handsome, but does he compare to MINE


Ginny Hartzler said...

We have them here. I call them The Wal-Mart Crows. I love watching them too.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Crows are fascinating birds - and so smart. Everyone should get to know crows.

DeniseinVA said...

I often hear them in the trees. They are fascinating birds. Ann’s drawings are fun to see, I love them. You did a great job with yours.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I LOVE your crow!!! These and other Corvids are a fascinating famly of birds and I join the line of those who enjoy watching them. YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

I love your crow drawing, well done! I have been hearing the crows lately, they stay high in the tree tops. Take care, have a great weekend.

Rose said...

That is a great rendition of the crow. I think crows are

Ann said...

Love your crow and he looks nicer than mine with that beautiful background. You are getting really good at this.
Crows always make me think of Wade. He loved them and was always feeding them at work and then telling me all about it.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Super cool, that's something to crow about for sure!

My Mind's Eye said...

Crows remind me of the Alfred Hitchcock movie the Birds.
A murder of crows is just scary. I have heard the are smart.
Only thing is the 'wash' their road kill and often they use my bird bath and OMCs does it stink
Hugs cecilia

Breathtaking said...

You a getting really good at drawing animals, I love your Crow, it made me smile :)
Enjoy your weekend

Shug said...

LOL.. Like Ginny, we call them Walmart birds..simply because we have never Gone to Walmart, that we haven't seen at least 4 or 5 and even MORE. I think your crow is one of my favorites. Girl are good at this and I always look forward to seeing your next drawing.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

My area where I live is swarming with ravens. In fact even my subdivision is called Ravenwood. I enjoy their antics and they play with my dog every morning. They call out to her - she runs after them as they fly above her. They’re so smart.
I love your crow! Frame it and it would be cute in a children’s room along with other beasts and creatures you create.

DawnTreader said...

You're getting really good at this copy-cat thing! :) We have a lot of crows, ravens, magpies etc here too.

photowannabe said...

Love your Crow !!
You are really getting good at the copy thingy.
We don't have crows often in our Walmart but we do have tons of starlings depositing all over the cars.
Going to a celebration of life this morning so I will have to write you an email later.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It looks awesome. You did a great job. He's really cute. Wow, that's a lot of crows in the parking lot. No, he doesn't compare to yours.

Chatty Crone said...

Awe, I love your little crow - he is so cute. You do something that makes yours cute. What are 200 crows doing in the parking lot? What is there to eat?

Mevely317 said...

I'm going to have to pay attention and see if our Wal-Mart doesn't have its own murder of crows. They're not something I've ever given much notice, but then I guess every living thing deserves to be recognized.
Your scruffy (drawing) is really cute. I love his feet.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Fun picture and I love your "murder of crows". There have been times when I wanted to...oh, never mind. LOL. They are so loud and raucous, and they bother all the little birds around here as well as the hawk, which I enjoy seeing more than the crows. But they are interesting and very intelligent birds, and I was listening to them this morning. They probably saw a hawk because they were so noisy. Anyway, I love your drawing! He's adorable. And quiet. LOL.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We like your crow so much - great job. As for the real ones they are noisy and messy around here. And Mom says they scare her because sometimes they divebomb.

Woos - Misty and Timber

CheerfulMonk said...

"this guy is handsome, but does he compare to MINE". Of course not! Yours has a lot more personalty. 😊

Ida said...

Great crow drawing. Do you remember the cartoon crows, Heckle and Jeckle? - I love crows, they are fascinating birds to watch.