Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Painting Glass


Sitting at the kitchen table, I looked around to find something made of glass, to practice drawing/painting glass that looks like glass in procreate. Above is what I painted.

When completed I got up to take a photo of the vase and when I looked at it the vase was smaller at the bottom and not square like my painting. I sat down at the table and took the 2nd photo from there, and it is square on the bottom. I like the small bottom better and it occurred to me, if I put that photo online to sell it, when the buyer received it, the buyer would think it was not the same vase.
If you saw the vase on sale, which one would you buy?

I think the painting kinda sorta looks like glass. Back to the iPad drawing board.

I have two of these, one is 3 inches taller than the other, and I love both. I bought them years ago at Goodwill. I also bought the matching cookie jar. All 3 came with a cork stopper in them.

I found an old photo with the jar in it.


Tigger's Mum said...

Perspective. The painting is absolutely fabulous. I would buy that. Can you teach me how to represent glass in a drawing?

easyweimaraner said...

we love it... and we love glass... amazing that it is made from earth and we can see through anyway...

Ann said...

Wow, that's crazy how different it looks from different angles. It does look like 2 different vases but I like them both. Your painting is really cool. You did good with that.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The only solution to this dilemma is to buy them both. Actually, in our house I don’t know how many vases we have, but far too many. Of that you may be sure.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wow! That photo of the two vases is really the same vase? I would not have thought that at all! Very interesting. And you did good with your painting. I do like the vase, and the picture of your kitchen shows the cookie jar as well...I love that they add a touch of color to your pretty kitchen. I love that they are sitting in front of the window, so the sunlight can shine through them. Sometime you should take a picture of the sunlight shining through them and casting a shadow/reflection on the wall or somewhere from the glass. You will find that to be an interesting "study" for your painting, or even just photography. Try it and see! And then share it with us, of course! Great post!

Rose said...

I would buy any and all if I had the room for them.

Sparky said...

Your kitchen looks so well ordered and clean. Mine looks like an old farmhouse: all hodgepodge with different angles, shapes and colors, but, that's me all over.
I like glass also. And nice drawing. I wouldn't even begin to attempt something like that. I'd make a mess of it. 💙

Brian's Home Blog said...

You did terrific on your painting, far better than anything I could do!

Chatty Crone said...

I think it's great. It looks like glass. I love the color. And they both do look different, and I think that is good.

My Mind's Eye said...

I love the green glass and the painting you did.
Hugs Cecilia

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You have an incredible creative eye that notices detail of that glass vase with the unmatched angles. I like glass vases like yours. Your painting is very nice. 👍🏻

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I think you caught the reflections especially well!

Shug said...

Your talents are so well recognized in this painting. Quite beautiful and so quaint. ❤️

photowannabe said...

Terrific painting but they do not look the same. Perhaps I woul be happy with the one I bought but after going through some rough patches on eBay I would say its got to look exactly like what you are selling...that being said...I do love what you did and I think they really look like glass..Love the kitchen with the sun shining in on the green glass.. My kitchen never looks that tidy. I clean it and poof..its all wonky again..

eileeninmd said...

The glass vases are pretty, I would like them both.
Your painting is pretty and colorful.
Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your glass drawing is amazing! You did it freehand on the iPad? What happened to the corks? Now come on, you knew I would ask that. Your kitchen, the way it looks is so cool, like a Halloween kitchen!!! LOVE the cookie jar! What do you keep in it now? I probably knew but forgot.

DeniseinVA said...

I love these green jars. I would want them both but I suppose I would reach for the taller of the two. I like how your kitchen looks in the photo, you have such a lot of nice natural light in there. Nice painting you've made.

Mevely317 said...

You know, I adore the look of your kitchen and those cafe curtains.
Your drawing really does resemble glass! As far as the real ones go, I'm drawn to the one on the left. I'm thinking of a DYI project I saw recently, and those bottles would be perfect. Making a note to self to go visit Goodwill.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Very pretty. Mom would probably buy both. She loves all things glass, except for when it comes to cleaning it. She has a very nice collection of blown glass figurines and most of them have color in them.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Betty Manousos said...

fantastic work on the glass. you’re definitely an amazing artist. your kitchen is beautiful and everything in it looks well organized.