Sunday, March 16, 2025

BeauSpeak on Sunday Selfie


Do you think my ears look like a dog from Star Wars? take a closer look and the pointed ears look is two wrinkles in the leather with light from the Window on the World reflecting..

Ha Ha Ha

Mama chose this photo as her favorite try for a Selfie. She said this is my 
I am SERIOUS MAMA, put the laptop DOWN and fix our lunch.

I have a tip for all you dog owners. Mama files by nails with a tempered Glass Emory Board, she was surprised to find they exist. She bought daddy toe nail clippers and a small one came with it. wow do the file, even my tough big dog nails, and I love it... here is a photo of mine. It has my name on it, we all have our own. It said to wash them and that if you share you can share germs too.

before you ask, I want you to know I love it and once slept through the whole filing of my dew claw sharp claw


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my GOSH!! I really thought this was your ears, Beau!!! What a cool effect. I usually do not like black & white photos, but I like the black & white of you the best! You look so much sharper!

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes! I did see those Star War ears. 😊

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh yes, those 'ears'!!! That was a clever shot bu mum... and I LOVE that you are staring straight at us today, Beau boy. Yes, even standard ladies nail boards ought to be entirely personal - a great many unwanted particles can be stored under our nails... which is why they are great soures for CSI..!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau I might have to look for one of the magic boards. Your ears are perfect dear one.
Crazy blogger acting up again this morning had t delete an repost my Sunday post
Hugs to you all

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,
You are adorable, love your cute ears!
Wonderful photos too, looking right at the camera. Good Boy!
Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

Ann said...

I am laughing over that first picture because it really did look like your ears were standing up. I had to open the picture up to look closer.
Cool find on the emory board. All we have around here are cheap ones that don't last very long.

Mari said...

How cool is that? I thought that was your ears Beau - I had to look twice.
Good find for the nails!

Sparky said...

I'm gonna have to get me one of those glass emery boards! How clever. Thanks for letting me know.
We're getting rain right now (9:20 am). So far, so good on the storm. Prayers that we all do well through this system.
Blessings 🍀

Millie and Walter said...

That's funny how the wrinkles in the leather make it look like you have pointy ears, Beau. We love your selfie.

lexitheschnauzer said...

Chia: Hi Beau, yep, sure does look like your ears are standing up there, buddy. And Miss Sandra, Mom loves her nail filing thingie that's like that. But I don't think I like you anymore for telling her she could use it on me...XOXOXOX Chia

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Spock ears! You look adorable Beau! Mama takes good care of you.

Mevely317 said...

Your 'ears' had me going for a minute, Beau. Mama's so clever!
My friend gifted me 3 of those glass emery files a few years ago. I'm not a fan, but never thought of using them on the girls. Thanks for the tip!

jabblog said...

Clever photograph, Beau. Your mama is a clever lady.

Anonymous said...

I had to take a second look at the ears.. I thought it was your ears Beau. your momma makes life fun for you

Kten said...

Lady tried that with us before and it worked better than clips. Phod who fortunately keeps short nails and doesn't need nail care often.