Saturday, February 8, 2025

Art is in the eye of the beholder


Standing in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water, I glanced down at the air drying dish drainer and realized I love the reflections of the clean glass and pots.
Just Sayin, to me this is art.

Michelle and Dan

 My son Dan and his wife Michelle, are coming Sunday for a visit. It's rare even though we are only an hour drive away. The both work 6 days a week and have a house full of pets. I don't drive on interstates and my car is a 2007. 

I will not post on Sunday or read blogs and Monday I have 8 am appt to get results from last weeks test. I will post after the visit to the doctor.
I have been playing with brushes in Procreate, not really art, just playtime, but here are he few I did no delete.

Above is a brush of a tree, its like using a stamp on paper. I created the below, using this stamp, and a bird stamp, and painted the clouds and sky and snow.
the purpose was practice making a flat stamp, as above looked more like a tree. its really hard, but fun.

these are all practices. Digital art is a mix of all medias, as in below merge a photo and draw a heart.

Jackson Sandra Pollock-ish???
I love smearing paint with the brushes.

See you Monday sometime


Ginny Hartzler said...

Favorites are you & the heart and the trees with birds. That one is so amazing I am going to print it and put it somewhere.

CheerfulMonk said...

My favorite is the black and white one, the second to the last. For some reason it resonates with me. ❤️

Tigger's Mum said...

I like the depth and layering you achieved with the trees. Enjoy your weekend - Dan and Michelle look like a happy couple whatever the challenges they face.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Applying stamps in art is known as printmaking - and you did a great job! Enjoy the young ones and see you on the other side! YAM xx

jabblog said...

Enjoy your weekend. I hope your test results will be encouraging.

eileeninmd said...

I love the trees with the birds and the heart image.
Enjoy your weekend and visit with your son.
I hope all goes well with your doctor visit and test results.
Take care, have a happy weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s good to view the simple chores of life as art. I will be sure to glance at the dishes more closely from now on. Enjoy the visit with your son and his wife. Look forward to your return.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I just scrolled back and looked at your pictures again, and just noticed that the one with the palm trees had you swinging on a swing! I did not notice that the first time I looked at it and only saw the trees and thought they looked like puzzle pieces, until I just now realized that was the swing picture! LOL. See? It pays to look at things from different perspectives and see the whole picture!!!

Ann said...

That's a really nice picture of Dan and Michelle. Enjoy your visit with them.
I love all your art. I think the trees and the birds is my favorite but the other ones are awesome as well. You have a gallery full of masterpieces here.

My Mind's Eye said...

OMDs how exciting and wishing you the best visit. OMDs...just so exciting and lots of purrs for you doc visit
Hugs ceciila

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Have a wonderful visit! I sure miss my boys!

Mari said...

I loke your art, especially the one of you with the heart.
Have a great visit with your son and DIL! Praying your appt goes well.

Millie and Walter said...

We like all the art you created. Enjoy your visit with your son and DIL. Our paws are crossed that your test results are good.

DawnTreader said...

I love the one with the trees and the birds. Hope you get a really good day with your son and his wife.

The Happy Whisk said...

The visit sounds fun. Hope all is well with the test results.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a very interesting piece of art. I hope your visit with Michelle and Dan goes well, along with him helping you with some issues around the house. Hope your results are good good. I will be praying for you. I love the trees with the birds. Also you look sweet in the heart. Take care.

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, the one with birds taking flight above the trees could be an awesome Christmas card. All the same, my favorite is your Valentines. My first ..... and no postage required!
I'm so glad Dan and Michele are coming to visit. Have you told Beau yet?
Lifting my prayers for a great doctor's visit.

photowannabe said...

Enjoy your visit with your son and daughter in law. I'm so glad they are visiting you.
Love your doodles and how it makes you feel.
Happy 40 years.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We love your artwork. A nice way to relax and take your mind off life. Good luck at your appt. and enjoy your visit with family.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm glad Dan is coming for a visit. We'll be waiting for an update after your doctor visit.

Kten said...

Enjoy time with your son and DIL and I hope you get good test results. The Lady of Lee and Phod

DeniseinVA said...

I love how you make an ordinary picture into a work of art. l can see you had a great time doing these. Always enjoy them. We saw about a hundred crows landing on a store the other day. Your bird stamp picture reminded me of them. Have a great time with Dan and Michelle.

Jo said...

Dear Sandra, I love your air drying dish drainer. I love your handsome son and DIL. I'm pleased they visited you. I love your art and remember all the digital art ideas you helped me with before I had four jobs. How ARE you, my friend?

Sparky said...

Only you can look at a drainer full of drying dishes and see art. *giggle* You are so precious.
The digital art looks like fun! The heart one and the green trees with the birds is my fav's.
Hope your day with Dan and Michelle was fun, magical and memorable.
Love. 🥰

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Hurray for family visits! Having more people around is great! My person says creative time is very important. I get creative with peeing and shredding garbage that I find on Walks!

lexitheschnauzer said...

I'm sure you, Dan and Michelle had a wonderful visit. And yes, I can see the art in those drying dishes with all the glass that you can see through, too.