Thursday, October 3, 2024

Hurricane Helene sept 26. 2024

       Hurricane Helene side swiped Bradenton on Sept, 26 2024. At 5:39 pm Helene's eye was 100 miles from us, and she was 400 miles wide, we were side swiped by her and might not have survived is she came on shore. We have been through 6 hurricanes, 1 tropical storm in our 35 years in this house. This was the most terrifying of all of them. We had no damage to our home, we have had much more damage than this storm, but we were the lucky ones. At 6;36 we lost power, and it was down for 38 hot, humid, dark hours. From noon on the 26th the winds howled, and roared with 50 mph gusts, after dark the winds were coming in gusts to 80, that made our 100-year-old oak tree bow down to the ground, the wind made sound like a giant blowing in a giant sized coke bottle. 

I did not sleep for about 30 hours. bob slept a little, but my fear kept him awake. In the past he took his hearing aids out and slept through all the storms, this one was more ominous, and he left them in.  we are surrounded by trees; huge trees and the noise was much louder in the DARK.

I am afraid of the dark, have been since birth. the entire house was BLACK DARK, my ears working overtime. I paced, I turned flashlights on and off, we had 6 flashlights but no lantern to let burn, I lit the oil lamp but was afraid of fire for the first time ever. I blew it out. around midnight when it was at its             worst, with flashlight in hand, I gathered the 3 portable chargers and sat them and the watch I had purchased the week before (there is no clock in the house except phone and electric) on the counter and suddenly remembered this lamp is powered by USB. I grabbed it and plugged it into the little black charger, and I HAD LIGHT. I could carry it from room to room, and it was just enough, when sitting in front of the mirror in the nook, to give light all through the house. When the living room lit up, Bob came down the hall to see why we had light. 

He wanted me to turn it off, and YOU all KNOW I did not. That sweet little lamp gave me light for three nights.

If you know me well, you know that I have a scenario player in my brain that projects any and all things that could happen and probably will. I cannot turn it off.     I died by tree several times, I was trapped and not dead several times, the floods came, and I clung to trees, the phones died, and I could not call for help, there is more and none of it happened except in my mind.  

I also thought I might die from heat collapse, the heat and humidity felt HOTTER in the dark and each night I felt like I might die of suffocation. All windows were open, but no cool air.                                                                                    

 EVERYTHING IS WORSE without power! The heat/humidity was the worst part.

Beau suffered, he panted, he paced, he kept looking at me like, why am I so hot, do something. I fed him ice; I used wet washcloths to wet his face and ears. He would sleep for a while after that and then pace. He was much better off than the 3 pitties next door. They would leave the house and ride in the AC to places that had AC and food and be gone leaving the dogs shut in the house without the windows open. He told me he would give them ice water before he left.  Each time the dogs barked, I suffered with them.

We slept on wet sheets, sweating so much they were drenched each night

I cooked the meat that was in the fridge on the grill outside and put in bags. we bought 3 bags of ice each day, and I kept a cooler with water bottles and a few things, and a bag in the freezer to keep the meat I cooked. I DID NOT Eat any of it because I did not trust it. I have never cooked on our propane grill, but had to do it, and I am terrified of propane, Bob turned it on and off for me, but what a mess i made cooking frozen fish and frozen philly cheese steaks on an aluminon pan. I will purchase a pot/pan just for sitting on the grill because the storms are coming more and more often.

We lost about 700 dollars' worth of food in the fridge. Beaus' yogurt, 2 dozen eggs, 1 gallon milk, 1 gallon soy milk, 5 different cheeses and a door full of condiments.         the fridge was full because I had bought things 3 days before.

If that was no bad enough, my phone advised me DO NOT DRINK THE WATER. Boil it first. We still can't drink the water; they filled it with Clorine.

Added to that we found that Beau will not drink bottled water, I boiled water every day so he could drink it, and at first, he did not want that, but did finally get used to it.   All of our other dogs drank water from the pool if outside and were not picky about the taste.     


WE ARE FINE.                                   


Debby said...

