Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Crow and the MadMagpie


The sun was coming up when I walked out of Wal-Mart pushing my basket of groceries. The sky was full of crows, they were on the cars, parking lot, all the light fixtures and the fence that hold the baskets.
I love crows, no photo, it was too dark, and we were talking. I drew him for you out of my memory shows you how the biggest crow I have ever seen, was watching me as I talked to him in baby talk. (yes, I talk to crows)
He landed about 10 feet from me, and I stopped to see what he had in his mouth. He was fascinated by my talking to him, and he stared down at me much like Beau looks when I tell him a story. 
photos taken while I was telling him a story. he will sit as long as I talk, we get to laughing so hard I can hardly talk.

I asked Crow what he had in his beak, and he dropped it; I told him it looked just like the pigs' ears that dogs like to eat. I told him he is the biggest crow I have ever seen.

I turned to walk towards my car and a man about my age was standing watching me, He laughed and said I think that bird likes you! I laughed and said, I was asking him what he had in his beak. He said what was it? I answered I don't know; it looked like a Taco, but he did not tell me.
 do you talk to critters? birds? lizards? I do.
I always apologize to the lizards when I remove the poop bag AKA Lizard Buffett. The lizards listen to me just like Beau and the Crow.

the map above, the circle is Egmont Key and Islande that is 33 miles by car and 2 miles if I could fly like a bird. Egmont is a bird preserve and every morning when I am walking Beau, from the direct of the island, thousands of crows leave that island and fly to the east over our heads. They and the one I talked to, are fish crows. I came home to look up their name and dove down the internet HOLE for about an hour. 
I had no idea Crows are Corvids; I love that name. or that our local birds are Fish Crow and live on Egmont Key. Now I know why Beau and I see thousands of them in the air every day at daybreak and we see the sky filled from our backyard every evening at about 5;30 which is sundown
The most interesting Fact I found, is this...

In the family of Corvids is a MAGPIE. 
info found HERE

Crows, Magpies, and Ravens Talk! You may be surprised to learn crows, magpies, and ravens can talk. These birds can mimic other birds and human speech so accurately that people believe they are hearing a person.
Are you picking up what I am putting down? Crows and Magpies TALK! 
I may change my name to Mad Magpie. I talk so much that Birder, David G, commented that he hopes I never sit by him on a plane. 😉😉
I learned a lot, if you care at all the info in in the link or just type in Crows vs Magpies or Corvids


CheerfulMonk said...

Great post! We have ravens instead of crows here, and we are aware of how smart they are. Tomorrow's post (Dec 7) is a video of a crow.

DeniseinVA said...

I agree, great post! I loved your crow drawing, and all the info about them. Yes I talk to my critters out back all the time.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love these pics of you, and you did such a good job drawing the crow. Yes, I knew all of this because I am a birdwatcher and have several books about Corvids and Crows. There is a good book written by the Crow Keeper at the Tower of London. I DO talk to animals, would like to talk to birds but I know I would scare them away. You must be the Bird Whisperer. I see why they stay and look while you talk, you have a beautiful melodic voice.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I am as much a fan of Corvids as I am of Gulls - two species that often get a bad 'wrap', but live long and have marked intelligence. And yes, I talk to all things! YAM xx

Donna said...

We have Crows here...Chattery bunch!

Ann said...

We get crows here and every time I see them in my yard I ask if they are here to see Wade. He loved crows and used to feed them every day at work.

jabblog said...

Corvids are one of my favourite bird species. We have lots of crows and magpies, and even jays visit our garden sometimes. Of course I talk to them - it would be rude not to.

DawnTreader said...

I've heard of talking ravens, but not crows and magpies. It happens that I talk to the hares living in the cemetery - but as I usually whisper (to tell them they have nothing to fear from me) I'm not sure they hear me :)

Rose said...

