Friday, December 13, 2024

Nook Changes

Thursday, 4 AM,Dec 12th, while doing my early am exercises in front of the Nook, I suddenly got a 'bee in my bonnet' and decided to change some things in the Nook.

  I moved the Charlie Brown Tree to the other side of the room and move the statue, that lives on the shelf under the TV, year round. It was a gift from my son and his wife, about 20 years ago and I consider it a work of art and that it deserves to live in plain sight.

I thought, I need to show my friends, the nativity that lives in the nook on a shelf at Christmas and I held the cell up with my quivery, old wrinkled unsteady hands and snapped this photo. Thinking the photo did not do justice to it, and I kind of blanked out into MadSnapper Mode and when I told Bob I now had 60 photos of the things in the nook and it took me 40 minutes to do that, he said, believe me I KNOW!

Of course he did, since the TV/news is on the same wall as the nook.

Should I show the one with shadows on the wall or with
the glass balls above. Oh well, show them both.

Nope, too dark. Oh well, show it anyway.
But wait, there is MORE... you will be shocked! or maybe not!
and as Yam says, you will have more peek than speak,
to be continued 

The reason for the less is more, and leaving 4 boxes of Christmas in the closet is, I may have to have surgery soon, I see the surgeon on the 19th at 9 am, and will find out if it is the bad or the ugly, there are two choices. My primary sent me and he will decide. I may or may not post what type of surgery, but you can still pray for me because God knows now which one it will be. I want the Nook to be good for a month or two if needed, and the way it is, and if needed can stay all year.
I could be out of SORTS for a while.  You can't pray away from the surgery but you can pray for strength in mind and soul and for me to remain able to take care of my tow boys, Bob and Beau.
I know the Baby in Mary's Arms riding on a donkey, has my back.
He said so!
Isaiah 41:10. :
 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.". 


Ginny Hartzler said...

You have four boxes of Christmas decorations? That would take me forever to put out, and arrange back and forth. You know I have been praying for you, for the absolute least treatment you can get, and for strength and peace for both of you. Your first photo is gorgeous, it's my favorite.

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, plenty of prayers that the surgery goes well and that you have peace and courage. ❤️

easyweimaraner said...

hugs and all our good vibes for the surgery day... we currently have 0 boxes of xmas stuff... from all 3 big boxex the bottom suddenly opened like a gate to hell and all the christmas nightmares came out... what a mess... probably the duct tape gave it... and that in a hose where mr. ducttape lives tztztz....

Ann said...

First of all, your nook looks wonderful and I'm glad you posted as many pictures as you did.
I'll be thinking of you and sending good vibes for your doctor appointment and the surgery.

eileeninmd said...

The statue and the nook look beautiful.
I have a couple of box of Christmas in my closet too.
You are in my prayers, you and the doc will make the best decision. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Hands together in prayer - for your strength and wellbeing... and gratitude of your wonderful, creative, witty friendship... YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We’ll all be rooting for you as you have your surgery, and fervently hope that it is the less serious of the two possibilities. Good luck, Sandra.

Mevely317 said...

I don't remember that your son and DIL gave you that statue -- but if you ever decide you don't want it anymore .... (lololol). All these are great, but my favorite is the shadow shot -- complete with a cameo appearance by your pretty manicured fingers. (Unlike my ragged sore digits.)
I love your faith and attitude what's in store in the week ahead. As ever, lifting my prayers.

DeniseinVA said...

You have my prayers Sandra. As David says, we will all be rooting for you. Your nook is truly uplifting. I am glad you take all these photos. I would be doing the same.

Mari said...

The nook looks really nice! I laughed about the 60 pictures because I do the same!
Praying for you as you anticipate this surgery. Yes, God's got this and will be with you.

Chatty Crone said...

I love the statue - I think I like the one alone without the bulbs - it is a pretty statue.
I had no idea you were going to have to have surgery - a complete surprise. So, the 19th you find out what is going to be done. Hope you do it after Christmas. Let us know the date. Yes for praying for you! Absolutely.

DawnTreader said...

It's a lovely statue and deserves a place of honour at Christmas time. Wishing you all the best when it comes to the surgery, or whatever the doctor finds the best treatment. The waiting time while waiting and not knowing is always tough as well. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. ♥

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Such a lovely nook...anyway it's decorated.
Sending up daily prayers for you!!!

Inger said...

You are so lucky to have that nook to display your lovely things in. I take it, it just came with the house and you made such a good use of it? I agree with the above from your Swedish friend, the waiting is the worst. Once you know everything, you will feel much better and deal with it well. I have no doubts.

photowannabe said...

My prayers are right there too, my friend. Claiming that verse for you. Isaiah 41:10
Its perfect. Prayers for your and the Dr.'s decision and all will be well with Beau and Bob.
Love your statue and I'm glad you put it in the nook. Your hand looks pretty steady to me...let's not talk about old and wrinkled ok???

Shug said...


Rose said...

I am slow in visiting amy blogs today..and going to take the rest of the night to visit the few I visit because I have stuff to do...but yes, will pray for wondering how you will get to.and from surgery. I am praying.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your nook always looks beautiful. Mom loves that statue and the manger scene is awesome.

We hope any surgery you have to have goes well for you. Lots of prayers from Mom and POTP from us.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are all very pretty and the nook looks fabulous!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I LOVE the photos of Mary and Joseph and the Baby Jesus...that is so beautiful! Thank you for adding it to the nook! It should stay there a while and "carry" you through this next event. God is with you all the way...please keep me posted on the "plans". You know I am praying already. God is in control and He's got you covered every which way! (((hugs))) Loved this post and ALL the pictures.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

God has faithfully carried you through countless storms in the past, and I have no doubt that He will guide you through this one as well.

Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you with hearts full of hope and faith as we lift up Sandra. This upcoming surgery is not a surprise to You; You are already aware of every detail surrounding it. I ask that You envelop Sandra in Your perfect peace, a peace that transcends all human understanding, to guard her heart and mind in Christ Jesus, as promised in Philippians 4:7.

Please bestow Your wisdom and skill upon the medical team that will be caring for her. May their hands and minds be led by Your divine guidance as they work diligently to ensure a successful surgery, recalling the assurance in James 1:5 that we can ask You for wisdom and will receive it.

As Sandra embarks on her journey to recovery, I pray that she feels Your presence beside her, offering strength and healing in her time of need, as declared in Isaiah 41:10.

Additionally, I ask for Your comforting embrace to surround Bob and Beau during this challenging time. May they find solace in You and experience the peace that comes from knowing You are near, as described in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.

Be blessed!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Deciding what decorations to display can always be challenging and I go through a similar process, Sandra. Enjoyed seeing all your decorations. Hope that whatever news you get about an upcoming surgery will not be bad news. Having a positive attitude and faith are two good things on your side and also all our good thoughts.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The nativity and lantern with poinsettias looks lovely. The glass nativity is beautiful too. Wow, that was a lot of photos and the time it took you to do it. I am glad to hear that you have an appointment this coming week. I am definitely praying for you. Thank you for sharing that Bible verse. I need that now too!

DeniseinVA said...

Your nook is incredible and you have my prayers. Healing energies are heading your way my friend.

Linda said...

Love you, Sandra and praying for you. God always has a plan....