Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Clever Tips


My large all in one Desktop was not quite high enough. Clever Me searched the house for something turdy and about 3 inches tall, to lift the computer a little higher. I found something in the closet to raise it 3 inches. Can you guess what it is? I will tell you the answer AFTER you read how to make a pie. you may skip the pie if you want to, but I will KNOW! 

Below is my clever recipe for 30 minutes from start to finish, chicken pot pie.
1 can chicken breast or rotisserie chicken if I have it
1 can Cream of Mushroom soup
1 can or bag of mixed veggies, mine is carrots and peas.
 dump drained can of veggies in pot
Heat to boiling, and lower heat keeping at boil for about 3 minutes.
open the frozen double pie crust, 
place one pie crust on cookie sheet to catch over spill
 pour hot mixture in crust, 
turn other crust upside down, on top of mixture
pinch edges together and let sit 5 minutes, 
carefully lift edge of top pan 
prick with a fork a few times
Bake 20 minutes 375 or whatever works on your oven
Clever Cook is my 2nd name, I hate cooking. No thawing or prep, just open cans and frozen crust.



Ginny Hartzler said...

A gun cleaning kit! Wow, that was unexpected and really gave me a start! Great no-fuss recipe, and I love chicken pot pie. I may try it!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The chicken pot pie recipe looks great. Maybe I’ll give it a try.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...which, means, I trust, that there have been no guns to clean... And I'm all for quick recipes! YAM xx

Ann said...

I never would have guessed gun cleaning kit in a million years.
My pot pie recipe is even easier than yours. Buy frozen pot pies, remove from freezer and place in oven till done.
Wade used to like them and I believe I actually still have one in the freezer. I can take them or leave them. Obviously I'm more inclined to leave them.

eileeninmd said...

Your pot pie recipe sounds easy and delicious.
I have never seen a gun cleaning kit, it has a good use now.
Take care, have a great day!

easyweimaraner said...

its always such a surprise for what we can use things... if I do such things it mostly works... but if mark starts to invent new things it ends ... different...

Mari said...

You were creative and I think that kit was perfect! The chicken pie looks good!

My Mind's Eye said...

It is a brief case...I think.
I have a laptop tv tray I use when my sciatica is screaming.
I put it on top of my desk it is the perfect height to stand and type. Chicken pot pie was a favorite meal of my childhood. We had them on Fridays,

Shug said...

I am impressed with not only your cooking...(this chicken pot pie looks delicious) But your creativity in adding an additional 3 inches to make your computer the right height. I would have never guessed a gun case.... you did good

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Smart girl on both projects! The gun cleaning kit looks perfect there...nice case! And that pot pie looks good enough to eat! You don't put it in a pie pan? Interesting. Sounds good, although I would probably prefer cream of chicken soup to the mushroom soup. Hubby might like yours better, however. LOL. I love those frozen pillsbury pie crusts. They are almost as good as my mother's, but don't ever tell her that. Thankfully she's in heaven now and hopefully she can't see this. I may have to confess when I see her again. Her pies were always forever the best. Amen.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Good idea on the quick and easy chicken pie. The frozen ones at the store are garbage. I used to like Marie callanders but the quality has gone down. I did buy one from Costco - a family sized pot pie which was really good but at $20! Chicken pot pies aren’t cheap anymore. We used to eat Swansons chicken pies as a kid.
Good idea using the gun cleaning case!

Sandee said...

You have to be comfortable when blogging.

I ate the pie. Hubby loves pot pies way to much. I had to eat it so hubby wouldn't.

Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to handsome Beau. ♥

Chatty Crone said...

The chicken pot pie looked so good! I would never have guessed a gun cleaning kit!!!!!!!!!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I guessed a folded small table...I never would have thought of a gun cleaning kit LOL

That chicken pot pie looks delicious!!

Mevely317 said...

Never would I ever have guessed the gun cleaning kit. (It looks rather like a prop James Bond would carry.)
Your easy-peasy pot pie looks delicious; something Tom enjoys every now and then. Thank you for telling us about it!

Millie and Walter said...

That sounds like a great recipe! Your riser is perfect and looks very sturdy.

photowannabe said...

That's my go to recipe for a delicious chicken pot pie. Well done. I'm all about easy peasy.
I figured the addition was some sort of luggage but it being metal had me confused. Good use for the prop.
I have to say one of your auto correct words gave me a giggle. you said.." Clever Me searched the house for something TURDY ..just made me laugh.

DeniseinVA said...

Gun cleaning kit? Well, that's different but necessity is the mother of invention and whatever you have handy I say. That chicken pot pie sounds delicious!