Monday, September 28, 2009

Foto Foolishness & Fun

Digital Manipulation Is Fun
This piece of foolishness is NOT a photo, but a painting I made in Digital Image 9. My friend David gave me a painting he did in acrylics. I said, David I think I can do this on the computer. And I did.

These two are from my practice in Photoshop 7. The lizard I painted from a photo of a lizard on the back yard fence, the black and yellow gobbledy gook was he struggle with learning text.

In the above shot, I took a photo of a ride at the fair one night and I attempted to make it glow, still need much more practice on this one.
More Practice in creating shapes in Image 9. I have no clue WHY

Photoshop 7 Fun with cutting tool and filters on these two photos

Below is the photograph I used to PLAY with.

I sat the camera on the ground in the back yard and took a fairly good photo of a mushroom/toadstool. Played with filters for this one.

I am closing this post with my wild and wierd shot. I have a bust that is silver gray. I took its picture, then painted it and cloned it and dabbled and dibbled. So now I have a totaly useless picture of a statue that was painted yellow green. Don't ask why this color, because I don't have a clue.


Sunny said...

You are like a kid with a new toy! LOL! Interesting effects that's for sure.
Sunny :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Playing is so much fun I will have to limit myself by using a timer.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my!! What wonderous sights I see on your blog! You paint as well? You're like a modern day Picaso. My favoritea are the carnival ride and the ones of the plant. I took some mushroom pictures for my blog last week, but they can't compare to yours. About the auto harp player I was talking about. Well, it's not an auto harp. It's a harp guitar. Have you ever heard one? You must! His name is Stephen Bennett and you can find him on I Tunes if you have a mind to it out for free. He is the most renowned harp guitar player in the country. It's a georgous instrument that sounds fairy like. It what you would get if fairies played the auto harp. Check out O Come, Emmanuel, Adirondak Lullabye, and West Plain Waltz. They are Heaven.

Unknown said...

All I can say is, WOW! You are on your way.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

No, ginny, i don't paint. I copied the painting by using the computer.