Sunday, March 9, 2025

Dan's Feral's Beauspeakon seflie Sunday

Beau here, to tell you today selfie Sunday and we want to show you the latest and greatest of my selfie's ussie. You know I hate selfies, and yet here they are, five of them and Mama. She had her Chromebook on her lap, and I wanted attention, first I drooled on Keyboard, then she said no, then she tricked me, by sitting Chromebook on the side and pushing camera on buttons and while she laughs, she just poked the thing that takes photos, and I never knew until now

I allowed the CATS on My Selfie because I love cats and I love my brother Dan

Mama's brain can't remember all the ferals names. she said to tell you Dan and Michelle are back to work, though still feeling sluggish and not 100%. Dan is really tall and takes great selfies with his long arms and Mama says she is thankful he loves all critters great and small and that they are both back on the job.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Mama knows all the tricks, Beau! I am so glad that Dan & Michelle are doing better!

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, I'm glad they are feeling better. And thanks for the reminder about the time change. I knew about it but forgot. ❤️

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Clever mum!!!!!!! We love seeing you together like this. And to know that Dan and co are getting back to normal. Our clocks don't change until the end of the month... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

Beau, your mom is good at getting ussies.
Glad to hear that Dan and Michelle are back to work. Hope they are feeling 100% soon

eileeninmd said...

You mama did trick you, I am happy to see these photos of you and your mama and Dan and the kitty. They are all cute images.
It is great that Dan and Michelle are back at work and doing better. Take care, have a wonderful day and a happy week ahead.

Mari said...

Good morning Beau! Those are great pics!
I'm so glad that Dan and Michelle are better.

Sparky said...

Cute post. Beau is a sweetie. So happy that Dan and Michelle are all better and back to work.
Blessings my friend. 💖🍀

My Mind's Eye said...

I am so happy to read Dan and Michelle are feeling better. These viruses sure do kick one's buttocks. Hugs to MS,Beau and Bob

Shug said...

Good morning Beau...I am thankful that everyone is feeling so much better....You are getting pretty good with all of your news and pictures. Hoping you have a good day Beau and can have yourself a nap or 2.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Good pictures of you all.