This is how King Jake and Queen Baby Girl watch TV with us at night.
I settled in with remote in hand, coffee cup full, viewed Freestyle and started viewing Raising the Bar. After the second cup of coffee, I put the TV on hold for a trip to you know where, and what to my wondering eyes did appear? Baby Girl, in the new chair (note it is covered with a sheet).
As the Nikon Flashed, one eye opened. Note: she is about the same age as I am and has been retired all her life and has the Loafing down pat.

I took 3 pictures with the trusty Coolpix and returned to TV watching.

By the end of my show, this is what I found.

Pillow on the floor, sheet off chair, Baby wrapped around it all.

You might ask WHY I would put a BLACK sheet on the chair. Click on this photo to see a zillion hairs on sheet.
The thing is, black shows hairs, but a lighter color shows STAINS. The sheets are washable and used to reside on the sofa BEFORE we got smart and bought black leather.
You have probably assumed correctly by now, the Dogs Are in Control in our house. What Fun!
If you want to see Peggy's new comfort Dog, click here. She is the author of one of my favorite blogs, Paddle Tales
Yep, I can relate! We use towels on the couch and one chair and a cotton throw (we cycle through about 5) on the most popular chair! What a sweet dog you have in Baby Girl! Sawyer is too small to jump on the furniture yet but he has the makings of a supreme loafer!
Great post!
Your posts make me smile.
Yep! We can see who rules the roost at your house. :-)
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