I did know they are corvids, and that magpies are...learned that magpies are from John's video I posted with the magpie on the cows...cause I wondered if male and female look the same....they do. As do all Corvids...our Blue Jay is a Corvid, too. And I did know Crows could talk

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sandra,
I love all the birds, even the crows. I have talked to the birds and the furbabies. Cute photos of you and your pretty tree and decorations. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You get very high marks today, Sandra, for your newly acquired ornithological knowledge. And yes, I talk to birds all the time. Especially the crows that come to our house every day. Corvids are extremely intelligent and real communication is possible. Not on the level of communication of one human to another, but real nonetheless. The scientific name of your fish crow is Corvus ossifragus, the genus, Corvus indicating that it is a member of the corvids (or Corvidae), the specific name, ossifragus, means to break bones and is thought to refer to the birds fish-eating habit. Probably more than you wanted to know, but I told you anyway! Have a wonderful weekend.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Yes, I talk to the crows and other birds and lizards and stray cats and squirrels, and any other creature who happens to cross my path. Oh, butterflies and dragonflies, you name it! I talk to them. Sometimes they do talk back. I've had conversations with birds when I mimic their call and the respond back to me. I think the wild kingdom is just as fascinated with us as we are with them. I'm sure they have formed interesting opinions of us just like we do of them. They may even look us up on the internet to find out what makes us tick. I love this post and and yes, you and I could probably talk like a couple of magpies if we were together!

obscure said...

I love crows too! Am fascinated by the stories of people feeding them and having them bring gifts in return. I also recently read that they hold grudges for up to 17 years lol

Mari said...

I've heard that crows are very smart.
I talk to animals too.
I'll sit by you on a plane. :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Beau 'Twas the day of the Crow and Magpie.. oh My your Mom does so delight my mind's eye
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

How fun, your conversation with that crow! You probably made that man's day -- realizing we're not supposed to be all serious adult-y. I talk to the birds and all animals, too. Never forget the time in Savannah I was talking to the horse (as in horse-drawn carriage) and the man I thought was "Mr. Right" informed me I'd humiliated him by doing so.

Chatty Crone said...

Well, as usual I learned something today. I really didn't know all that.
Great job with your drawing. You are so talented.
I would talk to animals and critters if there were any around - I used to talk to Disco.

Millie and Walter said...

Is it not normal to talk to the birds and animals we see in our daily life? LOL! We see so much wildlife around our house I'm always having conversations with them if I'm out there. Mostly to tell them they don't have to run away from me and with the birds it's to remind them that I'm filling their feeders. If you want to go down a corvid rabbit hole look up "Fable the Raven" on Youtube. You will be amazed at all that bird can do.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh man, you are speaking my language. I love Ravens and crows...My subdivision is called Ravenwood - we have ravens everywhere, and we love them. They are quite the characters! They are so smart too. They recognize the people they see all the time. We have two of them visiting our yard, looking for Laydee. If she isn't out there, they call for her. She hears them in the house and goes crazy because they play this game - they fly overhead. mocking her, she runs, jumps, and barks at them. It is so cute to watch the Ravens and my black lab play!
Yes, I talk to all animals. Farm animals, birds, pigeons in the parking lot, lizards, frogs, snakes, insects - I permitted a spider to live in my house as long as he kept his friends in place - and did not visit me while I was in the shower. As long as he would get those darn flies! This arrangement worked well until he let the wrong spider get in. They had a bunch of babies, and it got out of control. It hurt my heart when I had to eliminate all the spiders. (Obviously, I do not have Arachnophobia)

I love this post. And I adore that green drawing of the crow. Very good, Sandra!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was so much fun! Yes, I talk to all animals and they do like to listen!

Shug said...

Lol... We call them Walmart birds and now my grandkids call them Walmart birds. They are everywhere in the parking lots. I try talking to the squirrels in my yard, but they only bark back at me...maybe they are talking and I just can't understand. I think it is very interesting how birds can talk....The man that lives across from me has a bird in the breeze way of his garage...when the door is raised, if I am outside, the thing whistles at me..... I honestly thought it was my neighbor whistling until I realized it was the bird. Have a happy and fun filled weekend

diane b said...

A very interesring post. Yes I talk to birds too. WE have crows and magpies here but we also have screeching birds hanging around at the moment.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Nice drawing of the crow. I love that you talked to him. That is interesting about them flying east each morning from that place. I love the photo of Beau listening to you tell a story.