Sunday, November 17, 2024

Hope! just outside our Window on the world


The view on 11/09/2024 at 4:38 pm out our Window on the World. Bob said what are you doing, when stopped drawing on the iPad and stood it on the window sill. I said LOOK isn't it gorgeous out there?
Like nothing every happened 5 weeks ago, he just shrugged.
I SEE thing he doesn't see. I looked up from my nonsense doodling and thought Wow!
I even love the one below. you can see reflections because I had to tilt the iPad away to get the Aqua and Yellow House. To me they both say JOY, he doesn't like them. Even with the post just propped and waiting for repair, our view is beautiful.
The bush in the photo is our bougainvillea, the bobcat backed over it, smashed it flat. and six weeks later, Resurrection! I sprayed it with water twice and Kaboom, it's growing like a weed

mean while in the BACKYARD Woo Boy! I am NOT complaining, just dumping more Hurricane Milton photos. I know how blessed we are!

It is only a fence! Not a life! It can be repaired! A life can not!
On 2nd thought, replaced is a better word than repaired. ha ha

I got the white fence off the neighbors curb pile to use as a blockade. we will do that this coming week.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the house with the pale blue trim! Is that where the big group of people and cars live? You are so right, and you have the best attitude!!

Ann said...

When you can look at the world the way you do, there is so much more to see. Outside your window it looks beautiful. Awesome and amazing that the bougainvillea is growing again.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Given all that you have been through it is a testament to the human spirit that you are so positive. I am glad that you are able to share with us.

DeniseinVA said...

I agree with our blogging friends above my comment. You are a great role model for all of us.

Rose said...

I so love that blue sky...we f iij bally hot sun yesterday and inwas so glad to see it.

Sparky said...

Thankfulness. This is the attitude that pleases God. I try to be more thankful too. Thanking Him for the goodness in my life and also what I DON'T have in my life (sorrows, grief, sickness, etc.). What a wonderful post. I feel so inspired and it makes me smile.
Have a beautiful Sunday cousin.
Love. 😊

Mevely317 said...

Oh, that sky!!! I love how you see beauty everywhere. Not mourning what was, but celebrating what remains.
Perhaps this, the best sermon I'll hear today.

My Mind's Eye said...

MS I love your views and I too am a watcher of everything. Excellent find a white picket fence. Observation is a most enjoyable and free hobby
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

I do love that blue house - but I admit I still see the crooked column - you do have a fantastic attitude - I know at first it had to be so overwhelming!

Shug said...

you sure have a beautiful view out first thoughts were...oh wow, we are fixing to see a beautiful drawing. Maybe at a later date, you will do a fun picture of the gorgeous view. I'm so proud of you for seeing all the good in a situation that could be a bit depressing if allowed. I know the backyard will soon be back in order and better than it ever was....HOPE.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That view is so nice. Your neighborhood looks clean, lawns are green. You’ve all been through a lot and while it took awhile, it will be better than ever. New plants will reach out from the ground. Hurricanes I guess have a purpose like everything else in Gods Plan. A purpose of new life, and hope. I can’t wait to see what else God will be showing you as He heals your area.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I enjoy reading your posts on HOPE. After all that you have been through hope is a beautiful sign. Glad you got the piece of fencing to help block that area. Yes, fences can be fixed.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

How wonderful to see things looking clean and neat again, after so much turmoil for so long. Yes, life goes on...plants spring back to life...they are very resilient! I love the white fence you found. I am anxious to see what you are going to do with it. Little by little, life is slipping back to normal. Yes, there is always HOPE! One day at a time. I love that you are seeing the glass half full these days.