Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Dukes Mixture


 I ordered silicone ice trays and WOW! what a deal. They came with lids, the bottom is soft. Turn upside down and you can push out the cubes you want, of twist slightly and all come falling down. Thanks for telling me about them Ann. Fresh in the freezer straight from Amazon and no cubes on the floor. My first ever ice trays that came with a Ice Tray Manual, both sides with photos. I am still giggling

Duke's Mixture 2.  Above are the shopping bags I take with me to Wal-Mart. 3 weeks ago, I purchased 2 of the bags with wine bottles on them and the other one is what bob's hearing aids came in.
the big bag I have had since selling Real Estate in early 90's
Those wine bags are PERFECT they stand up by themselves, they have pockets to use or not, and I wanted a couple more but they were not to be found in WM which is where I got them.
I like the stand up kind, the others are all floppy and fall around while trying to fill them.

Now I need to make a sign to hang on the steering wheel that says get them out of the trunk 
Dumb bunny.

My morning BP pill,  sits in my coffee cup, next to the coffee pot, I have not forgotten it  a single time since I store it there. 
If you are pondering what is Dukes Mixture, it means to me a hodgepodge of whatever.
Found on WWW

What does Duke's mixture mean?
Years ago there was a "Duke's Mixture" pipe tobacco that was "low end and
The public snickered at Duke's Mixture brand, because it was low end, was a thrown together stew of tobacco odds and ends, and this led early on to the phrase duke's mixture and we sometimes still hear used today, to mean a hodge-podge of something.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I know this saying! But I never knew the origin of it, and now this is so cool!! I have been using this kind of ice cube trays for years, and love them. And you can get all kinds of different size cube ones.

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray for the ice tray!

Rose said...

Glad the ice trays are working for you....I have a collapsible bag that Sarah gave me that i loved.

easyweimaraner said...

aaah good to know about the mixture... we call that shmick-shmack LOL

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Never heard the phrase but now I know! Glad you got three daily living things sorted! YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

Love your ice trays. We have (had) some like that - be careful how you twist them when they are frozen. The white plastic bit can shatter. I would get more however because the silicon bit is a great innovation.