Saturday, March 1, 2025

Eye Check up during Timeout Break


during my Time Out I had annual eye exam, wearing my mask against Flu and RSV, which is rampant. My son Dan and his wife are very sick with RSV and had to go to urgent care. Henny Penny doesn't want RSV or flu.

During Time out, I found AI Designer in Pixlr and it created the below cat and I took it to procreate and messed with it. 

I can't draw, my brain will not work. the rest of this is the PHUN I did in precreate. Thank you Ann for telling me about scratch art, although this is not ART like yours I did manage to figure how to do it

I saved the two UGLY PHUN for last.
don't fret, I deleted all of these. after I proved I had PHUN on time out learning new skills I will never use again. 

Today is March 1st and now I am in Henny Penny fret mode because its only 
8 Days to the TIME Change.


DeniseinVA said...

These are great and was a lot of fun to do I bet. Sorry that Dan and his wife are sick and hope they are well on the road to being 100%. Hope you had good results with your eye exam too.

The Happy Whisk said...

Here's to not getting sick. I forgot about time change. I thought we were doing away with that silliness. Happy Almost Spring!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I like the second cat the best. Why will you never use it again? You made several really mind blowing images! I am assuming your eye exam went well?

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have claustrophobia as well, and do not like parking garages! This one has ceilings so low that the top of the car almost touches them. It is like you are being crushed. in fact, large vans have to park on the street because they will not fit inside! We have to park in this one a whole lot, because so many of our doctors are here. Large University hospital, so no parking on the streets. And we ALWAYS have to go to the roof because it is so crowded all the time.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm sorry about Dan and his wife but I'm glad you are managing to stay well. I wish they would do away with Daylight Saving Times too!

Tigger's Mum said...

I'd never heard of rsv and had to go look it up. Maaaaaan that sounds scary. NEVER go ogle illnesses. I hope Dan and wife get proper well proper soon.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
The days of the common cold are long gone... I send some POTP to Dan and wife and well done you for masking up. And for having PHUN!!! YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Probably a good idea to mask up, although so far I have not followed my own advice! Keep on having phun.

Ann said...

I need to get my eyes checked I am way over due and need new glasses.
I love that cat and I like what you did with it in Procreate. The others are all really cool. I think the scratch art is kind of fun to do. I don't think the last two are ugly at all. And they are ART. Look at all the paintings hanging in galleries that we would look at and think were ugly but others find brilliantly artistic. I saw a mural earlier on a blog that was supposed to represent water and all it consisted of was different colored diamond shapes all over it.

eileeninmd said...

Happy March! It does look like you had some fun times creating your art. I like the cats and the scratch art. It was a good idea to wear the mask! Take care, have a great weekend.

jabblog said...

Even if you never use what you learned, your brain has had a workout and that is always good.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra I'm sorry to hear that Dan and Michelle have many dang bugs running around. Sending healing thoughts for them
Loved all the color today
Hope you and your two B's are doing ook
Hugs Cecilia