"We have walked together in the shadow of the rainbow".
The google addict that I am, I googled the saying and found this meaning.
When something wondrous was seen or experienced Native Americans called it "Walking in the shadow of the rainbow"
I also stumbled on Elmers Rainbow by artist Susan Afflerbach and her story of MY GIRL TRIBUTE click on my girl to read the story and to find the lyrics of Bless the Beast, please don't miss it. CLICK on the pictures for the details.
My Girls story is the inspiration for today's post and this post is dedicated to the abused Children and Beasties of this world..

nice post! karen carpenter's voice can sooth any beast... what beautiful creatures. how diverse our God is!!!
Thank you so much!! I received the same email about the bear cubs and had to google the saying as well. I found you. Very nice post!!
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