Thursday, October 24, 2024

Goodbye Loblolly Pine


From this to that

everything in the above photo is GONE leaving us with what you see below.

the sun that goes down directly to the west is now on our house and yard and yesterday it was 90 degrees on the corner of the house due to losing that tree. the temp was 86

From above to below and This 3000 lb Bobcat was fun to watch but it destroyed the entire side of the yard. the only good news I have is we were only without power for 3 hours. Story later.
we have nothing but black/dirt turning to sand to blow in the pool.
my heart is broken

The top of the tree night blooming cactus and the 15 feet tall orange hibiscus, see the reflection in the pool below and the pink hibiscus 6 feet tall. you might see them above is you click on photo

ALL vegetation is  Gone, so is a lot of money. I have a few more pictures to share of the bobcat


easyweimaraner said...

it often feels a little like the end of a chapter... and I ponder about the time the tree or the plant was a little greenie and what times and people and things it saw... but we have to do what is needful even when it hurts...

Rose said...

It leaves me feeling strange to see the empty space.

eileeninmd said...

It is always sad to take down a tree. We could use more sunlight on and around our house. Sorry your yard/plants were destroyed and the pool getting dirty. Take care, have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
That's a big hole to adjust to... I know it needed doing, but quite understand the sadness it brings. YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I understand your sadness at losing the tree. I would feel the same way. In many ways it’s akin to the loss of a family member. The scars inflicted by these back-to-back hurricanes are deep and will hurt for a long time. I hope that you are doing okay.

ZOOLATRY said...

So sorry, losing trees, yard beauties is a big loss ... they give shade and protection to our homes, also some privacy within our neighborhoods. I've never forgotten the 'cane that took off the entire back half of our home (East coast of Florida) in 1995. A year of living with mess and boards and rebuilding. But in time, all that is over and life begins anew ... and even our little dog at the time could return to play in the yard! It will happen!

DawnTreader said...

Sorry for the loss of your tree, no doubt you will miss it. I suppose you'll just have to keep reminding yourselves that it would have been worse to have it fall on your house (or your neighbour's)... ♥

My Mind's Eye said...

I love a pine tree so tall and majestic; however, up here once their needles are covered in ice or snow they become very dangerous.
About 10 years ago we had a huge pine branch full of ice and snow drop from the very top ~about 50' to our driveway. It missed our car by about a 1'. It and its relatives were cut down lickety split.
Sending purrs that you are all having less stressful days
I'm sorry you lost your shade

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's very sad to lose so much outside, it all was such a part of your homestead.

Debby said...

I’d be sad as well, losing such a beautiful tree and a staple in your yard. Trees "breathe" in carbon dioxide and "breathe" out oxygen as well as gifting us with cooling shade. All I can do is rationalize by saying it could have been worse - but it’s still sad and it’s just another loss in life.

Mevely317 said...

I'm so sorry! Trees like that become like backdrops to our lives ... the stage feels oddly empty. I look forward to seeing what y'all find to take its place.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We had a tree this big in the center of our front yard, it was the showpiece of the property. I was so upset to have it taken down! And more light in the house and at the pool for sure. Maybe awnings over the windows? Everything will come back soon and all the dirt will be gone. So sorry!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a humungous change this must be, sending our love as you adjust to your new normal.

DeniseinVA said...

Sorry you lost your tree and your plants and the pool getting dirty. Such a lot you've gone through. Sending a big hug.

Chatty Crone said...

I wish I could fix your broken heart. It saddens me. I am so sorry about your lovely yard. I do not understand why all that happened - twice. I wish I could fix it. I am praying and caring about you.

photowannabe said...

I feel your sadness too. Change is so hard and that's a big hole in your yard and in your heart. Sorry so much $$$ has gone too. Prayers for you and Bob as you "regroup" and try to move on with life.

Ann said...

Oh my. That is just heartbreaking seeing all of that gone. Now it's time for something good to happen. You are over due.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm in tears. I am so sorry you had to lose that tree and the mess they made of the yard. My heart hurts for you and all that you are going through. ((HUGS)) Praying your life becomes a little more normal as time goes on. God Bless you, Bob and Beau.

CheerfulMonk said...

That’s heartbreaking. I’m so sorry.

Kit Harland said...

I know you will miss the beautiful tree.
I sent you an email, it might have landed in your “junk” folder. Take care, Kit (from Cecilia’s blog)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is truly so very sad to see all the loss and destruction. But you are alive. Plant a new tree and the generations to come will love it.

Woos - Misty and Timber