I can’t even imagine. But you all made it through! Celebrate that.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh MY!!! We have lost over $300.00 worth of food several times from different storms. And it ALWAYS happens just after we have grocery shopped and filled the fridge up. Gosh, Beau can taste the difference between faucet and bottled water! I don't think I could. I need this lamp and charger, but cannot imagine what they are! I only have chargers for phone, camera, and vacuum. The TREES would scare me to death! We live in the Tree Streets area, and I was so glad that the two huge ones on our property were cut down. I hate to see trees cut down, but there is a time and place for everything. I hope you are still resting and wish only sweet dreams for you. I would have had the EXACT same thoughts of what would happen!! Dead, trapped, etc. We have twin brains.

eileeninmd said...

I am glad the three of you made it through. The wind sounds terrifying, especially at night when you can not see in the dark.
It is good to be prepared with extra water, the grill helps, lots of batteries for flashlights or lanterns. Take care!

Chatty Crone said...

On my goodness I have been quite concerned about the three of you. The news said it went right though Tampa. I am so glad you were all right. So sorry about the electric - food - yard mess. At the last minute for us - it veered east, and we miss it by about 20 miles. So blessed. I am glad you are alive! This hurricane was awful.

Mevely317 said...

Oh Sandra, this is so much worse than I imagined. Great description, "like a giant blowing in a giant sized coke bottle." Since moving here, I've heard of so many deaths when someone's tree crashes onto their house. You and I are so alike imagining possible 'what if' scenarios. Maybe, I rationalize, if I think it and prepare for it, it won't happen? (Someone once said that about carrying an umbrella.)

I'm so sorry y'all endured this ... so happy you've come out the other side physically well. Hugs!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad you all are okay down there. Yes, this was a scary storm. I rode out many hurricanes in FL when I was young but this one blew and howled like I never heard before. Take care and pet that sweet Beau for me.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I am just glad to read you are all still about - albeit a tad 'over it'... take whatever time you need to process... YAM xx

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Sandra and Bob and Beau
I'm so happy to read you are slowly getting back your routine.
I would have kept that light on too. We recently bought an LED
lantern at ACE Hardware. Of course it runs on batteries but LED doesn't use as much battery power. We have two I keep them in the family room this time of year.

I am so sorry about all the food that was lost. Happy the Grill propane tank was full. Yep a small pan to use on the grill will be a good idea.
Thank you for the update.
Hugs and prayers

photowannabe said...

So glad you are ok. Yes the unknown can sure do a "number" on yours and my brains. Rest as much as you can and come back when you can.
Your post with all the descriptions is mind boggling. Wow. sorry about the loss of all of the things in the fridge and freezer. Painful.
Love you my Friend.

CheerfulMonk said...

Love you! Take care the best you can. ❤️

DawnTreader said...

Hard to avoid imagining worst case scenarios in such a situation, I think! Sounds like you still managed well under the circumstances and also thought of the right things to do. Thanks for sharing even if you wrote things down mostly for your own sake.

Tigger's Mum said...

I think I went through every scenario you as you described the storm and aftermath. I lived through a big storm at sea years ago, we got knocked down (quarter of a roll) and all the stuff from one side of the boat ended up on the other side, and I think my brain was doing what yours has been through the hours that it lasted. The noise is awful, but the worst bit is when it all suddenly goes silent and you wonder what is going to hit you next. Clever of you to remember the lights.

Rose said...

I was just starting an email, and thought I will check your blog...I had checked it before daylight. What a time that had to be. I cannot even imagine how Roger would react to no AC when it is that hot. He did not do well before the stroke, even.

Ida said...

Oh wow that sounds like a nightmare & I'm so sorry you all had to go through that. I am thankful you all survived and hopefully you'll be back to regular blogging soon. Just know you are thought of and prayed for.

Ann said...

That sounds just awful. I'm so glad you didn't get the damage that some other areas got though. What you went through was bad enough.

Susan Kane said...

Oh my goodness. You are definitely surviving but this has been a hurricane of such destruction. My prayers are with you, and other victims of this horrific nature event. don't worry about blogging, unless something else needs to be shared.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good to hear from you. Even if you didn't take the full brunt of the storm, the whole ordeal is terrifying. You did very well with what resources you had. Please give Beau a hug from all of us.

Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom