Saturday, November 30, 2024

The Crane, my Afternoon Entertainment


Thursday, mid-afternoon, propped on pillows and reading a great book, I heard BOOM and the ground shook. I flew down the hall and to the kitchen door and as I shouted 
"Bob come look what's in the yard,"

 I grabbed my cell, and well, YOU know what I did. 

I was shouting in spurts like an announcer on a football game.

"Look, it's a crane!"

"They're taking the tree off the roof of the 2-story house, it's been 31 days."

"It's tall, it's taller by 4 stories than the 2-story house."

"It' moving, it's Movin, OMG the wind is gusting 30 MPH, if it falls this way it will crush our house."

(BOB COMES OUTSIDE and walks closer to the fence; I back up with my back to the door and shout as I back in the door, "Come In The House"still madly snapping while yapping)

"ARE YOU CRAZY? get back in the house!"

(I drag him in the house, and he calmly resumes watching the TV
I stand giving a blow-by-blow description,)

"Look Come Look, it just lifted the WHOLE Tree into the air, its swinging, that weighs a ton, its going to turn over on our house."

"LOOK! LOOK! it has a counterbalance ball on the other end, its huge and swinging wildly, so is the tree. IT'S THE WHOLE TREE!"

"Did you hear that THUMP, they swung it OVER THE ROOF OF THE HOUSE and dropped it in the front yard."

"Bob, YOU GOTTA COME SEE THIS. there is a MAN with a chain saw RIDING ON THE BOTTOM of the chain the tree was in, HE"S STANDING IN THE CHAIN, He's swinging back and forth
They are lowering him into the top of the TREEEEE

 oh, hey, Bloggers, I forgot you were there, Can You SEE him?? See the crazy man that rides on a chain hanging from a 7-story crane? 
He rode down into the tree, chainsaw buzzed, and suddenly he was gone and half a tree arose and swung over and was dropped, then it went back, and I heard lots of noise and  
Lo and Behold a GIANT Stump flew across and was dumped.
This was the most
excitement since the bobcat in our back yard.
While the cell phone was hot off the press, um, photo shoot, I snapped these 3 below to show you how the other end of our yard looks, the opposite view of the Hopeful Stump Left by The Bob Cat

When all of this was over, I was sad that the landscape view or our sliding glass doors, has changed forever, make that the rest of our lives.
 I was sad, when Bob said I did not know the tree fell, when did it fall, was it on the house?
I said Milton dumped it on the two-story house, on the 9th of Oct. and he said I did not know that.
We talk about it every time we eat because the tree leaning on the roof was there for weeks and we can see it from the breakfast bar.
Dementia, I hate you!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh! I have never seen anything like this!! A movie for free. But scary as well.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Those tree dudes are like crazy monkeys!
They were kind of like that when our large walnut tree has to come down...before it fell on OUR house. At least the cherry picker truck's 'crane' wasn't 7 stories tall!
I know what you mean about MIL and BIL were stricken with that evil disease...and of course I work with it far too much at the nursing home. I am dementia certified, but it still doesn't truly prepare you to the stark reality of it.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh wow, that was a graphic novel!!! I love how you document these moments... this is how social history is put together a hundred years on... And yeah, dementia sucks. YAM xx

Rose said...

This would have been one of those things I wanted but would have almost been afraid of what I woukd see.

Ann said...

What a fascinating and interesting thing to watch. Those guys sure know their stuff and must have nerves of steel to do what they do.
Dementia is an awful thing. As hard as it is for the person who has it I think it's even harder on the people who love them.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am sure it was fascinating to watch. Thank goodness it seemed to go according to plan and no further damage resulted. They couldn’t pay me enough to be the guy swinging on that chain! Dementia is terrible. One of Miriam’s sisters is now at the point where she doesn’t recognize her. Miriam goes with another sister, Grace, and for a while Beulah (the sister with dementia) would brighten up and say, “My sisters!” Now she stares at them vacantly. It’s very sad.,

Donna said...

Oh, I'm sorry he didn't remember your conversation! Dementia is a beast...
Glad no one was hurt though...and I loved your blow by blow narration! lol

eileeninmd said...

That is a tall crane, I am glad the workers all know what they are doing. The tree came down safely. I am with you, I hate Dementia.
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

Mari said...

Oh my! That's a lot of excitement in your neighborhood. I see the guy hanging in the crane, that's not for me!
I hate dementia too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was pretty exciting! I didn't know that crane riding was a thing.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, how I'd have loved to watch this live! Your play-by-play's so good, I forgot for a minute I wasn't.
Do you ever wonder how those operators train for that kind of work? No room for "oopsies"!

PS - I hate dementia, too.

DawnTreader said...

Looking at it through a camera is probably the best way to fight the urge to just feel terrified... ;-) Good thing there are people who feel up to the adventure of actually dealing with jobs like that though (because otherwise, how would the rest of us manage?!) ... I know what you mean about dementia, thinking of my dad in his last few years.

My Mind's Eye said...

Back about 10 years ago we had some ginormous Pines in the backyard removed.
It required a crane parked in front of the house. Madi and I sat under her favorite skylight watching the tree monkeys shimmy up the trees the watch the very tops of the trees swing over the house. I would have enjoyed watching yours too
Hugs Cecilia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, that was super exciting. I can't believe that man was hanging on. Seems dangerous to me. I'm sorry about what you go through with Bob and his dementia. ((Hugs))

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Years ago, when I had a daycare and saw stuff like this happening, I would gather up my toddlers and preschoolers, and we'd take a field trip to watch the workers. I still enjoy watching - free entertainment. I even enjoyed your photos. That is some cool stuff!

Sorry about Bob not remembering. Yes, dementia sucks!

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so sorry about the dementia, but I’m happy you have all your blogging friends so you aren’t completely alone. What a great description of the spectacle! ❤️

Shug said...

Talking about excitement ....this was a day for excitement. Makes you wonder how much the guy riding on the ball with a chain saw makes per hour. Looks like that could be dangerous job. I guess they are slowly but surely getting things cleaned up. I can't imagine having a tree on the roof of our house and especially for this length of time. I'm glad you gave us a play by play description of what was going on....and the pictures as well.... Pretty neat to see this action..

Inger said...

This reads like a tragicomedy, so sad, so funny at the same time. I hate dementia too, I hate what you and Bob are going trough. It's difficult enough to get old and then to have to go through this too. Sending love.

DeniseinVA said...

These guys certainly earn their money. Thanks for the entertaining narrative. Dementia is such a cruel disease. I am real sorry you are going through this.

Sparky said...

I don't know if the tree workers are brave or crazy! LOL Wouldn't see me up there and I'm a risk taker. Sure do appreciate them, though.
Yes, Dementia is awful. Steve's Mom suffered from it until Jesus took her home. My step-mom had ALZ which is worse. Makes a person mean when they're not mean at all. Such scary stuff.
Thinking of ya and sending prayers. ❤️